
Applied Math Colloquium

Friday, September 27th, 2013, 11:30 AM
Cullimore Lecture Hall, Lecture Hall II
New Jersey Institute of Technology


Modeling of cell calcium dynamics in neuroscience and physiology: approaches and challenges

Victor Matveev


New Jersey Institute of Technology



Since the discovery by Sydney Ringer in 1880s that calcium is required for cardiac contraction, it has emerged that calcium ions play a crucial role in controlling practically all fundamental physiological processes, ranging from gene expression and cell cycle regulation to synaptic transmission and endocrine hormone release. Mathematical and computational modeling proved indispensable for a deep understanding of these diverse physiological processes, due to theoretical constraints on the resolution of optical calcium imaging techniques. Such modeling is of particular importance for the understanding of myocyte contraction, synaptic neurotransmitter release and hormone secretion, due to the rapid time course and localized nature of calcium signals involved in these processes. I will describe the challenges and common approaches in modeling calcium dynamics underlying synaptic transmission and endocrine cell function, and describe some results on the interplay between calcium and calcium-binding molecules called calcium buffers in shaping calcium signals produced by the opening of calcium channels on the cell membrane.