Proceeding Papers
1) Zhou, M. C. and F. DiCesare, "Adaptive design
of Petri net controllers for automatic error recovery," Proc. of IEEE
Symp. on Intelligent Control, Arlington, VA, pp. 652-657, August 1988. 2) Zhou, M. C., F. DiCesare, and G. Goldbogen,
"Computer-aided design of discrete event dynamic systems," in 1989
Beijing Int. Conf. on CAD and Computer Graphics. pp. 766-771, August
1989. 3) Zhou, M. C. and P. B. Mirchandani, "Optimal
dispatching of two-priority job stream to two non-identical machines,"
in the Fourth IEEE Symp. on Intelligent Control, pp. 138-143, Albany,
NY, September 1989. 4) Zhou, M. C., F. DiCesare, and A. A. Desrochers,
"A top-down modular approach to synthesis of Petri net models for
manufacturing systems," Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and
Automation, Scottsdale, AZ, pp. 534-539, May 1989. 5) Zhou, M. C. and F. DiCesare, "A Petri net
design method for automated manufacturing systems with shared
resources," Proc. of IEEE Robotics and Automation Conference,
Cincinnati, OH, pp. 526-531, 1990. 6) Zhou, M. C. and F. DiCesare, “Modeling buffers in
automated manufacturing systems using Petri nets,” in Rensselaer's Second Int.
Conf. on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, pp. 265-272, Troy, NY, 1990. 7) Zhou, M. C., F. DiCesare, and D. Rudolph,
"Control of a flexible manufacturing system using Petri nets," in 1990
IFAC Congress Conference, Vol. 9, pp. 43-48, Tallin, USSR, August 1990. 8) Zhou, M. C. and F. DiCesare, "Hybrid synthesis
of Petri nets for manufacturing systems: a case study," in 3rd Int.
Symp. on Robotics & Manufacturing (ISRAM’90), pp. 667-672, Vancouver,
Canada, July 1990. 9) Zhou, M. C., F. DiCesare, and D. Guo, "Modeling
and performance analysis of a resource-sharing manufacturing system using
stochastic Petri nets," in the Fifth IEEE Symp. on Intelligent
Control, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 1005-1010, September 1990. 10) Zhou, M. C. and M. C. Leu, "Petri Net Modeling
of a Flexible Assembly Station for Printed Circuited Boards", in Proc.
of IEEE Int. on Robotics and Automation, Sacramento, CA, pp.
2530-2535, April 9-12, 1991. 11) Guo, D. L., F. DiCesare, and M. C. Zhou,
"Moment Generating Function Approach to Performance Analysis of Extended
Stochastic Petri Nets," in Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and
Automation, Sacramento, CA, pp. 1309-1314, April 9-12, 1991. 12) Guo, D. L., Z. Wang, F. DiCesare, and M. C. Zhou,
"Matrix Moment Generating Function Based Approach for Evaluating Extended
Stochastic Petri Nets," in 1991 IEEE International Conference on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Charlottesville, VA, pp. 379-383, 1991. 13) Zhou, M. C., F. Wang, and D. L. Guo, "Deadlock
Avoidance in a Five-Robot-Five-Assembly-Line System: Petri Net Modeling and
Analysis," in IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event System Theory and
Applications in Manufacturing and Social Phenomena (91'DES), pp. 123-128,
June 25-27, 1991, Shenyang, China 14) Godavari, S., M. C. Zhou, and N. Levy,
"Software integration in design of flexible manufacturing systems,"
in 6th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Arlington,
VA, pp. 25-30, 1991. 15) Zhou, M. C., "Combination of Petri nets and
intelligent decision makers for manufacturing systems control," in 6th
IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Arlington, VA, pp.
146-151, 1991. 16) Zhou, M. C., K. McDermott, P. A. Patel, and T. N.
Tang, "Construction of Petri Net-based Mathematical Models of an FMS
Cell," in 1991 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,
Charlottesville, VA, pp. 367-372, 1991. 17) Zhou, M. C., "Computer-Aided Modeling,
Analysis, and Design of Discrete Event Systems Using Petri Nets," in 1992
IEEE Symp. on Computer-Aided Control System Design (CACSD'92), Napa, CA,
pp. 255-261, March 17-19, 1992. 18) Chao, D. Y., M. C. Zhou, and D. T. Wang,
"Extending Knitting Technique to Petri Net Synthesis of Automated
Manufacturing Systems," in Rensselaer's Third Int. Conf. on Computer
Integrated Manufacturing, Troy, NY, pp. 56-63, 1992. 19) Zhou, M. C. and Y. H. Zhuang, "Control logic
design with Petri nets for integrated manufacturing systems," in Proc.
of 1992 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 986-991,
Chicago, IL, Oct. 18-21, 1992. 20) Zuo, Z. and M. C. Zhou, "Solving multistage
decision problems with non-separable performance indices via successive
approximation," in Proc. of 1992 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics, pp. 1526-1531, Chicago, IL, Oct. 18-21, 1992. 21) Huang, Z., J. Wang and M. C. Zhou, "Hybrid
state analysis method in stochastic Petri nets," in Proc. of 1992
IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 992-997, Chicago,
IL, Oct. 18-21, 1992. 22) Chao, D. Y., T.-H. Chen, D. T. Wang, and M. C. Zhou,
"X Window Implementation of Petri Net Based Animation for FMS," in Proc.
of 1992 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 1651-1656,
Chicago, IL, Oct. 18-21, 1992. 23) Tang, T. N. and M. C. Zhou, "Development and
Applications of a Petri Net Simulation Tool for Manufacturing Systems,"
in Proceedings of 1992 JAPAN-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, pp.
1199-1205, San Francisco, July 1992. 24) Wong, H.-M. and M. C. Zhou, "Automated
generation of modified reachability trees for Petri nets," 1992
Regional Control Conference, pp. 119-121, Brooklyn, NY, July 24-25, 1992. 25) Zhou, M. C. and Z. Pan, "A Petri net method for
modeling and performance of token bus local area networks", 1992
Regional Control Conference, pp. 130-133, Brooklyn, NY, July 24-25, 1992. 26) Ma, J. and M. C. Zhou, "Performance evaluation
of discrete event systems via stepwise reduction and approximation of
stochastic Petri nets," in 1992 IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control,
pp. 1210-1215, Tucson, AZ, 1992. 27) Zhou, M. C. and J. Ma, "Reduction and
Approximation of Stochastic Petri Nets with Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
Modules," in Preprints of 12th IFAC World Congress, Vol.
4, pp. 159-163, Sydney, Australia, July 1993. 28) Chao, D. Y., M. C. Zhou, and D. T. Wang,
"Multiple weighted marked graphs," in Preprints of 12th
IFAC World Congress, Vol. 1, pp. 259-263, Sydney, Australia, July 1993. 29) Venkatesh, K., M. C. Zhou, and R. Caudill,
"Comparison of Ladder Logic Diagrams and Petri Nets for Sequence
Controllers of Discrete Manufacturing Systems," in Proc. 1993 IEEE Regional
Conference on Control Systems, pp.
73-76, Newark, NJ, August 13-14 1993. 30) Zhou, M. C. and I. Mayk, "Petri Nets and C2 Reference Models in Command and Control
Systems," in Proc. 1993 IEEE Regional Conference on Control Systems, pp. 81-83, Newark, NJ,
August 13-14 1993. 31) Zhou, M. C. and G. A. Thorniley, "Performance
modeling and optimization for manufacturing systems using Petri
nets," in Advances in
Manufacturing Systems: Modeling, Design and Analysis, Elesevier
Scientific Publishers: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 33-38, 1994. 32) Zhou, M. C., M. C. Leu, P. R. Mitta, and P.
Lilienthal II, "Applying modular manufacturing language (M2L) to CIM
control software development," in Advances in Manufacturing Systems:
Modeling, Design and Analysis, Elsevier Scientific Publishers: Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, 87-92, 1994. 33) Venkatesh, K.,
Zhou, M. C., Caudill, R. , and Fernandez, E. B. "A control software design method for
CIM systems," in Proc. of Conference on Computer Integrated
Manufacturing in Process Industry, New Brunswick, New Jersey, pp. 565-579, April 1994. 34) Zhou, M. C., C. Manikopoulos, and S. S. Nerukar,
"Design and Implementation of Fuzzy Logic embedded Programmable Logic
Controllers for Process Control," in Proc. of Conference on
Computer Integrated Manufacturing in Process Industry, New Brunswick, New
Jersey, pp. 703-717, April 1994. 35) Zhou, M. C., "Reduction of timed marked graphs
and its applications to manufacturing systems," 1994 IEEE Int. Conf.
on Robotics and Automation, San Diego, CA, pp. 807-812, May 1994. 36) Venkatesh, K., M. C Zhou and R. Caudill, "Monitoring
of tool wear using artificial neural networks," in Proc. of American
Control Conference, Baltimore, MA, pp. 2565-2570, July 1994. 37) Xiong, H. H. and M. C. Zhou, "Computer Communication Networks
for Automated Manufacturing," in Proc. of First International
Conference on Electronics and Information Technology, Beijing, China, pp.
178-183, 1994. 38) Wang, F.-Y., H. Kim, and M. C. Zhou, "Dynamic back propagation for
neuro-fuzzy networks," in Proc. of First International Conference on
Electronics and Information Technology, Beijing, China, pp. 140-145,
1994. 39) Zhou, M. C., D. Lubliner, C. H. Cano, X Ma, "Flashlight Assembly
Through Panasonic Robot," in Proc. 1994 IEEE NY/NJ Conference
on Control Systems, Piscataway,
NJ, pp. 86-89, 1994. 40) Manikopoulos, C., M. C. Zhou and P. Shukla, "On
using the national research and education network for the transmission of
healthcare information data," in Proc. of 1994 IEEE Int. Conf. on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, San Antonio, TX, pp. 1322-1327, October
1994. 41) Zhou, M. C., D. T. Wang, D. Y. Chao, and I. Mayk,
"Design of command and control systems using Petri net and
object-oriented technology," in Proc.
of 1994 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, San Antonio,
TX, pp. 2538-2543, October 1994. 42) Xiong, H. H.,
M. C. Zhou and C. Manikopoulos, "Petri net modeling and analysis
of hospital emergency systems,"
in Proc. of 1994 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,
San Antonio, TX, pp. 2339-2342, October 1994. 43) Ralf, R. and M. C. Zhou, "Computer integrated monitoring
for emergence use," in Proc. of 1994 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man,
and Cybernetics, San Antonio, TX, pp. 2159-2164, October 1994. 44) Xiong , H. H.
and M. C. Zhou,
"Performance Models for Computer Communication Networks in Manufacturing
Environment," in Proc. of 4th Rensselaer's Int. Conf. on
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing and Automation Technology, Troy, NY,
pp. 417-422, Oct. 1994. 45) Venkatesh, K., M. C Zhou and R. J. Caudill,
"Automatic generation of Petri nets from logic controller's sequence
specification," in Proc. of 4th Rensselaer's Int. Conf. on
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing and Automation Technology, Troy, NY,
pp. 242-247, Oct. 1994. 46) Christodoulou, S. and M. C. Zhou, "A Petri net
approach to modeling and performance analysis of fiber data distributed
interface (FDDI) network," in Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Emerging
Technologies for Factory Automation, pp. 373-380, Tokyo, Japan, November
1994. 47) Venkatesh, K., M. C Zhou and R. J. Caudill,
"Evaluating the complexity of Petri nets and ladder logic diagrams for
sequence controllers design in flexible automation," in Proc. of IEEE
Workshop on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, pp. 428-435,
Tokyo, Japan, November 1994. 48) Levy, N., M. C. Zhou and Q. Yu, "Real-time tool
wear identification using neural networks," in Proc. 1994 IEEE Conf. on Decision and
Control, Orlando, FL, pp. 1050-1051, Dec. 1994. 49) Zhou, M. C. and E. Twiss, "A Comparison of
Relay Ladder Logic Programming and Petri net approach for a sequential
industrial control system," in Proc. of The 4th IEEE Conference on
Control Applications, Albany, NY, pp. 748-753, September 1995. 50) Xiong, H. H.,
M. C. Zhou and C. Manikopoulos, "Petri net based fuzzy
dispatching of manufacturing systems,"
in Proc. of 1995 INRIA/ IEEE Int. Symp. on Emerging Technologies
and Factory Automation, Paris, France, Vol. 3, pp. 309-315, October
10-13, 1995. 51) Zhou, M. C., D. T. Wang, and I. Mayk, "Design
of Petri Net Objects and their Application in Command and Control
Systems," in Proc. of 1995 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics, Vancouver, Canada, Vol. 5, 3463-3468, October 1995. 52) Ren, X. and M. C Zhou, "Scheduling of Rail
Operation: A Petri Net Approach," in Proc. of 1995 IEEE Int. Conf. on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vancouver, Canada, Vol. 4, 3087-3092,
October 1995. 53) Venkatesh, K., M. C Zhou and R. J. Caudill,
"Design of Sequence Controllers Using Petri Net Models," in Proc.
of 1995 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vancouver,
Canada, Vol. 5, 3469-3474, October 1995. 54) Uzma, S., A. D. Robbi, and M. C. Zhou,
"Anticipatory real-time scheduling of flexible manufacturing
systems," in Proc. of 1995 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics, Vancouver, Canada, Vol. 5, 4131-4136, October 1995. 55) Zhou, M. C., H.-S. Chiu, and H. H. Xiong,
"Petri net scheduling of a flexible manufacturing system using branch
and bound method," in Proc. of 1995 IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial
Electronics, Orlando, FL, Nov. 1995, pp. 211-216. 56) Zhou, M. C. and E. Twiss, "Discrete Event
Control Design Methods: A Review," in Preprints of 13th IFAC World
Congress, San Francisco, CA, Vol. 9, 401-409, July 1996. 57) Xiong, H. H., M. C. Zhou and R. J. Caudill,
"Design of optimal discrete-event controller for a flexible
manufacturing system," in Proc. of 1996 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics, Beijing, October 14-17, 1996. 58) Tang, Q. and M. C. Zhou, "An overview of TV set
top box," in Proc. of 1996 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics, Beijing, October 14-17, 1996. 59) Zhou, M. C., "Generalizing parallel and
sequential mutual exclusions for Petri net synthesis of manufacturing
systems," in Proc. of 1996 IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging Technologies
and Factory Automation, Hawaii, November 17-21, 1996. 60) Zhou, M. C., B. Zhang, R. J. Caudill, and D. Sebastian,
"A cost model for multi-lifecycle engineering design," in Proc.
of 1996 IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging
Technologies and Factory Automation, Hawaii, November 17-21, pp. 385-391,
1996. 61) Xiong, H. H., M. C. Zhou and R. J. Caudill, "A
hybrid heuristic search algorithm for scheduling flexible manufacturing
systems," in Proceedings of 1996 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and
Automation, Minneapolis, MN, pp. 2793-2797, Apr. 1996. 62) Zhou, M. C. and H. H. Xiong, "Deadlock-free
scheduling of a flexible manufacturing system based on Petri nets," in 1997
IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Albuquerque, NM, pp. 132-137,
May 1997. 63) Yan, R. T., M. C. Zhou, B. S. Hu and Z. R. Feng,
"Modeling and control of the FMS Workstation Level Information Flow by a
Modified Petri Net," in Proc. of 6th IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging
Technologies and Factory Automation, Los Angeles, CA, pp. 321-326,
September 9-12, 1997. 64) Paranjpe, R., M. C. Zhou and J. Wang, “Petri net
modeling and performance analysis of Z39.50 search and retrieval protocol,”
in Proc. of 1997 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,
Orlando, FL, October 12-15, 1997, pp. 257-262. 65) Wang, J. and M. C. Zhou, “On information processing
capacity of anti-aircraft tactic command and control systems,” in Proc. of
1997 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Orlando, FL,
October 12-15, 1997, pp. 4337-4341. 66) Zussman E, M. C. Zhou, and R. J. Caudill, 1998,
“Disassembly Petri Net Approach to Modeling and Planning Disassembly
Processes of Electronic Products,” in Proc. of 1998 IEEE
International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, Oak Brook,
IL, pp. 331-336, May 4-6, 1998. 67) Zhou, M. C., R. J. Caudill, and X. He, “Evaluation
of Environmentally Conscious Product Designs,” in Proc. of 1998 IEEE Int.
Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, San Diego, CA, pp. 4057-4062,
October 11-14, 1998. 68) Yan, P., M. C. Zhou, and D. Sebastian, “A Generic
Framework for Integrated Product and Process Development,” in Proc. of
1998 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, San Diego, CA, pp.
2609-2614, October 11-14, 1998. 69) Yan, P., M. C. Zhou, and D. Sebastian, “An
Integrated Product and Process Development Methodology: A Case Study,” in CD/ROM.
of Rensselaer’s Conference on Agile, Intelligent and Computer-Integrated
Manufacturing, Paper No. 46, Troy, NY, October 7-9, 1998. 70) Zhou, M. C., K. Ahmed and R. J. Caudill,
“Disassembly Sequence Generation and Evaluation of Environmentally Conscious
Product Designs” in CD/ROM of Rensselaer’s Conference on Agile,
Intelligent and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Paper No. 50, Troy,
NY, October 7-9, 1998. 71) Jeng, M. D. and M. C. Zhou, “Petri Nets in
Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation: A Review,” in Preprint of The
14th IFAC Word Congress, July 5-9, 1999, Beijing, China. 72) Yan, P., M. C. Zhou, and D. Sebastian,
“Multi-lifecycle Product and Process Development: Selection of Optimal
Production, Recovery, and Disposal Processes,” in Proc. of 1999
IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, pp.
274-279, May 1999, Danvers, MA. 73) Wu, N. and M. C. Zhou, “Resource-Oriented Petri Nets
for Deadlock Avoidance in Automated Manufacturing,” in Proc. of 2000 IEEE
Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp. 3377-3382, San Francisco, CA,
Apr. 2000. 74) Yan, P., M. C. Zhou, and R. J. Caudill, “A
Life-cycle Engineering Approach to FMS Development,” in Proc. of 2000 IEEE
Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp. 395-400, San Francisco, CA,
Apr. 2000. 75) Tang, Y., M. C. Zhou, E. Zussman, and R. J. Caudill,
“Disassembly Modeling, Planning, and Application: A Review,” in Proc. of
2000 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp. 2197-3002, San
Francisco, CA, Apr. 2000. 76) Tang, Y., M. C. Zhou, and R. J. Caudill, “An
Integrated Approach to Disassembly Planning and Demanufacturing Operation,”
in Proc. of 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and
the Environment, San Francisco, CA, pp.354-359, May 2000. 77) Caudill, R. J., Y. Luo, P. Wirojanagud and M. C.
Zhou, “A lifecycle environmental study of the e-Commerce’s impact on
electronic products,” in Proc. of 2000 IEEE International
Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, San Francisco, CA, pp.
298-303, May 2000. 78) Yang, B., Y. Luo, and M. C. Zhou, “A fuzzy
logic-based lifecycle comparison of digital and film cameras,” in Proc. of
2000 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the
Environment, San Francisco, CA, pp. 304-309, May 2000 (The Best Student
Paper Award). 79) Tang, Y., M. C. Zhou, and R. Qiu, “Design of virtual
production lines in back-end semiconductor manufacturing systems,” Proc.
2000 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Nashville, TN, pp.
1733-1738, Oct. 8-11, 2000. 80) Gao, J., M. C. Zhou, and H. Wang, “Mesh
simplification with average planes for 3-D image,” Proc. 2000 IEEE Int.
Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Nashville, TN, pp. 1412-1417,
Oct. 8-11, 2000. 81) Gao, M., Z. Wu, and M. C. Zhou, “A Petri net-based
formal reasoning algorithm for fuzzy production rule-based systems,” Proc.
2000 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Nashville, TN, pp.
3093-3097, Oct. 8-11, 2000. 82) Gao, J., Zhou, M. C., and Wang, H., “A Threshold and
Region Growing Combined Method for Filament Disappearance Area Detection in
Solar Images,” in Proc. of 2001 Conference on Information Sciences and
Systems, The Johns Hopkins University, March 21-23, 2001. 83) Gao, M. and M. C. Zhou, “Fuzzy Reasoning Petri Nets
for Disassembly Processes,” in Proc. of 2001 IEEE
International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, Denver, CO,
May 2001. 84) Tang, Y., M. C. Zhou, and R. J. Caudill, “A
systematic approach to disassembly line balancing,” in Proc. of 2001
IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment,
Denver, CO, May 2001. 85) Sun, H.-W., Zhou, M. C., and Wolf, C., "A
Methodology for Software Development Cost Analysis in Information-Based Manufacturing,"
in Proc. of 2001 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Seoul,
Korea, pp. 787-791, May 2001. 86) Wu, N., and Zhou, M. C., "Resource-Oriented
Petri Nets in Deadlock Avoidance of AGV Systems," in Proc. of 2001
IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Seoul, Korea, pp. 64-69, May
2001. 87) Tang, Y. and Zhou, M. C., "Design of
Reconfigurable Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems with Maintenance and
Failure," in Proc. of 2001 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation,
Seoul, Korea, pp. 559-564, May 2001. 88) Peng, S. S., and M. C. Zhou, “Petri Net Based PLC Stage Programming for Discrete-event Control Design,” Proc. 2001 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Tucson, AZ, pp. 2706-2710, Oct. 7-10, 2001. 89) Peng, S. S., and M. C. Zhou, “Conversion between Ladder Diagrams and PNs in Discrete-Event Control Design - A Survey, ” Proc. 2001 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Tucson, AZ, pp. 2682-2687, Oct. 7-10, 2001. 90) Jehng, W. K., S. S Peng, and M. C. Zhou, “Petri Net Construction and Analysis of Automated Sequential Manufacturing Systems,” Proc. 2001 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Tucson, AZ, pp. 2469-2474, Oct. 7-10, 2001. 91) Zhang, C., M. C. Zhou, and J. Gao, “Conversion Between Discrete Images and Organized 3d File Formats,” Proc. 2001 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Tucson, AZ, p. p2835-22840, Oct. 7-10, 2001. 92) Gao, M., M. C. Zhou, and R. J. Caudill, “Development of Demanufacturing Module for Multi-Lifecycle Assessment and Analysis of Products,” Proc. 2001 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Tucson, AZ, pp. 1856-1861, Oct. 7-10, 2001. 93) Gao, J., M. C. Zhou, and C. Zhang, “2D and 3D Medical Image Database Design,” Proc. 2001 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Tucson, AZ, pp. 2011-2015, Oct. 7-10, 2001. 94) Gao, J., M. C. Zhou, H. Wang, and C. Zhang, “Three Dimensional Surface Warping for Plastic Surgery Planning,” Proc. 2001 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Tucson, AZ, pp. 2016-2021, Oct. 7-10, 2001. 95) Gao, M., M. C. Zhou, and R. J. Caudill, “A Bin Assignment Algorithm for Demanufacturing Automation,” in Proc. of 2002 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp. 2351-2356, Washington D.C., May 2002. 96) Wu, N., and M. C. Zhou, “Deadlock Avoidance in Semiconductor Track Systems,” in Proc. of 2002 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp. 193-198, Washington D.C., May 2002. 97) Peng, S. S. and M. C. Zhou, “Sensor-Based Petri Net Modeling for PLC Stage Programming of Discrete-Event Control Design,” in Proc. of 2002 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp. 1907-1912, Washington D.C., May 2002. 98) Zhang, C. and M. C. Zhou, “Securing Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol” in the CD-ROM Proc. of The 3rd Annual Information Assurance Workshop, 17-19 June 2002, pp. 340-344, West Point, NY. 99) Fanti, M. P. and M. C. Zhou, “Petri Net Approaches to Deadlock Modeling and Resolution in Automated Manufacturing,” in CD-ROM Proc. of 2002 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Tunisia, October 2002. 100) Jehng, W.-K., S. S. Peng, and M. C. Zhou, “Modeling and Analysis of Disassembly Processes of Motors Using Petri Nets,” in CD-ROM Proc. of 2002 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Tunisia, October 2002. 101) Peng, S. S. and M. C. Zhou, “Knowledge Representation for Petri Net Based PLC Stage Program of Discrete-Event Control Design,” in CD-ROM Proc. of 2002 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Tunisia, October 2002. 102) Zhou, M. C. and S. S. Peng, “A synopsis of Petri net classes for manufacturing automation,” in CD-ROM Proc. of 2002 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Tunisia, October 2002. 103) Zhu, H. and M. C. Zhou, “Formalizing the Design of a Collaborative System by Petri Nets,” in CD-ROM Proc. of 2002 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Tunisia, October 2002. 104) Gao, M., M.C. Zhou, and F.-Y. Wang, “Improvement of Product Sustainability,” in Proc. of 2003 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 3548-3553, May 2003. 105) M. Gao, and M. C. Zhou, “Product Sustainability Improvement Based on Performance of Product Components,” in Proceeding of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment & the IAER Electronics Recycling Summit, Boston, MA, May 2003 (won Best Student Technical Paper Award). 106) Zhang, C. and M. C. Zhou, “A Stochastic Petri Net Approach to Modeling and Analysis of Ad Hoc Network,” in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education (ITRE2003), pp. 152-156, Newark, NJ, USA, August 11 – 13, 2003. 107) Peng, S. S. and M. C. Zhou, “Production Cycle-Time Analysis Based on Sensor-Based Stage Petri Nets for Automated Manufacturing Systems,” in Proc. of 2003 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 4300-4305, September 14-19, 2003. 108) Wu, N. and M. C. Zhou, “AGV routing for conflict resolution in AGV systems,” in Proc. of 2003 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 1428-1433, September 14-19, 2003. 109) Li, Z. and M. C. Zhou, “A Novel Siphon-Based Deadlock Control Method for Flexible Manufacturing Systems,” in Proc. of 2003 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 1452-1457, September 14-19, 2003. 110)
Gao, M. and M.
C. Zhou, “Fuzzy Intrusion Detection Based on Fuzzy Reasoning Petri Nets,” in Proc. of 2003 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 1272-1277, Washington D.C., October 2003. 111)
Jiang, Z. and
M. C. Zhou, “A Prioritized Parallel Transmission MAC Protocol for All-IP
Wireless WAN beyond 3G,” in Proc. of
2003 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 3852-3857,
Washington D.C., October 2003. 112)
Li, Z. and M.
C. Zhou, “A Deadlock Control Method Using Elementary Siphons of Petri Nets,”
in Proc. of 2003 IEEE Int. Conf. on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 2716-2720, Washington D.C., October
2003. 113) Pai R. R., V. R. Kallepalli, R. J. Caudill, and M. C. Zhou, “Methods toward supply chain risk analysis,” in Proc. of 2003 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 4560-4565, Washington D.C., October 2003. 114)
Pan, J., K.-N.
Zhu, M. C. Zhou, Z. Y. Wang, “Low Resonant Frequency Storage and Transfer in
Structured Water Cluster,” in Proc. of
2003 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 5034-5039,
Washington D.C., October 2003. 115)
Peng, S. S. and
M. C. Zhou, “Design and Analysis of Sequential Function Charts Using
Sensor-Based Stage Petri Nets,” in Proc.
of 2003 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 4748-4753,
Washington D.C., October 2003. 116)
Wang, Z., M.C.
Zhou and N. Ansari, “Ad-hoc Robot Wireless Communication,” in Proc.
of 2003 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 4045-4050,
Washington D.C., October 2003. 117) Zhu, H. and M. C. Zhou, “Methodology First and Language Second: A Way to Teach Object-Oriented Programming”, in Proc. of The Educator’s Symposium, Companion of Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA’03), California, USA, Oct., 2003, pp. 140-147. 118) Li, Z. and M. C. Zhou, “An Effective FMS Deadlock Prevention Policy Based on Elementary Siphons,” in Proc. of 2004 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, New Orleans, LA, April 30-May 1, 2004, pp. 3143-3148. 119) Liao, D.-Y., M.D. Jeng and M. C. Zhou, “Petri Net Modeling and Lagrangian Relaxation Approach to Vehicle Scheduling in 300mm Semiconductor Manufacturing,” in Proc. of 2004 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, New Orleans, LA, April 30-May 1, 2004, pp. 5301-5306. 120) Lee, J. S., M. C. Zhou, and P. L. Hsu, “Multi-paradigm modeling approach for hybrid dynamic systems,¨ Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Computer-Aided Control System Design, Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 2004, pp. 77-82. 121) Lee, J. S., M. C. Zhou, and P. L. Hsu, “Petri net-based design of modular supervisors for remotely human control systems,” Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference, Sapporo, Japan, August 4-6, 2004, pp. 1271-1276. 122) Li, Z. W., Y. A. Zhi, and M. C. Zhou, “A Polynomial Algorithm to Find a Set of Elementary Siphons in a Class of Petri Nets,” Proc. of 2004 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 10-13, 2004, pp. 6042-6047. 123)
Li, Z.
W., H. S. Hu, and M. C. Zhou, “An Algorithm for an Optimal Set of Elementary
Siphons in Petri Nets for Deadlock Control,” Proc.
of 2004 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 10-13,
2004, pp. 4849-4854. 124)
Li, Z. W. and M. C. Zhou, “Some Results and Open Problems Concerning Elementary
Siphons in Petri Net,” Proc.
of 2004 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 10-13,
2004, pp. 1717-1722. 125)
Tang, Y. and M. C. Zhou, “Fuzzy-Petri-Net Based Disassembly Planning
Considering Human Factors,” Proc.
of 2004 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 10-13,
2004, pp. 4195-4200. 126)
Uzam, M. and M. C. Zhou, “An Algorithm for an Optimal Set of Elementary
Siphons in Petri Nets for Deadlock Control,” Proc.
of 2004 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 10-13,
2004, pp. 4260-4265. 127)
Asar, A. U., M. C. Zhou, and R. J. Caudill, “Making Petri nets adaptive: a critical
review,” in Proc. of IEEE Int.
Conf. on Networking, Sensors and Control, Tucson, AZ, March 19-21, 2005, pp. 644-649. 128)
Z. and M. C. Zhou, “Prediction-based object tracking algorithm with load
balance for wireless sensor networks,” in Proc.
of IEEE Int. Conf. on Networking, Sensors and Control, Tucson, AZ, March 19-21, 2005, pp. 756 - 760 129)
Z., L. Liu, and M. C. Zhou, “Using space and network diversity combining to
solve masked node collision in wireless ad hoc network,” in Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Networking, Sensors
and Control, Tucson, AZ, March
19-21, 2005, pp. 1075 –
1080. 130)
Z. W., R. M. Zhu, and M. C. Zhou, “An Improved Deadlock Control Policy Using
Elementary Siphons and MIP Approach.,” in Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on
Networking, Sensing and Control, Tucson, AZ, March 19-21, 2005, pp.
214-219 131)
N., M. C. Zhou and E. Roszkowska, “A Petri Net-based Deadlock Control Policy
for Flexible Assembly Systems,” Preprints of the 16th IFAC World Congress,
Elsevier, Oxford, UK,
Prague, Czech Republic, July 3-8, 2005 132)
Asar, A. U., M.
C. Zhou, R. J. Caudill and V. R. Kallepalli, “A Petri Net-based Modeling
Approach to Risk Analysis in Supply Chains,” Proc. Of 2005 IEEE
International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, Beijing, China, Aug. 10-12, 2005, pp. 583-588. 133)
M. and M. C. Zhou, “Control Strategy Selection for Autonomous Vehicles in a
Dynamic Environment,” in Proc. 2005 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 1651-1656, October 10-12, 2005, The Big Island,
Hawaii, USA. 134)
J. and Z. Wang, and M. C. Zhou, “Petri-Net Modeling of Bio-signal Networks,”
in Proc. 2005 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp.
2090-2095, October 10-12, 2005, The Big Island, Hawaii, USA. 135)
Z., M. C. Zhou and G. Jiang, “Recursive Online EM Algorithm for Adaptive
Sensor Deployment and Boundary Estimation in Sensor Networks,” in Proc. of
2006 IEEE Int. Conf. on Networking, Sensing and Control, pp. 862 - 867,
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A. April 23-25, 2006. 136)
Z. and M. C. Zhou; “A Dynamic-Bandwidth-Allocation-with-Collision-Avoidance
MAC Design for Mobile Ad Hoc Network,” in Proc. of 2006 IEEE Int. Conf. on
Networking, Sensing and Control, pp. 18-23, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida,
U.S.A. April 23-25, 2006. 137)
N., Y. Qian, M. C. Zhou and F. Chu, “Issues on Short-Term Scheduling of Oil
Refinery,” in Proc. 2006 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,
pp. 2920-2925, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 7-11, 2006. 138)
Wu, N. and M. C. Zhou, “Resource-Oriented
Petri Net for Deadlock Resolution in Automated Manufacturing Systems with
Robots,” in Proc. 2006 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp.
74-79, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 7-11, 2006. 139)
Tang, Y. and M . C. Zhou, “Learning-Embedded
Disassembly Petri Net for Process Planning,” in Proc. 2006 IEEE Int. Conf.
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 80-85, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 7-11,
2006. 140)
N. and M. C. Zhou, “Schedulability and Scheduling of Dual-Arm Cluster Tools
with Residency Time Constraints Based on Petri Net,” in Proceeding of the
2006 IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, pp. 85-90,
Shanghai, China, October 7-10, 2006. 141)
S., Z. Wu, M. Zhou, Y. Li, and J. Wu, "Modeling Service Compatibility
with Pi-calculus for Choreography," in Proc. of the 25th
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER2006), pp. 26-39, Tucson, AZ, Nov. 6-9, 2006. 142)
Wu, N. M. C. Zhou, and G. Hu,, “On Petri Net Modeling of Automated
Manufacturing Systems,” in Proc. of 2007 IEEE Int. Conf. on
Networking, Sensing and Control, pp.228-233, London, UK, 15-17 April
2007. 143)
M., Z. Li, and M. C. Zhou, “On Supervisory Control of a Class of Discrete
Event Systems Modeled by Petri Nets,” in Proceeding of 2007 IEEE
Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, pp. 1-6, Scottsdale,
AZ, September 22-25, 2007. 144)
W., M. C. Zhou and D. Wei, “DiagramDraw: A State Machine Diagram Designer for
Flexible Automation,” in Proceeding of 2007 IEEE Conference on Automation
Science and Engineering, pp. 352-356, Scottsdale, AZ, September 22-25,
2007. 145)
N., F. Chu, C. Chu, and M. C. Zhou, “Schedulability Analysis of Short-Term
Schedules for Crude Oil Operations Using Petri Nets,” in Proc. of 2007
IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Montreal, pp. 228-233, Canada, Oct. 7-11, 2007. 146)
L., Z. Wang and M. C. Zhou, “Energy-Efficient Cooperative Routing for
Wireless Sensor Networks Using Space Time Block Code,” in Proc. of 2007
IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 2837–2842, Montreal,
Canada, Oct. 7-11, 2007. 147)
Wang, G. Slabaugh, G. Unal, M. C. Zhou, and T. Fang, “An
Information-Theoretic Detector Based Scheme for Registration of Speckled
Medical Images,” in Proc. of 2007 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics, pp. 1026-1030, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 7-11, 2007. 148)
P. C., Y. Fan, and M. C. Zhou, “A Petri net-based Approach to QoS-aware
Configuration for Web Services,” in Proc. of 2007 IEEE Int. Conf. on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp.
1286-1291, Montreal, Canada,
Oct. 7-11, 2007. 149)
N., C. Chu, F. Chu, and M. C. Zhou, “Modeling and Schedulability Analysis of
Single-Arm Cluster Tools with Wafer Residency Time Constraints Using Petri
Net,” Proc. of 2008 IEEE
Int. Conf. on Networking, Sensing and Control, pp. 84-89, Sanya, China. April 6-8, 2008. 150)
Wang, Z., J. Zhai, and M. C. Zhou, “A Fast Autoregression
based Image Interpolation Method,” Proc. of 2008 IEEE Int. Conf. on Networking, Sensing and Control, pp. 1400-1404, Sanya, China. April 6-8, 2008. 151)
Xing, K., M. C. Zhou, K. Shi, and L. Ren, “Enumeration Algorithms for
Maximal Perfect-resource-transition Circuits and Strict Minimal Siphons in
S3PR,” in Preprint of the 17th IFAC World
Congress, pp. 14490-14495, Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008. 152)
Yan, M., R.
Zhu, Z. Li, A. Wang, and M.
C. Zhou, “A Siphon-Based Deadlock Prevention
Policy for a Class of Petri Nets-S3PMR,” in Preprint of the 17th IFAC World Congress, pp. 14467-14472, Seoul, Korea,
July 6-11, 2008. 153)
Wang, Z., G.
Slabaugh, M. C. Zhou, and T. Fang, “Automatic Tracing of Blood Flow Velocity
in Pulsed Doppler Images,” in 2008 IEEE Conference on Automation
Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2008), pp. 218-222, Washington D.C., Aug. 23-26, 2008. 154)
Liu, L., Z.
Wang, and M. C. Zhou, “Cooperative Multipath Routing and Relay Based on
Noncoherent Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks,” in 2008 IEEE Conference on Automation
Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2008), pp. 128-132, Washington D.C., Aug. 23-26, 2008. 155)
Wu, N., M. C.
Zhou, S.-S., Peng, F. Chu and C. Chu “Petri Net Modeling and Real-Time
Control of Dual-Arm Cluster Tools with Residency Time Constraint and Activity
Time Variations,” in 2008
IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2008), pp. 109-114, Washington D.C., Aug.
23-26, 2008. 156)
Hu, H., Z. Li
and M. C. Zhou, “Two Generalized-Petri-net-based Strategies for Deadlock
Prevention in Resource Allocation Systems,” in Proc. of 2008 IEEE
International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 1948-1953,
Singapore, Oct. 12-15, 2008. 157)
N., F. Chu, C. Chu, and M. C. Zhou, “Short-Term
Schedulability Analysis of Crude Oil Operations in Refinery with Hybrid Petri
Net,” in Proc. of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics, pp. 1916-1921, Singapore, Oct. 12-15, 2008. 158)
N. and M. C. Zhou, “Tractability of
Deadlock Avoidance Problem in Automated Manufacturing Systems Modeled with
Petri Nets,” in Proc. of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 2081-2086, Singapore, Oct. 12-15, 2008. 159)
Liu, L.,
S. M. Kuo, and M. C. Zhou,
“Virtual sensing techniques and their applications,” in Proceedings of 2009 IEEE Int. Conf. on Networking, Sensing and
Control, Okayama City, Japan, pp. 31 – 36, March 26-29, 2009. 160)
Liu, L., Z. Wang,
and M. C. Zhou, “An innovative beacon-assisted bi-mode positioning
method in wireless sensor network,” in Proceedings
of 2009 IEEE Int. Conf. on Networking, Sensing and Control,
Okayama City, Japan, pp. 570 - 575, March 26-29, 2009. 161)
Hu, H. S., M.
C., Zhou, and Z. W. Li, “Supervisory controller optimization for deadlock
resolution in automated manufacturing systems with timed Petri nets,” in Proceedings of 2009 IEEE Int. Conf.
on Networking, Sensing and Control, Okayama City, Japan, pp. 91 – 96,
March 26-29, 2009. 162)
Li, Z. W. and
M. C., Zhou “A polynomial-complexity approach to decide the existence of a
maximally permissive Petri net supervisor using elementary siphons,” in Proceedings of 2009 IEEE Int. Conf.
on Networking, Sensing and Control, Okayama City, Japan, pp. 608 – 613,
March 26-29, 2009. 163)
Liu, D., Z. Li,
and M. C. Zhou, “Live WS3PR,” in Preprint of the 2nd IFAC Workshop on Dependable Control of
Discrete Systems, pp. 7-12, Bari, Italy, June 10-12, 2009. 164)
Wu, N. and M.
C. Zhou, “Wafer Sojourn Time Fluctuation Caused by Activity Time Variation in
Dual-arm Cluster Tools,” in Preprint of
the 2nd IFAC Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems,
pp. 13-18, Bari, Italy, June 10-12, 2009. 165)
Hu, H. S., M.
C., Zhou, and Z. W. Li, “Algebraic Synthesis of Supervisor Enforcing Timed
General Mutual Exclusion Constraints in Automated Manufacturing Systems,” in Proc. of 2009 Int. Conf. on Automation
Technologies, Tainan, Taiwan, June 2009. 166)
Wang, A., Z. W.
Li, and M. C. Zhou, “Computation of Strict Minimal Siphons in a Class of
Petri Nets,” in Proc. of 2009 Int.
Conf. on Automation Technologies, Tainan, Taiwan, June 2009. 167)
Xiong, P., M.
C. Zhou and C. Pu, “A Petri Net Siphon
Based Solution to Protocol-Level Service Composition Mismatches,” in Proc. of
IEEE Int. Conf. on Web Services, pp. 952 – 958, Los Angeles, CA, July 6-10, 2009. 168)
Wu, N., F. Chu,
C. Chu and M. C. Zhou, “A novel approach to scheduling of single-arm cluster
tools with wafer revisiting,” in Proc.
of 2009 IEEE Conference on Automation Science and
Engineering, pp. 567 – 572, Bangalore, India, August 22-25, 2009. 169)
Zeng, G., W.
Wu, M. C. Zhou, W. Mao, H. Su, and J. Chu, “Design of Petri net-based
deadlock prevention controllers for flexible manufacturing systems,” in Proc.
of 2009 IEEE International Conference
on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp. 193 - 198, San Antonio, Oct. 2009. 170)
Hu, H., Zhou,
M. C. and Li. Z., “A new class of Petri nets for modeling and control of
ratio-enforced resource allocation systems,” in Proc. of 2009 IEEE
International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp. 199-204,
San Antonio, Oct. 2009. 171)
Guo, W., and M
.C. Zhou, “An emerging technology for improved building automation
control,” in Proc. of 2009
IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 337 - 342, San Antonio, TX, Oct. 11-14, 2009. 172)
Guo, W., and M
.C. Zhou, “Technologies toward thermal comfort-based and energy-efficient
HVAC systems: A review,” in Proc. of 2009 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man,
and Cybernetics, pp. 3883 – 3888, San Antonio, TX, Oct. 11-14, 2009. 173)
Liu, L., M. E,
and M. C. Zhou, “A 3D self-positioning method for wireless sensor
nodes based on linear FMCW and TFDA,” in Proc.
of 2009 IEEE Int.
Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 2990 - 2995, San Antonio, TX, Oct.
11-14, 2009. 174)
Li, C. Lin, S. Pang, and M. Zhou, “DPLWN: A Novel Model for Designing and
Implementing Dynamic Business Processes and Process Changes,” in Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International
Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2010),
pp. 145-154, Fukuoka, Japan, March 23-26, 2010. 175)
W. Guo; W. M. Healy, and M. Zhou, “ZigBee-wireless mesh networks for
building automation and control,” in Proc. 2010 IEEE Int. Conf. on
Networking, Sensing and Control, pp.
731 – 736, Chicago, USA, April 11-13, 2010. 176)
M. Yu, W. Su, J. Kosinski, and M. Zhou, “A new approach to detect
radio jamming attacks in wireless networks,” in Proc. 2010 IEEE Int. Conf.
on Networking, Sensing and Control,
pp. 721 – 726, Chicago, USA, April 11-13, 2010. 177)
J. L. Xu, W. Su and M. Zhou, “Likelihood
function-based modulation classification in bandwidth-constrained sensor
networks,” in Proc. 2010 IEEE Int. Conf. on Networking, Sensing and
Control, pp. 530 - 533, Chicago,
USA, April 11-13, 2010. 178)
J. L. Xu, M. C.
Zhou and W. Su, "Discrete likelihood ratio test for intelligent signal
recognition in software defined radio, in Proc.
of 2010 19th Annual Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC),
Shanghai, China, pp. 1 – 6, May 14-15, 2010. 179)
Zhu, M. Hou, and M. C. Zhou; "Establishing the foundation of adaptive
collaboration," in Proc. of 2010
International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS), Chicago, Illinois, USA, pp. 546 - 554, May
17-21, 2010. 180)
W. V. Shi, T.
N. Chang, and M. C. Zhou, “Method to
Detect Cardiac Abnormalities Based on Electrocardiography and Sinoatrial
Pacemaker Model,” in Proceedings of
2010 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and
Automation (ICMA 2010),
pp. 566-571, Xi’an, China, August 4-7, 2010. 181)
H. S. Hu, M. C.
Zhou, and Z. W. Li, “An Optimization Approach Towards Improved Petri Net
Monitor Design,” in Proceedings of 2010
IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA 2010), pp. 1802-1806, Xi’an, China, August
4-7, 2010. 182)
W. W. Guo, W.
M. Healy, and M. Zhou, “An Experimental Study of Interference Impacts
on ZigBee-based Wireless Communication Inside Buildings,” in Proceedings of 2010
IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA 2010), pp. 1982-1987, Xi’an, China, August 4-7,
2010. 183)
Hu, M. Zhou, Z. Li, and N. Wu, “Deadlock-free Control of Ratio-enforced
Automated Manufacturing Systems with Flexible Routes and Assembly
Operations,” in
Proceedings of the 6th annual IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering,
pp. 459-464, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 21-24, 2010. 184)
N. Q. Wu and M.
C. Zhou, “Petri Net-Based Scheduling
of Time-Constrained Dual-Arm Cluster Tools with Bounded Activity Time
Variation,” in Proceedings of the 6th annual IEEE Conference
on Automation Science and Engineering, pp. 465-470, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada, August 21-24, 2010. 185)
H. Hu, M. C.
Zhou, and Z. Li, “Deadlock Resolution Method for Automated Manufacturing
Systems Using Petri Net Models,” in Proc.
of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp.
722-727, Istanbul, Turkey, Oct. 11-13, 2010. 186)
J. S. Choi and M.
C. Zhou,“Performance Analysis of ZigBee-based Body Sensor Networks,” in Proc. of 2010 IEEE International
Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp. 943-948, Istanbul,
Turkey, Oct. 11-13, 2010. 187)
W. Guo, W. M.
Healy, and M. C. Zhou, “Performance Measurement and Analysis of Low Data Rate
Wireless Communication under Interference Sources in Buildings,” in Proc. of 2010 IEEE International
Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp. 944-949, Istanbul,
Turkey, Oct. 11-13, 2010. |
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