Honors, Awards and Listing
2013 Fellow of IFAC (For seminal contributions to the theory of Petri
nets and their application in manufacturing, transportation, and web
2013 Distinguished Service Award, IEEE Robotics and Automation
Society, May 2013.
2012 Lifetime Contribution and Leadership Award, Chinese Association for Science & Technology – USA, 2012
2012 Saul K. Fenster Innovation in Engineering
Education Award, Newark College of Engineering, New
Jersey Institute of Technology
2012 Best Student Paper Award, “Real-Time
Control Policy for Single-Arm Cluster Tools with Residency Time Constraints
and Activity Time Variation by Using Petri Net,” by Y. Qiao, N. Wu
(Faculty Advisor) and M. C. Zhou (Faculty Co-Advisor) in Proc. 2012 IEEE Int.
Conf. on Networking, Sensing and Control,
pp. 34-39, Beijing, China, April 11-14, 2012.
2011 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
(AAAS) for distinguished contributions to the field of Petri nets, discrete
event systems, and their applications to manufacturing, transportation,
workflow, disassembly, web services, and software design.
2010 Franklin V. Taylor Memorial Best Paper Award, IEEE Systems, Man,
and Cybernetics Society
Faculty advisor of the 1st
Prize of IEEE North Jersey Section Graduate Student Contest, “Automatic Tracing of Blood Flow Velocity in
Ultrasound Doppler Images” by
Zhe Wang (Doctoral student), April 2008
2007 Chang
Jiang Scholars Program Award, PRC Ministry of Education
2006 Marquis Who's Who in American Education, 2006-2007 Edition
2006 Faculty Advisor of Best Poster Presentation, "Ad Hoc Networking and its
security applications" by Raul
Garcia, XVII Undergraduate Research Symposium, sponsored by NSF and
Universidad Metropolitana, San Juan, Puerto Rico,
September 15-16, 2006.
2006 Outstanding
Contribution Award, WOCC (Wireless
and Optical Communication Conference) Inc., Oct. 2006.
2005 Who’s Who in Science and Engineering (Marquis Who’s
Who), 8th Edition
2005 Faculty Advisor of The Best Student Poster Award, The 13th Wireless and
Optical Communication Conference, Newark, NJ, "Hybrid Networks:
Cellular-Relay Architecture" by Zhigang Wang
(doctoral student), April 22-23, 2005.
2005 Faculty Advisor of The Best Student Poster Award, 2005 CAST-GNY Annual Convention,
New York City, "Optimal Tracking Interval for Predictive Tracking in
Wireless Sensor Network " by Zhen Guo (doctoral student), June 18, 2005.
2005 Distinguished
Lecturer, IEEE Society
of Systems, Man and Cybernetics.
2005 “Semiconductor Factory Automation” - Most Active Technical Committee Award,
IEEE Society of Robotics and Automation.
2004 Outstanding
Contribution Award, IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society
2004 Faculty advisor of The 1st Place of Doctoral Student
Paper Competition, “Cluster Water and
Bio-signal Networks,” by Jinggong Pan (Doctoral
student), Annual Convention of Chinese Institute of Engineers-USA, Newark,
NJ, September 2004.
2003 Outstanding Contribution Award, IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society
2003 IEEE Fellow for contributions
to Petri nets and their applications
2002 Who's
Who in Engineering Education
(WWEE), 2002 edition.
Faculty advisor of the 1st Prize of
Student Paper Presentation Contest sponsored by Chinese Institute of
Engineers-USA/Greater New York Chapter,
“Securing Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol,” by Congzhe Zhang (Doctoral student), August 2002.
2001 Asian American Achievement Award in the category of Professional and Academic Achivements, Asian American Heritage Council of New
Faculty advisor of the 1st Prize
of IEEE North Jersey Section Student Contest, "A systematic approach for
disassembly line design," by Ying Tang (Doctoral student), 2001
Leadership Award by Chinese Asscoiation of Science & Technology - USA
Humboldt Research Award for US Senior Scientists, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany
The Best Student Paper Award
for the paper " Design of virtual production lines in back-end
semiconductor manufacturing systems" by Tang, Y. (Student), M. C. Zhou
(Faculty Advisor), and R. Qiu,
Proc. 2000 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Nashville, TN,
pp. 1733-1738, Oct. 8-11, 2000.
The Best Student Paper Award
for the paper "A fuzzy logic-based lifecycle comparison of digital and
film cameras" by B. Yang (Student), Y. Luo
(Student), and M. C. Zhou (Faculty Advisor), 2000 IEEE International Symposium on
Electronics and the Environment, San Francisco, CA, May 8-10, 2000.
The Kayamori Best Paper Award Finalist, 2000 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation, San Francisco, CA, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society.
2000 Who's
Who in Science and Engineering (Marquis
Who's Who), 5th Edition
Franklin V. Taylor Best Paper Award Finalist, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
National Science Foundation Alan T. Waterman Award Nominee
1997 Honorary
Research Professor,
Nanjing University of Science and Technology
1996 Harlan
J. Perlis Award for Research by New
Jersey Institute of Technology
Outstanding Service Award by
Chinese Asscoiation of Science & Technology -
1994 CIM
University LEAD Award by Society of
Manufacturing Engineers
National Science Foundation Research Initiation Award
& 1994 National Science Foundation Young Investigator Nominee
1991 Engineering
Foundation Research Initiation Award