Spring 2007 - Phys 780 - Section 784

Current Topics in Applied Physics

Virtual Instrumentation, 3 credits

Prerequisites: A 3 credit programming course (preferably C or C++).

Narrative Description:

This course will cover advanced topics of virtual instrumentation including use of IEEE GPIB, RS232 interfaces, and data acquisition boards. The students will learn how to interface a computer to various/ multiple instruments for data acquisition and instrument control. The software platform will be state-of-the-art software such as National Instrument’s LABVIEW software. The emphasis is not on the electronic aspects of the IEEE GPIB or RS232 interfaces but rather on the practical aspects of interfacing a computer to various instruments, real-time data acquisition, and error handling. This is an essential skill for all science and engineering graduate students.

Exams: No written examinations will be given. Instead a Final Project will be submitted.

Course Outline

2006 Lecture Notes: Week 1    Week2    Week3    Week4-5    Week6-7    Week8-9    Week10-11    Week12    Week13-14

Sign up for evaluation of Final Project.