Date |
Speaker and Title |
Host |
September 19 |
Joshua C. Brumberg,
Department of Psychology, Queens College, CUNY
The Barrel Cortex: a window into cortical circuitry and its development
| V. Matveev |
September 26 |
Jaime de la Rocha,
Center for Neural Science, New York University
Correlation between neural spike trains increases with firing rate
| H. Rotstein |
September 29* |
Nickolas Kintos,
Department of Mathematical Sciences, NJIT
Modeling Projection Neuron and Neuromodulatory Effects on a Rhythmic Neural Network
*Note special date and time: Friday, 1:30pm
| |
October 3 |
Nicolas Brunel,
CNRS, Laboratory of Neurophysics and Physiology,
Université Paris 5
Oscillations in networks of noisy spiking neurons
| H. Rotstein |
October 10 |
Horacio Rotstein,
Department of Mathematical Sciences, NJIT
Canard induced mixed-mode oscillations in a medial entorhinal cortex layer
II stellate cell model: Work in progress
| |
October 17 |
No seminar:
Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA (Oct 14-18)
| |
October 24 |
Lora Billings,
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Montclair State University
Multi-strain disease models with antibody-dependent enhancement
| V. Matveev |
October 31 |
Anton Sirota,
Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience, Rutgers University
Integration and Segregation of Activity in Neocortex-Hippocampus by Slow Oscillations
| |
November 7 |
Tim Vogels,
Columbia University School of Medicine
Signal Gating and Detailed Balance in Networks of Model Neurons
| V. Matveev |
November 14 |
Horacio Rotstein,
Department of Mathematical Sciences, NJIT
Mechanistic aspects of the creation of theta rhythmic activity in
the hippocampus: A modeling study
| |
November 21 |
Emre Aksay,
Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Weill Medical College, Cornell University
Functional Roles of Excitation vs. Inhibition
in a Neural Integrator
| V. Matveev |
November 28 |
Caroline Geisler,
Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience, Rutgers University
Hippocampal place cells are speed-controlled oscillators
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December 5 |
No seminar
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December 13* |
Abraham Rosales; Chris Khalil, Arif Patel and Arlene Pineda; Janeet Kaur and Tao Lin
UBM Program Student Presentations
* Note special date: Wednesday
| A. Bose |