

 Environmental Chemical Analysis - Text book.


Table of Contents  Book Review  To Order


Sample Preparation Techniques - Text book   


Introduction Pollutants, sources and measurements, design of environmental studies, basic statistics, significance tests, standards and calibration, analytical methods
Environmental Sampling Sampling plans, statistical considerations, sampling of water, soils, biological materials, sample preservation
Spectroscopic Methods Absorption spectroscopy, Emission spectroscopy, spectroscopic apparatus, UV, IR, FTIR, AA, ICP, XRF
Chromatographic Methods Principles, GC, HPLC, ion chromatography, supercritical fluid chromatography
Mass Spectrometry Interpretation of spectra, basic instrumentation, magnetic sector, quadrupole, ion trap
Sample preparation techniques Extraction of organics, extraction of metals, sample cleanup.
Methods of Air analysis Determination of gaseous species, volatile organics, particulates, field methods, stack sampling
Methods of Water analysis Collection and preservation, metals determination, inorganic anions, volatile and semivolatile organics in water.
Methods for analysis of Solid samples Sampling, soil pH, colorimetric tests, total organic carbon, volatile organics, total petroleum hydrocarbons in soil, leaching tests, immunoassay tests
Quality Assurance & Quality Control Accuracy and precision, performance evaluation samples, contamination control, blanks, control charts
Suggested reading and study questions are included at the end of each chapter.

Book Review on "Environmental Chemical Analysis":

"This is a useful, clearly written textbook of environmental chemical analysis containing plenty of numerical examples. Chapters end with well-chosen reading lists of about half a dozen recent standard texts and the odd review paper. Eight or more study questions are also at the end of each chapter. No model answers are given and this, together with the use of simple but informative diagrams in the very well-illustrated text, has probably helped to keep the cost price within student reach. Well-disciplined writing, avoiding flights of environmental rhetoric, has produced a concise, comprehensive textbook that will stimulate student interest in environmental analysis and give a sound grounding in the topic.

An introductory chapter concisely reviews pollutants and the role of measurements in environmental studies. It covers study design, data handling and statistics, significance testing, standards and calibration and the evaluation of performance for analytical methods, and is followed by a second chapter on environmental sampling. These chapters show the authors to be both experienced, practical environmental analysts and teachers of analysis. Four further chapters concisely and usefully outline spectroscopic and chromatographic methods, mass spectrometry and sample preparation techniques. A further three chapters demonstrate the application of basic analytical methodology to the specific problems of environmental air, water and solid sample analysis. The last area in particular tends to get very skimpy treatment in many texts, which are actually straightforward chemistry books with the word environment added to increase sales. The final chapter deals with quality assurance and quality control and I particularly liked the comprehensive discussion of blanks, which are the hallmark of competent analysts. The importance of regulation for environmental analysts (and for environmental protection) is well brought out, but because the authors are American, US law and not European Union legislation is covered.

      - B. B. Kebbekus & S. Mitra
        London : Blackie, 1998.
        Pp 330 £24.99 (SB) ISBN 0 751 40456

This is a useful textbook for environmental science, analytical chemistry and ecotoxicology courses and for professionals in those areas. Regulators and modern science-based environmental lawyers will also find it useful." 

      -Frank Dewhurst
      Chemistry in Britain
      34, p. 66, (1998)


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