New Book on the Secret of Greening Mobile Networks
Prof. Ansari and Tao Han has published a new book, entitled "Green Mobile Networks: A Networking Perspective". To get more detailed information on the book, please click the following link:
Xueqing Huang is the sole winner of the 2017 Hashimoto Prize.
2017 NCE Outstanding Graduate Student award
Xueqing Huang received the 2017 NCE Outstanding Graduate Student Award.
2017 NCE Outstanding Doctoral Student Dissertation Award.
Mina Taheri received the 2017 NCE Outstanding Doctoral Student Dissertation award.
ICC 2016 Best Paper Award (2016)
"PRIMAL: PRofIt Maximization Avatar pLacement for Mobile Edge Computing",
authored by Xiang Sun and Nirwan Ansari, has been selected as a Best Paper
Award winner of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications
(ICC 2016), a flagship conference of IEEE Communications Society. The link
2016 Hashimoto Prize
Mina Taheri is the winner of the 2015 Hashimoto Prize for the best doctoral dissertation in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.
The IEEE/OSA JLT Best Paper Award (2016)
Dr. Yuanqiu Luo, an ANL alumnus, recieved the prestigious Best Paper Award for the paper
"Time- and Wavelength-Division Mutliplexed Passive Optical Network (TWDM-PON) for Next-Generation
PON Stage 2 (NG-PON2)". She co-authored (as the lead author) and published the paper in IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology.
Yuanqiu Luo recieved her PhD, under Prof. Ansari's supervision, in May 2006.
NCE Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award
Dr. Tao Han has received the NCE Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award
Outstanding Electrical and Computer Engineer Award (2015)
With Prof. Ansari’s dissertation advisor, Dr. Edward J. Delp, The Charles William Harrison Distinguished Professor of ECE, Purdue University.
With Dr. V. “Ragu” Balakrishnan, The Michael and Katherine Brick Head and Professor of ECE, Purdue University
With Dr. Jan P. Allechach, Hewlettt-Packard Distinguished Professor of ECE, Purdue University.
2015 Hashimoto Prize
Tao Han is the winner of the 2015 Hashimoto Prize for the best doctoral dissertation in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.
New Patent earned
Nirwan Ansari, Distinguished Professor in the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering and director of the
Advanced Networking Lab, earns
His 25th Patent for a Next-Gen CAPTCHA.
CCNC 2015 keynote
Nirwan Ansari, Distinguished Professor in the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering and director of the
Advanced Networking Lab, delivered the keynote address,
Greening the Last Mile Access, at the 12th Annual IEEE
Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC
2015) in Las Vegas.
GLOBECOM 2014 tutorial
Nirwan Ansari, Distinguished Professor in the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering and director of the
Advanced Networking Lab, delivered the half-day tutorial,
Greening the Edges, at the 2014 IEEE Global Communications
Conference (GLOBECOM 2014), the flagship conference of the
IEEE Communications Society.
IC-NIDC 2014 keynote
Nirwan Ansari, distinguished professor of electrical and
computer engineering, delivered the keynote,
Making the
Access Network Green, at the 2014 IEEE International
Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content
(IC-NIDC 2014) in Beijing, China on Sep. 19-21, 2014.
The Saul K. Fenster Innovation in Engineering Education Award
2014 New Jersey Inventors Hall of
Fame Graduate Student Award
Tao Han has received a 2014 New Jersey Inventors Hall of
Fame Graduate Student Award for: Patented research related
to optimizing cell size to save energy in cellular networks
with hybrid energy supplies.
2014 Hashimoto Prize
Ms. Yan Zhang is the winner of the 2014 Hashimoto Prize for
the best doctoral dissertation in Electrical and Computer
Engineering Department.
Graduate Student Award (2013)
The New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame has selected Mr.
Chun-Hao Lo to receive a Graduate Student Award (2013) for:
“Research related to alleviating solar energy congestion and
distribution grids via smart metering communications.”
GLOBECOM 2012 and ICC 2013 Student Travel Award
Tao Han has received the Student Travel Award for IEEE
GLOBECOM 2012 and the National Science Foundation Student
Travel Grants for IEEE ICC 2013.
Dr. Yuanqiu Luo served as an editor of ITU-T
Recommendation G.989.2
Yuanqiu Luo PhD (EE, 2006), a senior staff engineer in
Huawei Technologies, Bridgewater, New Jersey, was appointed
(December 2012) to serve as an editor of ITU-T
Recommendation G.989.2, which is the “40-Gigabit-capable
passive optical networks (NG-PON2): Physical media dependent
(PMD) layer specification”. Dr. Luo also edited ITU-T
Recommendation G.987.3 and IEEE Standards 802.1AS. The link
Inventor of the Year Award
The New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame has selected Professor
Nirwan Ansari to receive an Inventor of the Year Award
(2012) for: “Patented and Innovative Research Related To: A
wide range of broadband networks, multimedia and
communications technologies.”
Graduate Student Award (2012)
The New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame has selected Ms. Yan
Zhang to receive a Graduate Student Award (2012) for:
“Patented Technology Related To: Hierarchical energy
optimization algorithm for data center networks.”
Hashimoto Prize
Nan Wang has received the 2012 Hashimoto Prize.
award for the 40G-PON project
Yuanqiu Luo (2006 doctoral graduate) received an outstanding
award for
her contribution to the 40G-PON project.
2011 IEEE Standards
Yuanqiu Luo (2006 doctoral graduate) received an IEEE
Standards Award from the IEEE Standards Association in
2011 for
her contribution to the development of IEEE
802.1ASTM-2011 standard (IEEE Standard for Local and
Metropolitan Area Networks – Timing and Synchronization for
Time-Sensitive Applications in Bridged Local Area Networks)
Hashimoto Prize
Jingjing Zhang
has received the 2011 Hashimoto Prize.
2010 Thomas Alva
Edison Award
Nirwan Ansari, of Montville and New Jersey
Institute of Technology inventor, along with
co-inventors Yun-Qing Shi and Zhicheng Ni were
honored for their roles in inventing "System and
Method for Robust Reversible Data Hiding and Data
Recovery in the Spatial Domain."
Inventors, from left, Yun-Qing Shi,
Nirwan Ansari, of Montville, and
Zhicheng Ni, from the New Jersey
Institute of Technology were recently
awarded the 2010 Thomas Alva Edison
This innovation is capable of identifying a
robust statistical quantity based on a statistical
analysis of natural images and employing it in data
embedding, differentiating the bit-embedding process
based on the pixel's group's different distribution
characteristics, and using error correction codes
and permutation schemes. The invented scheme can
achieve both reversibility and robustness while not
generating salt and pepper noise on the marked
image, which is unlike its predecessor modulo-256.
More than 30 New Jersey inventors from eight
companies and universities were honored with the
2010 Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award on Nov. 4
during a ceremony and reception at the Liberty
Science Center hosted by the Research and
Development Council of New Jersey.
This coveted honor recognizes the outstanding
work done by New Jersey scientists and their
respective organizations by highlighting the most
exceptional efforts. These awards, along with
individual honors received by Nobel Laureate Dr.
George E. Smith, Governor Tom Kean and Merck
Institute for Science Education's Dr. Carlo
Parravano, were presented in the nation's largest
IMAX Theater where a film paid tribute to the work
of the honorees.
"It is essential to the Council's basic mission
of advancing research and development in New Jersey
to celebrate our inventors' accomplishments," said
Tom Degnan, council chairman and ExxonMobil manager.
"In doing so, we are not only supporting what has
been done, but we are encouraging what remains to be
Also recognized were Stevens Institute of
Technology, BASF Corporation, Alcatel Lucent,
Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Osteotech, Rutgers
University, and ExxonMobil.
The Research & Development Council of New Jersey
is a non-profit organization dedicated to
cultivating an environment that supports the
advancement of research and development throughout
New Jersey. The Council is composed of senior
representatives from industry, academia and
government. Many R&D Council members represent
today's Fortune 500 companies. More information on
Council and the 31st Thomas Alva Edison Patent
Awards can be found at: