Past Announcements (Fall 2014)
(11/06) Final Exam Schedule
Registrar's Fall 2014 Final Exam Schedule
(12/02) MP2
It is due, before noon today, Tue Dec 2, 2014.
Those who have submitted your MP2, all receipts through Tue Dec 2, 11:49
have been acknowledged at least by the instructor. Be reminded you need to
submit your MP2 by email both to the instructor and the TA/Grader/Assistant.
(11/22) Reminder (Thanksgiving Week)
Note that Tue 25 Nov is a Thursday for NJIT, and Wed 26 Nov is a Friday
for NJIT. For the latter, NJIT follows a Friday schedule for
classes AND office hours. Monday 24 Nov is Monday for NJIT and regular
classes and office hours would be held.
(11/18) EXAM 2
Today Tue Nov 18, the 12th week of classes includes Exam 2. It will
cover material from related to Sub 4,5,6,7,8 (only primary functions and subfunctions though from Sub 8).
Associated Problem Sets include PS 4,5,6,7,8 (from PS8 only material related to primary functions
and subfunctions; recursion has not been covered in detail yet) but prior ones such as PS 2,3 might also have problems
that can be adapted in the context of the exams. Likewise for MP1. Guidance are past exams
(including finals) and this includes the midterm exam, Exam 1.
Study also the code of the
Subject directories associated with the subjects covered in class. Textbook wise, the cover page
of each subject indicates textbook coverage.
(11/12) PS 8
has been posted.
(11/5) ALERT !!!!
Around 10:30 today, access to the course web-page throught or was not working properly. Try per Handout 0 instructions.
The event might be transient and get fixed in the next hour or so. Then I will remove
(10/28) MP2
Is available for download; hardcopies during Week 9.
Based on feedback from Tian, and what i have observed, i compiled some
comments related to MP1 Read them carefully to avoid similar mistakes
in MP2.
Practice makes perfect. Practice with all PSes and in particular PS4,PS5,PS6,and PS7.
(10/28) PS7 with solutions
Is available for download.
(10/25) Midterm Guidance
The file ending with stats.txt in the diary directory has been
updated to include midterm guidance based not just on Exam 1 but also
Mini project 1.
(10/24 and 10/25) MP1 grading
By now email messages with grades and feedback have been
sent out to all students who submitted an MP1.
If you did not receive an email send an email to the grader/TA/assistant
and the intructor to the addresses shown on the course web page
above under Course E-mail and E-mail(Assistant).
On 10/25 email messages were sent to students who either had
incorrect Subject lines or omitted to sending an email
to the grader/assistant/TA, or who omitted sending an email to the
instructor or who omitted using the proper email address.
This last batch of emails were sent out by the instructor.
(10/23) Final Exam Schedule
Registrar's Fall 2014 Final Exam Schedule
(10/21) PS 6
has been posted.
(10/21) Midterm Exam grading
All exams have been returned. Statistics about the exams through the diary link (link 8).
At the end of that file you may find a midterm class performance estimate.
(10/21) MP1 grading
You should start receiving by email grades re MP1 starting late Wed Oct 22 through Fri Oct 24.
(10/15) PS 5
has been posted.
(10/7) Week 6
starts today Tue Oct 7, 2014. This is Exam 1 week. At the end of the diary for Week 5, you
might find additional information re Exam 1; read also Handout 1 (syllabus).
(10/5,12:08) MP1 solutions
and the M-file that will be used for grading have been posted.
(10/1) PS4 with Solutions
has been posted in section C.
(10/1) MP1
Use as an email; the grader's/TA's email is shown also
above under Course Information.
All submissions received through 12:09 Fri Oct 3, 2014 have
been acknowledged by the instructor.
(9/23) PS3 with Solutions
has been posted in section C.
(9/22) PS2 with Solutions
has been posted in section C.
(9/15) PS1 with Solutions
has been posted in section C.
(9/11) Matlab Installation issues (Win version)
Click here to read
a note that might help some of you who tried to
Install MATLAB on a Windows 8 machine but had problems with.
(9/09) MiniProject1.
An electronic copy was posted on Tue Sep 9. A hard copy will be made
available in the second class at/during the break.
(9/09) Week1 Diary.
The diary for the MATLAB portion of the first class is available in the protected area through
the appropriate link of section C.3.
(8/29) Page Under Construction.
Material is volatile and may change without notice.
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