CS 101 Computer Programming and Problem Solving (Spring 2015, Section 104)

Course Information
Course E-mail: alexg+cs101@njit.edu with subject line cs101 Instructor: A. Gerbessiotis
Office Hours: Office hours Spring 2015 Time
Course Hours: Wed 6:00-9:05pm Classroom: GITC 2315C .
Course Assistant: Tian Tian E-mail (Assistant): tt72+cs101@njit.edu
Assistant's Room: ATRIUM (GITC 4th Floor)
Assistant's Off. Hours: Wed 4-5pm Assistant's Tel:(973) TBA

SECTION A: Announcements

SECTION B: Course Syllabus, Homeworks, and MiniProjects

C. Solutions/Exams and Practice Problem Sets with Solutions

Last modified May 15, 2015 at 17:34