Farewell Page


We've set aside space for the creators of the projects. After all of the effort dedicated to the development of these ideas, this is their space to give you insight on the finished product that you see.

We understand the the world around us is changing and that we must all adapt and change with it. There are many groups of people that can't possible keep up on their own, and noone is taking the time out to help them. We have come together to make the Disability App to give people living with disabilities the opportunity to receive treatment that uses all of the advancements in technology they may not receive otherwise. We are excited to see the progress that we've been able to provide to this community alread, but there is so much more to do.

~ Monica Kamel Disability App

Do you and your freinds go to the same spots all of the time to meet up. There is so much more to out there and you will never know unless someone shows you. The Location App was created to help freinds locate each other, and places near by that could house their next outing. We've since gotten places to provide discounts for groups that use our service and plan on adding additional features to take your next gathering with your freinds to the next level.

~ Earny Osuna Location App

There was a time when families sat at the table for dinner and freinds gathered to sit at the park. Stories and jokes were limited to being shared at face to face gatherings like these which made them all the more valuable. There is no longer a need for these physical meetings because at the push of the button you can recreate these experiences. At least we think we can. The Screen Management App was created to get people off their phones and back into the habit of interacting face to face.

~ Mohammad Bakeer Screen Management

The world is too big to stay in the places that you know. We also understand that it can be scary stepping out into the vast unknown, and that is why we've created the Travel Guide App. The app lets you know thhe best tourist locations as well as how to get their and constant advice on how to best enjoy your trip. Just like a tour guide would but you have access to it 24/7. With new features like the translation we intend on making this the ideal way to travel for you and your family.

~ Dorida Forte Travel Guide App

We were tasked with being instructors to the children of the Real World COnnections Program and creating a ciriculum that they will learn from. My love for art combined with my passion for architecture made for a perfect balance of abstract and structural learning that I could provide for the kids. Week after week we followed a structure that turned their creatuve ideas into projects that followed a set of rules, and the results can be seen in the gallery. There is no doubt that each particioant will take the knowlage learned with them far into their future.

~ Tiffany Campbell RWC Group