The ICTSD is a meeting of professionals for sharing of ideas, knowledge and practical experiences of researchers from industry and academia, engineers and students. It is a platform for discussing issues and challenges, as well as seeking sustainable solutions from experts who can develop or adopt concrete practices that are immediately do-able.
The Conference will facilitate collaborations and shape new paradigms in research that will have a significant impact on finding intelligent solutions for the betterment of the society at large (particularly water, energy, waste management and agriculture sector).
ICTSD 2015
ICTSD 2015 solicits original papers contributing to the foundations and applications of technologies for sustainable development in the following broad areas:
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to electronically submit their paper using IEEE format written in English, of up to 06 pages, presenting the results of original research or innovative practical applications relevant to the conference. All submissions are to be done electronically and submitted papers will be peer reviewed for possible inclusion in the conference proceedings to be published by IEEE. At least one of the authors of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present their paper in person at the conference.
Review Process
- Internal non-blind review (to check the scope of the paper)
- Double-blind (at least two experts) - Each paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts in the field for originality, Technological Application for Sustainability, significance, clarity, impact, and soundness
- In cases of contradictory recommendations, a member of the conference program committee will be charged to make the final decision (accept /reject); often, this would involve seeking help from additional referees by using a double-blind review process
- In addition, all papers whose authors include a member of the conference program committee will be evaluated using the double-blind review process
Advisory Committee
Dr. Krithi Ramamritham, IIT Bombay
Dr. H. Mohanty, UoH, India
Dr. N G Joag, DBIT, Mumbai, India
Dr. Seishi Ninomiya, U-Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Nicolas H. Youhan, MSU, USA
Dr. Christopher Conrad, University of Wurzburg, Germany
Technical Program Committee
Dr. Asanee Kawtrakul, Kasetsart University, Thailand
Dr. Carlotta Domeniconi, GMU, VA. USA
Dr. Kiyoshi Honda, Chubu University, Japan
Dr. Jagath C. Rajapakse, NTU, Singapore
Dr. Juan Carlos Cockburn, RIT, NY, USA
Dr. Richard Kline, PACE University, NY, USA
Dr. Craig Valli, ECU, Australia
Dr. S. N. Merchant, IIT Bombay
Dr. J. Adinarayana, IIT Bombay
Dr. Subimal Ghosh, IIT Bombay
Mr. Ashok D. Jagatia, Acevin Solutions, Mumbai
Dr. Surya S. Durbha, IIT Bombay
Dr. Kei Tanaka, NARC, Japan
Dr. Suryanarayana Doolla, IIT Bombay
Dr. Pancham Shukla, LMU, UK
Dr. Ali Aryaei, IAU, Mashhad, Iran
Dr. Bhushan Jagyasi, TCS, Bangalore, India
Dr. Dhanajay Kalbande, SPIT, Mumbai, India
Dr. S K Shinde, LTCOE, Mumbai, India
Dr. Arunashu Mahapatro, NIST, Odisha, India
Dr. Takuji Kiyura, NARO, Tsukuba, Japan
Dr. M. P. Singh, NIT, Patna, India
Dr. Anurag Varma, CSIT, Durg, India
Dr. V. Madhava Rao, NIRD, Hyderabad, India
Dr. Apoorva Shah, MS University, Baroda
Dr Madhuri Bhavsar, Nirma University, Ahmedabad
Dr. Sangita Mishra, SCoE, Navi Mumbai
Dr. Imdad Rizvi, TEC, Navi Mumbai
Dr. S. L. Varma, PCET, Navi Mumbai.
Dr. D. Sudharsan, University of Tokyo, Japan
Dr. T. Kiura, NARC, Tsukuba, Japan
Dr. Jonathan Joshi, Eduvance, Mumbai, India
Dr Uday Pandit Khot, SFIT, Mumbai, India
Important Dates
15th July 2014
First Call for Papers
1st August 2014
Second Call for Papers
5th August 2014
Submission of Manuscript (open)
25th August 2014
Last date for Submission of Manuscript
28th October 2014
Notification to Authors
17th November 2014
Submission of Material by Authors for Accepted Papers
15th January 2015
Program upload on Conference Website
Conference Committee
Fr. Adolph Furtado
Fr. Mario Vaz
Fr. Colbert D’souza
Dr. S. Krishnamoorthy
Mr. Conrad Saldanha
Dr. Amiya K. Tripathy, DBIT, Mumbai, India
Dr. Leisa Armstrong, ECU, Australia
Program & Conference Coordination Committee
Dr. Sudhakar Mande
Mrs. Ashwini Kotrashetti
Mr. R K Sarangi
Organizing Chair
Dr. Prasanna Nambiar
Mr. Imran Mirza
Mr. Shiv Negi
Mrs. Pratibha Dumane
Finance Chair
Mr. Sameer Hadkar
Mrs. Sana Ansari
Publicity & Public Relations Committee
Mr. Sandip Sabnis
Mr. Vikram Vasudev
Mr. Imran Mirza
Publications Committee
Mr. Tayyabali Sayyad
Mrs. Minirani Nair
Mr. Dhananjay Patel
Mrs. Gejo George
Sponsorship Committee
Mr. Vikram Vasudev
Mr. V R Kulkarni
Logistic Committee
Ms. Sushree Satapathy
Mrs. Uma Sahu.
Review Committee
Dr. Sudhakar Mande
Dr. Revathy Sundararajan
Web Committee
Mr. Shiv Negi
Mr. Abhishek V
Cultural Program:
Mrs. Mahalaxmi S
Mr. Sandeep Das Gupta
Registration Chair
Mrs. Aparna Telgote
Mrs. Sejal Chopra
Session Management Chair
Mrs. Aruna Khubalkar
Mr. Sandip Surve.
Publications Chairs
Mr. Tayyabali Sayyad
Mrs. Minirani Nair