• For the diagnosis of disease, system uses a DocBot which is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) engine to interact with patients. It will have interface wherein avatar of doctor will be present with a reply box. The user interacts with the artificial intelligence engine like normal chatting. Based on the inputs from the user the AI engine will provide diagnosis. The doctor will also be able to teach the AI engine. The Docbot can be highly useful in case of patients that require counseling(ex: Drug Addicts, Alcoholic Addicts etc.)

    Goals of the system

    • Differential diagnosis to patients using an AI (Artificial Intelligence)
    • 24-hour availability of healthcare to doctors and patients
    • Experts from all over the world can be connected, facilitating globalization
    • Free basic healthcare to all people (If implemented by the Government)

  • MediAssitEdge system aims at providing basic diagnosis of diseases which does not require prescription as well as conduct diagnosis based on symptoms provided. The system contains two parts - MediConnect and Docbot. The patients that require second level diagnosis will be referred to video conferencing module known as MediConnect. The MediConnect module is integrated with facilities such as white-board section to upload reports and other documents and also real time highlighting and marking on the document, audio, video and textual chat, real time audio and video input from the two assisting hardware devices e-Stetho and DiagnoCam respectively. e-Stetho (e-stethoscope) is a modified stethoscope to provide digital output so that it can be transmitted and DiagnoCam (Diagnosis Camera) is a portable web camera with light up facility so that it might be able to detect tonsilitis, skin diseases etc.

  • MediAssistEdge System

  • MediConnect System

  • Docbot System