College of Computing Sciences

Department of Computer Science


Dimitri Theodoratos

Associate Professor


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Teaching Awards


       James A. McHugh Excellence in Teaching by a Faculty Member Award, Spring 2023, awarded by the Ying Wu College of Computing Sciences of NJIT.


       Master Teacher designation of NJIT, Spring 2016.
The Master Teacher designation is the highest distinction given by NJIT to tenured faculty members who have a sustained record of recognized teaching excellence.


       Excellence in Teaching Award in the category Graduate Instruction, Spring 2005, awarded by the Committee on Excellence in Teaching of NJIT.




Research Awards


       International IBM Faculty Award, Summer 2004.
The IBM Faculty Awards is a competitive worldwide program intended to foster collaboration between researchers at leading universities worldwide and those in IBM research, development and services organizations.



Contact | Awards | Teaching | Education | Research | Publications | ProgramCommittees | StudentsInformation


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