Norbert Elliot. “Louise Rosenblatt, Identity, and New York: 1938.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. New York, NY. 23 March 2007.
Nancy Coppola, Norbert Elliot, Thomas Barker, Locke Carter, Miles Kimball. “Re(Building) Technical Communication as a Research Discipline: A Community Model for Program Assessment.” Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Conference. New York, NY. 21 March 2007.
Nancy Coppola and Norbert Elliot. “Bricolage and Beyond: Technology, Community, and Globalism.” IEEEE Professional Communication Society. Saratoga Springs, NY. 23 Oct. 2006.
Norbert Elliot. E-Portfolios and Multi-Media Presentations: How Do We Assess These Changing Constructs?” Invited Presentation for Constructed Response Forum. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service. 27 Jan. 2006.
"Irony and Asychronicity: Interpreting Withdrawal Rates in E-Learning Courses." Norbert Elliot, Robert S. Friedman, and Vladmir Briller. Ed-Media World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Telecommunications. Montreal, Canada: June 27-July 2, 2005.