NJIT homepage of Evan Koblentz

Hello world.

I am a senior writer and adjunct instructor at New Jersey Institute of Technology.

I'm also the advisor to the university Lego Club.


I'm a writer in the Office of Communications and Marketing.

I enjoy documenting the history of computing. Here are some articles I wrote related to computer history at NJIT and its predecessor Newark College of Engineering:


COBOL is a computer programming language that is unfairly positioned as bad or obsolete. It is neither. If you're a journalist writing an article about it, or just a curious passer-by, then here is a COBOL fact sheet that I wrote in February 2025. I hope it helps.

Teaching (CS-210)

I'm also an adjunct instructor at NJIT Ying Wu College of Computing. My course is CS-210: Technical History of Computing. We meet Wednesday nights.

Prerequisites: (CS 100 or CS 101 or CS 103 or CS 104 or CS 113 or CS 115 or BNFO 135) and any History and Humanities GER 200 level course and ENGL 101. This course is for students in computing majors. Students will gain a comprehensive overview of the evolution of computing from the start of recorded history through modern times. By studying history, you will understand the context of modern developments in CS/IT, including cyclical trends and why various approaches did or did not work. Learning where it all came from will also help young computer scientists to speak intelligently with older colleagues and managers in the workforce. Topics include mechanical calculating, analog computing, relay/tube computers, transistors, integrated circuits, I/O such as punch cards/paper tape/floppy disks, the minicomputer generation, the microcomputer revolution, development of graphical and network systems, early mobile computing, and modern history. A special focus on historic developments in New Jersey will be part of all lectures.

Non-CS majors are encouraged to register; you may need permission from someone in the CS department. I'm happy to accept students who major in engineering, history, etc. ("STEM teaches you to clone a T-rex. Humanities teaches you why that's not a wise idea.") Of course, a basic familiarity with computing systems is helpful.

The required book is A New History of Modern Computing by Tom Haigh and Paul Ceruzzi.

Here is the current syllabus.

Student Reviews

Here are excerpts from the RateMyProfessors website.

Best comment: "We all watch YouTube videos most of the time. I guess it's better than when he lectures."

You can read more from RMP here. Can't please everyone. 🤷

Last updated by Evan Koblentz, Feb. 22, 2024 *** Contact: evank{at}njit.edu