Problem Analysis

Why do people eat meat?

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When people get asked about eating meat, they come up with lot of reasons of why eating meat is very important for them. Among those reasons, the most used reason is they get proteins and fat from meat. Most non-vegeterian people believe that quality of proteins from meat is best for their bodies. Animal protein consumption increases the depth of bone density. Meat Is Rich Source For Several Essential Vitamins And Nutrients like B12, B3, B6, Selenium, Zinc, Iron and other minerals. The Meat Protein is Good For Weight Loss.They believe that Meat do Not Cause Diabetes, Cancer And Cardiovascular Diseases. According to non-vegeterians , Meat Is Essential Part Of A Balanced Diet And ‘No Meat Diet’ Is Bad. Avoiding meat from our diet does more harm to the body in the long run. It Is Easy To Build A Muscular And Healthy Body With Meat Diet. Meat Diet Improves Neurotransmitter Health. So, the bottom line is people think , If you are really serious about having healthy and balanced diet, it is difficult to think of diets without meat. So, the real problem is if people stop eating meat, then what will they eat to get protein and vitamins from? People really want to keep themselves fit and healthy , and they need to have same type of source or same type of diet instead of meat from which they can get same amount of proteins , carbs and vtamins from. So, people cannot find anything simillar to their diet, they are dependent on meat. They are not seeing the cruelty and violence which happens in the slaughter houses and because people want more meat , slaughter houses keep running on and on.

People don't really have any solutions of stopping this cruelty because they also want to eat meat. If people get introduced to the solutions of finding something equivalent to meat which is not meat but gives them enough amount of proteins and vitamins , then they might give a thought on stop eating meat and think about innocent animals and the violence they go through in the slaughter houses. So, There are some solutions on the next page which might help those people who are really looking for a healthy diet and also want to stop animal violence.

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