Research Projects on Computer Vision

Attentive Partial Convolution for RGBD Inpainting

The process of Inpainting, which involves reconstructing missing pixels within images, plays a pivotal role in refining image processing and augmenting reality (AR) encounters. This study tackles three prominent hurdles in AR technology: diminished reality (DR), which entails removing undesired elements from the user's view; the latency issue in AR head-mounted displays leading to pixel gaps; and the flaws in depth maps generated by Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors in AR devices. These obstacles compromise the authenticity and engagement of AR experiences by affecting both the texture and geometric accuracy of digital content. We introduce an innovative Partial Convolution-based framework tailored for RGBD (Red, Green, Blue, Depth) image inpainting, proficient in simultaneously reinstating missing pixels in both the color (RGB) and depth dimensions of an image. Unlike traditional methods that primarily concentrate on RGB inpainting, our approach integrates depth data, crucial for lifelike AR applications, by restoring both the spatial structure and visual details. This dual restoration ability is paramount for crafting immersive AR experiences, ensuring seamless amalgamation of virtual and real-world elements. Our contributions encompass the refinement of an advanced Partial Convolution model, incorporating attentive normalization and an updated loss function, which surpasses existing models in accuracy and realism in inpainting endeavors.
