The Grand Canyon Adventure with OARS… 

In the spring of 1999, we took a 17 day trip through the entire Grand Canyon as part of a group of dories. These are little row boats. One puts in at Lee's Ferry, and 17 days and 256 miles later, takes out after the end of the canyon, on Lake Mead. The rapids are BIG. Boats overturn. People are injured. This is no place for anybody afraid of the water ( which is only 46 degrees F, year round, since it comes out of the bottom of the deep dam just above the canyon.) However, if I did it again, I would not do it any other way (except maybe in a kayak…) You really become part of the elements, right down with the river, not way up high on a motor driven (smelly, noisy) giant raft with about 30 people on it… The boatmen and boatwomen who do the rowing through the rapids are amazing (nobody died…) Each day, there are at least two hikes, a big one mid day, another one at the place where you stop to camp for the night. So, the trip is as much about hiking as it is about running rapids.

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