Stratospheric Ozone Layer Depletion Case Study

        This is the introductory screen of the Stratospheric Ozone Layer Depletion case study. We suggest that you begin with the overview. However, for your convenience, links to other portions of the case study have been provided. Since the case study is interdisciplinary, it is difficult to separate any one field from the others. As a result, subject areas may overlap within the body of the case study.
        The six icons shown below are provided to assist the users as they work through the case study. Each icon has two purposes. First, the icons represent a major field of study presented later in the narrative of the case study. Icons appear on the top of each page of the narrative to give the user an idea of what material will be covered on that page. Second, if the icons on this page are clicked the first page in the narrative containing material related to that icon will be accessed. More than one Icon can appear on the top of any one page. This is due to the interdisciplinary nature of the case study.
Begin the Case Study

Historical Overview

The Beginning





Case Study Main Menu
        The Goto page has been included to allow easy access to specific areas of the case study. When the Goto arrow is clicked, a screen appears with access options that lead to the major areas of this case study.

Goto anywhere in the case study