Vincent Oria


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GITC 4317D




Computer Science

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Academic Interests: Multimedia Databases, Spatio-temporal Databases and Recommender Systems.






Selected Publications:


  • M. E. Houle, V. Oria, S. Satoh and J. Sun “Knowledge propagation in large image databases using neighborhood information”. In Proc. 10th ACM Multimedia Conference (MM 2011), Scottsdale, AZ, USA, November 2011, pages 1033-1036
  • X. Yu, V. Oria, P. Gouton and J. Jomier “2D Geon Based Generic Object Recognition”. In Proc. ACM international conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2011), Scottsdale, AZ, USA, November 2011, pages 1493-1496
  • A. Fesnin, V. Gouet-Brunet, S. Kominen, J. Sun “Towards a Privacy Preserving Personal Photo Album Manager with Semantic Classification, Indexing and Querying Capabilities”. In Proc. ACM international conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2011), Scottsdale, AZ, USA, November 2011, pages 835-836 (system prototype demonstration)
  • I. Sandu Popa, K. Zeitouni, V. Oria, D. Barth, S. Vial. “Indexing in-network trajectory flows”. In VLDB Journal, 20(5): 643-669 2011
  • V. Oria, P. Q. Trung, J.M Saglio, Webbograph : A selective publication model for bloggers. In IADIS international journal of WEB BASED communities IJWBC 7(1): 98-115, 2011


  • L. Zhang, M. Bieber, Min Song, V. Oria, D. Millard. “Supplementing Virtual Documents with Just-in-Time Hypermedia Functionality”. To appear in International Journal of Digital Library (IJDL), 11(3): 155-168 2010
  • Y. Yu, M. Crucianu, V. Oria, E. Damiani “Combining Multi-Probe Histogram and Order-Statistics Based LSH for Scalable Audio Content Retrieval”, in Proc. ACM international conference on Multimedia (ACM MM’10), Florence, Italy, October 2010, pages 381-390.
  • M. Houle, V. Oria, U. Qasim. "Active Caching for Similarity Queries Based on Shared-Neighbor Information". In Proc. of the 19th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), October 2010, pages 669-678
  • Y. Yu, V. Oria, J. S. Downie: Recommender system for MIR research community. JCDL 2010: 409-410
  • I. S. Popa, K. Zeitouni, V. Oria, D. Barth, S. Vial “PARINET: A Tunable Access Method for in-Network Trajectories”, In Proc of 26th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Los Angeles USA, March 1-6, 2010, pages 177-188


  •   Yi Yu, Kazuki Joe, Vincent Oria, Fabian Moerchen, J. Stephen Downie and Lei Chen, “Multi-Version Music Search Using Acoustic Feature Union and Exact Soft mapping,” In International Journal of Semantic Computing (IJSC), Volume No. 03, Issue No. 02, pp 209-234, 2009
  • Yi Yu, Michel Crucianu, Vincent Oria, Lei Chen “Local Summarization and Multi-Level LSH for Retrieving Multi-Variant Audio Tracks”, In Proc. ACM international conference on Multimedia (ACM MM’09), Beijing, China, October 2009, pages 341-350.
  • T. C. Will, A. Srinivasan, M. Bieber, I. Im, V. Oria, Y.F. Brook Wu: GRE: hybrid recommendations for NSDL collections. JCDL 2009, pages 457-458, 2009
  • U. Qasim, V. Oria, Y. F Brook Wu, M. Houle, and M. T. Özsu." A partial order based active cache for recommender systems," In Proc. 3rd ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys'09), October 2009, pp. 209-212.
  • J. Xin, G. Wang, L. Chen, V. Oria: Energy-Efficient Evaluation of Multiple Skyline Queries over a Wireless Sensor Network In proceeding of the 14th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2009), Brisbane, Australia, 2009, pages 247-262


  •   M. Crucianu, D. Estevez, V. Oria, J.-P. Tarel, “Speeding up Active Relevance Feedback with Approximative kNN  Retrieval for Hyperplane Queries” In International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 8(2-3), Wiley, 2008, pages 150 159
  • Y. Yu, J. S. Downie, L. Chen, V. Oria K. Jo, " Searching Musical Audio Datasets by a Batch of Multi-Variant Tracks", In Proceedings of ACM International Conference of Multimedia Information Retrieval(MIR’08), Vancouver, Canada October 2008, pages 121-127.
  • Y. Yu, J. S. Downie, F. Moerchen, L. Chen, K. Joe, V. Oria "COSIN: Content-Based Retrieval System for Cover Songs", In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia (MM’08), Vancouver, Canada, October 2008, pp. 987-988. (system prototype demonstration)
  • V. Oria, P. Q. Trung, J.M Saglio, Webbograph : A selective publication model for bloggers, In proceedings of the IADIS Web Based Communities Conference (WBC 2008), Amsterdam, July 2008


  • I. Bartolini, P. Ciaccia, V. Oria, M. T. Özsu, “Flexible Integration of Multimedia Sub-Queries with Qualitative Preferences”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 33 ,  Issue 3, Pages: 275 – 300,  June 2007
  • M. Crucianu, D. Estevez, V. Oria, J.P. Tarel, Hyperplane Queries in a Feature-Space M-tree for Speeding up Active Learning, Proceedings of Bases de Données Avancées (BDA 2007), Marseille, 23-26 octobre 2007.
  • W. Xu, D. Theodoratos, C. Zuzarte, X. Wu, V. Oria, A Dynamic View Materialization Scheme for Sequences of Query and Update Statements. In Proceedings of International Conference on Datawarehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK), Rosenberg, Germany, pages 55-65, August 2007


  • I. Bartolini, P. Ciaccia, L. Chen, and V. Oria “A Meta-Index to Integrate Specific Indexes: Application to Multimedia”. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Grand Canyon, AZ, USA, August 2006, pages 29—35


  • L. Chen, M. T. Özsu, V. Oria, “Using Multi-Scale Histograms to Answer Pattern Existence and Shape Match Queries over Time Series Data”. In Proceedings of the 17th International Scientific and Statistical Database Management Conference (SSDBM), Santa Barbara, California, USA, June 2005, pages 217—226
  • L. Chen, M. T. Özsu, and V. Oria, "Robust and Fast Similarity Search for Moving Object Trajectories", In Proceedings of 24th ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD'05) , Baltimore, MD, June 2005, pages 491—502
  • T. Dalamagas, D. Theodoratos, A. Koufopoulos, V. Oria, “Evaluation of Queries on Tree-Structured Data using Dimension Graphs”. In Proceedings of the 9th International Database Engineering and Application Symposium (IDEAS), Montreal, Canada, July 2005.
  • G. Jomier, M. Manouvrier, V. Oria, M. Rukoz. “Multilevel-Index for Global and Partial Content-Based Image Retrieval”. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Managing Data for Emerging Multimedia Applications (EMMA’05) Tokyo, Japan, April 2005, pages 66—75.


  • V. Oria, M. T. Özsu, P. J. Iglinski, “Foundation of the DISIMA Image Query Languages”, In Multimedia Tools and Applications, 23 (3): 185-201, Kluwer Academic Publisher, August 2004
  • L. Chen, M.T. Özsu, V. Oria. "MINDEX: An Efficient Index Structure for Salient Object-based Queries in Video Databases ", ACM Multimedia Systems, 10(1): 56-71, Springer-Verlag , June 2004
  • G. Jomier, M. Manouvrier, V. Oria, M. Rukoz. “Indexation Multi-Niveaux pour la Recherche Globale et Partielle d’Images par le Contenu”. In Proceedings of Base de Données Avancées (French Annual Conference on Databases), Montpellier, France, October 2004
  • L. Zhang, M. Bieber, D. Millard, V. Oria, “Supporting Virtual Documents in Just-in-Time Hypermedia Systems”. In Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng 2004), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, October 2004, pages 35—44.
  • L. Chen, M. T. Özsu, V. Oria, “Symbolic Representation and Retrieval of Moving Object Trajectories”. In Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, New York, New York, USA, October 2004, pages 227—234.
  • I. Bartolini, P. Ciaccia, V. Oria, M. T. Özsu, “Integrating the Results of Multimedia Sub-Queries Using Qualitative Preferences”. In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Multimedia Information System, Washington, DC, August 2004, pages 66-75


  • V. Oria, M. T. Özsu, “Views or Points of View on Image”. In International Journal of Image and Graphics, 3(1): 55—79, World Scientific Publishing, January 2003.
  • H. Ye, B. Kerhervé, G. Bochmann, V. Oria, “Pushing Quality of Service Information and Requirements into Global Query Optimization”. In Proceedings of the 7th International Database Engineering and Application Symposium (IDEAS), Honk-Kong, China, July 2003, pages. 170—179
  • C. Dorai, V. Oria, V. Neelavalli, “Structuralizing Educational Videos Based on Presentation Content”. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Barcelona, Spain, September 2003.
  • L. Chen, M. T. Özsu, V. Oria, “Modeling Video Data for Content-Based Queries: Extending the DISIMA Image Data Model”. In Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM’03), Taipei, Taiwan, January 2003, pages 169—189.


  • L. Chen, V. Oria, M. T. Özsu, “A Multi-Level Index Structure for Video Databases”. In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Multimedia Information System, Tempe, Arizona, October 2002, pages 28—37.


  • V. Oria, A. Shah, S. Sowell, “Indexing XML Documents: Improving the BUS Method”. In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Multimedia Information System, Capri, Italy, November 2001, pages 51-60.
  • V. Oria, M. T. Özsu, P. J. Iglinski, “Querying Images in the DISIMA DBMS”. In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Multimedia Information System, Capri, Italy, November 2001, pages 89-98.
  • V. Oria, M. T. Özsu, S. Lin, P. J. Iglinski, S. Lin, “Similarity Queries in the DISIMA Image DBMS”. In Proceedings of the 2001 ACM Multimedia, Ottawa, Canada, September-October 2001, pages 475-478.
  • L. Shu, M. T. Özsu, V. Oria, R. Ng, “An Extendible Hash for Multi-Precision Similarity Querying of Image Databases”. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Very Large Database Systems (VLDB), Rome Italy, September 2001, pages 221-230.
  • Z. Li, Y. Wang, V. Oria “A New Architecture for Meta-Search Engines”. In American Conference on Information Systems, Boston, MA, USA, August 2001, pages 415-422.
  • B. Anirban, D. Dixit, R. Galnares, M. Tzagarakis, M. Vaitis, M. Bieber, V. Oria, A. Krishna, Q. Lu, F. Aljallad, L. Zhang, “Towards Hypermedia Support for Database Systems”. In Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Press, Washington, D.C., January 2001, (Managing Information on the Web Minitrack).


  • S. Hollfelder V. Oria, M. T. Özsu, “Mining User Behavior for Resource Prediction in Interactive Electronic Malls”. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, New York, July 2000 Volume 2 pages 863-866.
  • V. Oria, M. T. Özsu, P. Iglinski, B. Xu, L. I. Cheng, “ DISIMA: An Object-Oriented Approach to Developing an Image Database System”. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Data Engineering, 28 February - 3 March, 2000, San Diego, California, pages 672-673 (system prototype demonstration)
  • V. Oria, M. T. Özsu, P. J. Iglinski, S. Lin, B. Yao, “DISIMA: A Distributed and Interoperable Image Database System”. In Proceedings of the 2000 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, May 16-18, 2000, Dallas, Texas, page 600 (system prototype demonstration)
  • V. Oria, M. T. Özsu, L. I. Cheng, P.J. Iglinski and Y. Leontiev, “Modeling Shapes in an Image Database System In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Multimedia Information System, Indian Wells, Palm Springs Desert, California, USA, October 1999, pages 34-40.
  • O. Günther, P. Picouet, J-M Saglio, M. Scholl and V. Oria, “Benchmarking Spatial Joins A la Carte”. In International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS) 13(7), 1999, pages 639-656.
  • V. Oria, M. T. Özsu, B. Xu, L. I. Cheng and P.J. Iglinski, “VisualMOQL: The DISIMA Visual Query Language”. In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, Florence, Italy, June 1999, Volume 1, pages 536-542.
  • V. Oria, M.T. Özsu, D. Szafron, and P.J. Iglinski, “Defining Views in an Image Database System”. In Proceedings of the 8th IFIP 2.6 Working Conference on Database Semantics (DS-8) “Semantic Issues in Multimedia Systems”, Rotorua, New Zealand, January 1999, pages 231-250.
  • V. Oria, B. Xu, M. T. Özsu, “Visual MOQL: A Visual Query Language for Image Databases”. In 4th IFIP 2.6 Working Conference on Visual Database Systems - VDB 4, L'Aquila, Italy, May 1998, pages 186-191 (system prototype demonstration).
  • O. Günther, V. Oria, P. Picouet, J-M Saglio, M. Scholl, “Benchmarking Spatial Joins À la Carte”. In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), Capri, Italy, July 1998, pages 32-41.
  • V. Oria, J.M Saglio, “Spécification d'un Benchmark Spatial”. In Revue Internationale de Géomatique (International Journal of GIS and Spatial Analysis), Editions Hermes, 7(2), June 1997, pages 187-211
  • V. Oria, M.T. Özsu, L. Liu, X. Li, J.Z. Li, Y. Niu, and P. Iglinski, “Modeling Images for Content-Based Queries: The DISIMA Approach”. In Second International Conference on Visual Information Systems, San Diego, CA, December 1997, pages 339-346.
  • J. Z. Li, M.T. Özsu, D. Szafron, V. Oria, “MOQL: A Multimedia Object Query Language”. In The Third International Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems, Como, Italy, September 1997, pages 19-28.
  • J.P. Cheiney, V. Oria, Spatial Database Querying with Logic Languages”. In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Database systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), Singapore, April 1995, pages 342-349.