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Peter C. Papademetriou A.I.A., I.D.S.A., S.A.H.
Professor & Graduate Program Director |
Vita |
Professional Societies
Design Projects, Drawings and Photographs Articles On/Quoted In - Citations Professional Presentations & Exhibitions Professional Principal Peter C. Papademetriou,
AIA, IDSA (1996-) Professional Licenses Registered Architect, Texas Corporate Member, AIA Newark and Suburban Architects, 1994-present
Editorial Member, Executive Editor Search Committee, Journal of
Architectural Education/ACSA, 1997-1998 Community/Government Advisory Panel, Design Advancement Project Grants to Individuals/
Design Arts Program, National Endowment for the Arts, 1986
Publications: Design Projects, Drawings & Photographs "Made for Each Other" by James H. Roper/Decorating & Remodelling (Saks Residence, Brooklyn, New York) December 1990 "Real Solutions" by Jill Mason/Decorating & Remodelling (renovations to Papademetriou Apartment, New York, New York) September 1989 Ten Drawings Published in:The Architecture of the Roman Empire: An Urban Appraisal by William L. MacDonald Yale University Press 1986 Emerging Voices: A New Generation of Architects in America by Thomas H. Beeby (ed.) The Architectural League of New York/Princeton Architectural Press 1986 "La Casa Nei Colori del Lago" by Anton Ladner (Strauss Residence) in Casa Oggi (Milan) October 1985 "Davis House Addition" by Charles W. Moore and Wayne Attoe (ed.) Ah, Mediterranean! Twentieth Century Classicism in America; Theme Issue of Center; Center for the Study of American Architecture; Rizzoli 1985 "Inspired Kitchens" by Joetta Moulden (Erickson Residence) in Houston Home & Garden February 1985 four photographs published in Barbecued Ribs and Other Great Feeds by Jeanne Voltz Alfred A. Knopf 1985 two photographs published in"Summery Smoke", Newsweek June 11, 1984 "The Modernist Stripe" by Lisa Germany (Strauss Residence) in House & Garden September 1984 "TSA Honor Awards--Strauss House" in Texas Architect November-December 1983 "House, Myths, and Dreams" by Gerald Allen (Strauss Residence)"Strauss House" by Larry Paul Fuller in Texas Architect May-June 1983 "Dreams and Schemes: Architectural Permutations of theContemporary Arts Museum" by Lynn Benzel Hewitt in Cite Spring 1983 "Dream Houses" by Gay McFarland (Davis Residence) in Houston Home & Garden December 1982 "CAM on CAM" by Stephen Fox in Skyline December 1982 "CAM Makeover" by Ann Holmes in "Spotlight"/Zest Magazine, Houston Chronicle October 17, 1982 "Lonnecker/Papademetriou" in "Young American Architects" (theme issue) Space Design 82:08 September 1982 "New Waves in American Architecture" (Davis Residence) in GA Houses 9 November 1981 "Davis Addition--Houston" by Larry Paul Fuller in Texas Architect July-August 1981 "It's What's Up Front That Counts" by Karen Graul (Davis Residence) in Houston Home & Garden July 1981 "Four Projects Cited in Houston AIA Home/Garden Design Awards Program" (Davis Residence) in Texas Architect May-June 1981 "Transforming a Tract House" by Gary McKay (Davis Residence) in Houston Home/Garden April 1981 "The 4 Best" by Madeleine McDermott Hamm (Davis Residence) in the Houston Chronicle March 22, 1981 "Energy and Cost-conscious Designs Take Awards" (Davis Residence) in the Houston Post March 16, 1981 photograph published in Art in Our Times: A Pictorial History 1890-1980 by Peter Selz Harry N. Abrams 1981 two photographs published in "Fill er Up": an Architectural History of Americas Gas Stations by Daniel I. Vieyra MacMillan 1979 photograph published in"Taking to the Waterfront" by Suzanne Stephens Horizon October 1978 photograph published in Signs of Life exhibition catalog (organized by Venturi & Rauch)Aperture Press 1976 two photographs published in In Digest (Il meglio dellAmerica per un mundo migliore) by Vicky Alliata La Pietra, Milan 1975 photograph published in Learning From Las Vegas by Robert
Venturi, Denise Scott Brown and Steve Izenour MIT Press 1972 Publications: Articles On/Quoted In - Citations Daniel Urban Kiley: The Early Gardens by William S. Saunders (ed.) [cited: "Coming of Age: Eero Saarinen and Modern American Architecture"; Perspecta 21; 1985] [cited in "Dan Kileys Miller Garden: Coming to Light" by Gary R. Hilderbrand] Princeton Architectural Press/Harvard University Graduate School of Design, 1999 The Miller Garden: Icon of Modernism, (Land Marks 09) by Hilderbrand, Gary R. and David Dillon. [cited: "Coming of Age: Eero Saarinen and Modern American Architecture"; Perspecta 21; 1985] Spacemaker Press, Washington, DC, 1999. Louis I. Kahn: Conversations with Students reviewed in: Interior Design, June 1999 The Work of Charles and Ray Eames: A Legacy of Invention [cited in "The Office of Charles Eames and Ray Kaiser: The Material Trail" by Joseph Giovannini] Harry N. Abrams, Inc./Library of Congress/Vitra Design Museum 1997 Cultural Landscape Report Jefferson National Expansion Memorial St. Louis, Missouri by Regina M. Bellavia [cited: "Eero Saarinen in Perspective" by Andrea O. Dean, AIA Journal, November 1981] National Park Service/Midwest Field Area, 1996 Architecture in North America Since 1960 by Alexander Tzonis, Liane Lefaivre & Richard Diamond [cited: Rio Grande Nature Center by Antoine Predock] Bulfinch Press (Little, Brown & Co.) 1995 Saarinen House and Garden: A Total Work of Art by Gregory Wittkopp (ed.) [cited: "Eliel Saarinen Residence at Cranbrook"; GA Houses 9; July 1981] Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 1995 "Preservation: The Saarinens in Buffalo" by Matthew Ginal in Progressive Architecture June 1990 "Philosophy in Brick" by Jane Clarke in Inland Architect Nov/Dec 1989 Jones, Amelia and Elizabeth A.T. Smith, "The Thirty-Six Case Study Projects", Smith, Elizabeth A.T. (ed.), Blueprints for Modern Living: History and Legacy of the Case Study Houses, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles [cited: "Coming of Age: Eero Saarinen and Modern American Architecture", Perspecta 21; 1985] MIT Press 1989 Architecture Today by Charles Jencks Chapter 3: Twenties Revivalism [cited: "Le Corbusier à la Mode" (critique on Richard Meier); Architectural Design; January 1971] Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 1988 "Barnstone at His Best" by Stephen Fox in Zest, magazine of the Houston Chronicle October 23, 1988 Building the New Museum by Suzanne Stephens (ed.) [Dallas Museum of Art by Edward Larrabee Barnes] Princeton Architectural Press 1986 "Booking Architecture: a symposium on architectural publishing at Columbia" by Roger Kimball Architectural RecordApril 1986 "California Design Awards"; Architecture California March/April 1986 "Perspecta 20, Perspecta 21" by William HubbardJournal of Architectural Education Vol. 39, No. 1 Fall 1985 "Exhibition hinges on pivotal US architecture" by Robert Merritt, Richmond (Virginia) Times-Dispatch September 15, 1985 "First shots in the modernist revolution" by Mark St.-John Erickson, The Virginia Gazette (Williamsburg) September 14, 1985 "Architects trade insights, insults" by Ron Stanley The Flat Hat (College of William & Mary) September 13, 1985 "Symposium highlights major Modernism exhibit" William and Mary News (Williamsburg) Vol. XV, No. 2 August 28, 1985 "Renovations and Addition: Rice University School of Architecture" James Stirling Buildings and Projects by Colin Rowe (intro.) Rizzoli 1984 "Who's King of the Mountain" by Reyner BanhamCalifornia August 1984 "Romancing the Skyline" by Bonnie Gangelhoff The Magazine (Houston Sunday Post) May 27, 1984 "Critics on Criticism" by John Kaliski, Cite Spring-Summer 1984 "Critics Discuss State of Press in Houston" Texas Architect March-April 1984 "Building Up a Collection" by Pamela Lewis The Magazine (Houston Sunday Post) April 1, 1984 "The First Hurrah" by Jeannine Stein, ContinentalApril 1984 "Architects in the Round: a look at Housing in Houston" by Florence Olsen Houston Home & Garden April 1984 "Transit Showing How Houston and Dallas Differ" by Joseph Giovannini New York Times March 13, 1984 "Crticizing the Critics" by Larry Paul Fuller,Progressive Architecture March 1984 "Opinions of panelists provide lively discussion of critics' role writing about architecture" by Rosie Walker Downtown Houston February 27, 1984 "American Architecture: Some Notes" CRIT 13 Fall 1983 "Views Mixed on Orwell's Predictions" Houston PostJanuary 1, 1984 "In Honor and Memory of William W. Caudill" by Pamela Lewis, Houston Post December 4, 1983 "Bill Caudill: A Tribute" by Larry Paul Fuller,Texas Architect, July-August 1983 "2 Houston Towers Embody Architectural Shift" by Robert Reinhold, New York Times July 18, 1983 "Houston Metropolitan Research Center to Exhibit Drawings of A.C. Finn" Cite Spring 1983 "Transportation and Urban Development in Houston" by Jeffrey Carl Ochsner Cite Spring 1983 "O'Neil Ford's American Vernacular" by Stephen Fox, Skyline February 1983 "Roads to Progress" by Jan Rich, Houston Chronicle January 23, 1983 "Shiny Towers Reflect Light on Environmental Questions" by Larry Neal, Fort Worth Star-Telegram December 20, 1981 "Eero Saarinen in Perspective" by Andrea O. Dean, AIA Journal November 1981 "In Brief: Texas Architect, July/August 1981" by Suzanne Stephens, Skyline November 1981 "My Souvenir" by Wendy Meyer, Houston Home/Garden November 1980 "Spanish Architecture in Houston: Off the Back Burner" by Ann Holmes, Houston Chronicle August 31, 1980 excerpts of Perspecta 12 (co-editor with Stuart Wrede) published in Formalism, Realism, Contextualism by Hajime Yatsuka (ed.); Shokokusha Publishing Company; Tokyo 1979 "Our Alamo Architecture" by Mimi Crossley, Houston Post November 4, 1979 "The Motorcar and Texas Urban Form" by Michael McCullar, Texas Architect September-October 1979 "The Way We Look" by Mimi Crossley, Houston Post August 28, 1979 "Lecture Traces City's Double Life" by Ann Holmes, Houston Chronicle March 7, 1979 Houston's Ten Best Streets" by Wendy Haskell Meyers,Houston Home/Garden February 1979 "What Style is It?" by Wendy Haskell Meyers, Houston Home/Garden February 1979 "Salute to late Swedish architect Gunnar Asplund" by Betty Ewing , Houston Chronicle January 18, 1979 "Signs Can Be Beautiful" by Pat Reed Texas magazine, Houston Chronicle January 7, 1979 "Signs of the Times" by Tom Overton and Larry Troutt, Houston Post December 18, 1978 "Architects Discover Lutyens" by Mimi Crossley, Houston Post October 15, 1978 "Main Street: A venerable avenue changes with Time" by Linda Robinson, Houston Business Journal May 22, 1978 "Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record: Some Images They conveyed in 1977" by Donald Canty, AIA Journal mid-May 1978 "Design: The Porch" by Joetta Moulden, Houston Home & Garden May 1978 "Tinsel in the Sky" (in Editorial Notebook ) by Ada Louise Huxtable, New York Times, December 19, 1977 "Houston: alive but not well in Texas" by Donald Johnson, Daily Californian (Berkeley) December 2, 1977 "The Eastern Connection: Taft Architects" by Nory Miller, Inland Architect (theme issue on Houston) July 1977 "Burying Granny in a Parking Lot", Houston Home & Garden March 1977 "Forty Under Forty", A + U (special issue) January 1977 "Architectural Guidebooks: Proliferating and Maturing" by John Fondersmith, AIA Journal December 1977 "Peaceable Kingdom Barn: Technology Romanticized" Texas Architect September-October 1976 "Apartments: Past Tense" by Carol Sama, Houston Home & Garden August 1976 "Texas Society gives nine design awards" Progressive Architecture December 1975 "Goodbye Five" Progressive Architecture November 1975 "Architect Firms honored" Houston Post November 2, 1975 "Conference Review: Undergraduate Non-Professional Education in Architecture" by Deborah Nevins, Journal of Architectural Education September 1975 "Houston Architecture: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" by Gay McFarland, Houston August 1975 "People Places from City Spaces" by Gay McFarland, Houston Post July 28, 1974 "The Apartment Evolution" by Gay McFarland, Houston Post July 23, 1974 "Houston's Architecture: Pop and Freewheeling" by Paul Goldberger New York Times March 6, 1974 "Cashing in on the Guidebook Boom" by Gary Hack and Rod Hollister Landscape Architecture January 1974 HOUSTON an architectural guide cited by Grady Clay in CLOSE UP: How to Read the American City Praeger; New York 1973 "One more way to explore Houston--architecturally" by Gay McFarland, Houston Post May 9, 1972 "A Guidebook on Houston" by Ann Holmes, HoustonChronicle April 16, 1972 "Montrose Area: A Drive-In Greenwich Village",City Life column, Houston Chronicle May 2, 1971 excerpts from Perspecta 12 (co-editor with Stuart
Wrede) Deutsche Bauzeitung August 1969 Professional Presentations and Exhibitions
Member, Site Selection & Library Design Competition Jury, Concordia Theological Seminary; Ft. Wayne, IN.; July 24 25, 2000 "Eero Saarinen and the Search for an American Modern Architecture"; Spring Lecture Series, School of Architecture, Washington University; St. Louis, Missouri; March 23, 2000 (invited) "Regionalism into Modernism: David R. Williams, ONeil Ford and an Elusive Sensibility"; Session "Texas in the Twentieth Century" (chaired by Kenneth Hafertepe, Historic Deerfield); Annual Meeting, Society of Architectural Historians; Houston, Texas; April 16, 1999 (invited) "Eero Saarinen and the Search for an American Modern Architecture"; Spring Lecture Series, School of Architecture, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Newark, New Jersey; March 22, 1999 (invited) "Saarinen Versus Saarinen"; panel presentation, "Architectural Trinity: 50 Years of the Des Moines Art Center" (with Franz Schulze, Edmund N. Bacon, I.M. Pei); Sheslow Auditorium, Drake University; Des Moines, Iowa; October 17, 1998 (invited) "Political Landscapes" (session moderator); "Architecture as a Political Act", Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture International Conference; Berlin, Germany; May 31 - June 3, 1997 (invited) "Eero Saarinen and American Modern Architecture"; Spring Lecture Series, School of Architecture and Planning, University of New Mexico; Albuquerque, New Mexico; March 25, 1996 (invited) 10 Years Out; Participant in Exhibition; School of Art & Architecture Gallery, Yale University; New Haven, Connecticut; September 18- December 15, 1995 (invited) "Saarinen Architectural Office Reunion" (session moderator); Cranbrook Academy of Art; Bloomfield Hills, Michigan; August 11-13, 1995 (invited) "Eero Saarinen and American Modern Architecture"; Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts; Chicago, Illinois; October 16, 1991 (invited) "Crow Island School: Progressive Education, Functional Design, and the Modern Vision" (keynote lecture); Children, Learning & School Design, National Invitational Conference for Architects & Educators; 50th Anniversary of Crow Island School; Northwestern University; Evanston, Illinois; November 17, 1990 (invited) "Becoming an Architect: Eero Saarinen and American Modern Architecture"; (keynote speech); Associates' and Interns' Workshop; New Jersey Society of Architects 1990 Convention; Atlantic City, New Jersey; October 20, 1990; (invited) "History for Architects at the Present Moment" (symposium participant); in conjunction with exhibition The History of History in American Schools of Architecture 1865-1975; Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture; Columbia University; September 27, 1990 (invited) "Eero Saarinen and the 'Search for Form'" (keynote speech); Symposium: "Eliel and Eero Saarinen"; Burchfield Art Center; Buffalo, New York; March 10, 1990 (invited) "The Saarinen Legacy" (introductory lecture to six-part lecture series); Rice Design Alliance; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Houston, Texas; October 4, 1989 (invited) "The Urban Planning Perspective"; Board Research Workshop, Rail Research Project; METRO, Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County; Houston, Texas; September 22, 1989 (invited consultant) "Beaux Arch '89" (juror for exhibit); Beaux Arch Exposition; Bridgehampton, New York; July 8, 1989 (invited) "Getting Buildings Built" (symposium moderator); Banff 89; Alberta Association of Architects; Banff, Alberta, Canada; April 7-8, 1989 (invited) "Auto Biography: Moving Houston Then and Now" (lecture series "Station to Station: Mass Transit and Urban Environment"); Rice Design Alliance, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Houston, Texas; April 5, 1989 (invited) "Closing the Link Between Architect, Designer and Dealers" (panel participant); National Kitchen & Bath Conference; Dallas, Texas; April 3, 1989 (invited) "Downtown Suburbia"; Panelist for Session (chaired by Robert Bruegmann, University of Illinois at Chicago); Annual Meeting, Society of Architectural Historians; Chicago, Illinois; April 16, 1988 (invited) "Transportation Technology/City Form: Urban Movement and the Cultural Landscape"; Session "Houston: The Making of a City" (chaired by Diane Ghirardo, University of Southern California); Annual Meeting, College Art Association; Houston, Texas; February 11, 1988 (invited) "On Becoming a Modern Architect"; Fall 1987 Lecture Series; School of Architecture, Rice University, Houston, Texas; September 28, 1987 (invited) "Eero Saarinen and the 'Search for Form'"; Summer Lecture Series; School of Architecture, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.; July 22, 1987 (invited) "Eero Saarinen: From Atelier to Mainstream Practice"; Session "From Patrons to Clients: Case Studies in the History of Architectural Practice" (chaired by Robert Gutman, Princeton University); Annual Meeting, Society of Architectural Historians; San Francisco, California; April 25, 1987 (invited) "The City and Its Region"; Moderator for Session; Annual Meeting, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture; Los Angeles, California; March 15, 1987 (invited) "Eero Saarinen and the 'Search for Form'"; "Evolving Perspectives" Lecture Series; College of Architecture, University of Houston, Houston, Texas; November 4, 1986 (invited) Buell Seminar on American Architectural Scholarship VII; Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture; Columbia University, New York; October 24, 1986 (invited participant) "Some Not-So-Easy Pieces"; Emerging Voices 1986; Architectural League of New York; New York, New York; April 17, 1986 (invited) "Harvin C. Moore: Houston Architect"; keynote lecture to exhibition; Houston Chapter, AIA/ Houston Metropolitan Research Center; Houston Public Library; Houston, Texas; April 15, 1986 (invited) "At Home With the Past"; Respondent for Session; Annual Meeting, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture; New Orleans, Louisiana; March 23, 1986 (invited) "Revision and Reformation: Post-War Magazines and Journals 1945-1965"; Session "American Architecture Through American Eyes: Magazines and Journals 1850-1986" (chaired by Suzanne Stephens, Barnard College); Symposium The Building and the Book: Architectural Publishing in America; Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture, Columbia University; New York, New York; March 1, 1986 (invited) "Trends in California Design"; Panel Discussion (chaired by Charles Jencks, University of California, Los Angeles); Monterey Design Conference; Asilomar, California; February 28, 1986 "Eero Saarinen and the 'Search for Form'"; Session "Architecture in the 'Fifties: Between International Style and Postmodernism" (chaired by David Brownlee, University of Pennsylvania); Annual Meeting, College Art Association; New York, New York; February 15, 1986 (invited) "Modernism in America"; Moderator for Symposium; College of William & Mary; Williamsburg, Virginia; September 6, 1985 (invited) "Regionalism: An Elusive Sensibility"; Summer Lecture Series, Catholic University of America; Washington, D.C.; June 25, 1985 (invited) Tit for Tat Lin; Participant in Exhibition; Alternative Museum; New York, New York; November 14-December 8,1984 (invited) Why Houston, Why?; Participant in Exhibition; American Center; Paris, France; May 28-July 7, 1984 (invited) "Regionalism: An Elusive Sensibility"; Architects on Architecture Symposium; School of Architecture, Auburn University; Auburn, Alabama; April 25, 1984 (invited) "Houston: A Tale of Two Cities"; Lecture Series, Calgary Architecture and Urban Studies Alliance; Calgary, Alberta, Canada; April 6, 1984 (invited) "Regionalism: Allusive, Illusive, Elusive"; Lecture Series, School of Architecture, Carnegie-Mellon University; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; March 13, 1984 (invited) "The Role of the Press/Criticism in Architecture"; Moderator for Symposium; Rice Design Alliance, Houston Chapter/AIA; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Houston, Texas; January 25, 1984 (invited) "Architecture in the Age of Business"; keynote lecture for opening of exhibition Alfred C. Finn: Builder of Houston; Houston Chapter, AIA/Metropolitan Research Center; Houston Public Library; Houston, Texas; November 1, 1983 (invited) "Regionalism: Allusive, Illusive, Elusive"; Architects Week Lecture Series; School of Architecture, Tulane University; New Orleans, Louisiana; September 29, 1983 (invited) "Influences of the Architectural Press"; ACSA/AIA Teachers' Seminar; Cranbrook Academy of Art; Bloomfield Hills, Michigan; June 21, 1983 (invited) "Anti-Space as Order in the Modern American City"; Session "The Strip" (chaired by David Gebhard, University of California, Santa Barbara); Annual Meeting, Society of Architectural Historians; Phoenix, Arizona; April 8, 1983 (invited) "O'Neil Ford and His Search for an Indigenous Architecture"; Architectural League of New York; New York, New York; December 8, 1982 (invited) Dreams and Schemes: Visions and Revisions; Participant in Exhibition; Contemporary Arts Museum; Houston, Texas; October 2-November 14, 1982 (invited) "The Evolution of Penal Architecture"; Conference on The Unconstitutional Jail; Committee on Architecture for Justice, American Institute of Architects; Houston, Texas; October 1, 1982 (invited) "Taking the Pulse: Houston"; American Cities Lecture Series; Drexel Institute and Temple University, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; April 7, 1982 (invited) "Curriculum, Writing, Teaching"; Moderator for Session; Annual Meeting, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture; Quebec City, Quebec, Canada; 1982 (invited) "Mobility, Settlement and City Form 1830-1980"; Lecture Series "Houston Urban Development, Cultural Geography and Architecture"; Association of Rice Alumni; Houston, Texas; February 16 & 23, 1982 (invited organizer) Architecture in Houston Since 1945; Participant in Exhibition; Farish Gallery, Rice University; Houston, Texas; September 29-October 28, 1981; (invited to juried selection) "Regionalism: Allusive, Illusive, Elusive"; Lecture Series; College of Design, Art and Architecture, University of Cincinnati; Cincinnati, Ohio; March 14, 1981 (invited) "In Search of an Indigenous Architecture"; Session "Regionalism as a Dialect" (chaired by John Meunier, University of Cincinnati); Annual Meeting, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture; San Antonio, Texas; March 29, 1980 (invited) "Revival of the Fittest: An Armchair Tour of Spanish Colonial Architecture"; Lectures for Exhibition "La Arquitectura: Spanish Influences on Houston Architecture"; Houston Public Library; Houston, Texas; November 14 & 15, 1979 (invited) "The Reign of Spain on the Texas Plain: Backgrounds of Spanish Architecture"; Lectures for Exhibition "La Arquitectura: Spanish Influences on Houston Architecture"; Houston Public Library; Houston, Texas; November 7 & 8, 1979 (invited) "Formal Taxonomy, Architectural Style and Typological Transformation"; ACSA/AIA Teachers' Seminar, Cranbrook Academy of Art; Bloomfield Hills, Michigan; June 20, 1979 (invited) "Texas Transitions: Eclecticism, Regionalism, Modernism"; Session "Borrowing, Historicism and Historic Preservation" (chaired by Robert A.M. Stern, Columbia University); Annual Meeting, Society of Architectural Historians; Savannah, Georgia; April 6, 1979 (invited) "Houston: A Tale of Two Cities"; Lecture Series "Urban Design/ A New Civic Art"; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Houston, Texas; March 19,1979 (invited) "Icons and Eye-Cons: Signs in the Houston Landscape"; Lectures for Exhibition "Signs of Houston", Houston Public Library; Houston, Texas; December 11 & 13, 1978 (invited) "Houston: Love It or Leave It"; Resident Associates Lecture Series "Urban Design: The Look of Seven Cities"; Smithsonian Institution; Washington, D.C.; July 27, 1978 (invited) "Growth: Its Problems and Opportunities"; Houston League of Women Voters Symposium, University of Houston; Houston, Texas; May 23, 1977 (invited) "Architecture: Women in the Profession"; Program Chairman for Symposium; Rice Design Alliance; Rice University; Houston, Texas; November 19, 1977 (invited) "The American City is Alive and Well and Living in Texas"; Lecture Series at School of Architecture, University of Texas at Arlington, April 20, 1979; Living Texas Series, Rice University/ Kincaid School, April 19 & 20, 1978; School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin, April 11, 1978; Corpus Christi Chapter/AIA and Museum Guild/ Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi, Texas, January 16, 1978; Department of Architecture, University of California, Berkeley, California, November 30, 1977; College of Environmental Design, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, California, November 28, 1977; School of Architecture and Fine Arts, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, March 1, 1977; Graduate School of Fine Arts, University of Pennsylvania, November 24, 1976; School of Architecture & Urban Planning, Princeton University, November 17, 1976; International Council/ Museum of Modern Art Tour, Kimbell Museum, Ft. Worth, Texas, April 8, 1976 (invited) "Shake, Rattle and van der Rohe"; Lecture Series "The Fifties: From Eisenhower to Kennedy"; Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies; New York, New York; November 18, 1976 (invited) "19th Century American Domestic Architecture"; Ashton Villa Lecture Series, Galveston Historical Foundation; Galveston, Texas; March 28, 1976 (invited) "Houston and Our New City Form"; Series "Modern Architecture: An Introduction"; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Houston, Texas; April 16, 1975 (invited) "The Intensive Major"; Conference "Undergraduate Non-Professional Education", Architectural League of New York; New York, New York; January 21, 1975 (invited) "The Architecture Major: A Selection"; Participant in Exhibition; Columbia University; New York; September-October 1975 "Houston: Love It or Leave It"; School of Architecture and Planning, Columbia University; New York, New York; October 16, 1974 (invited) "Notes on American Architecture"; Lecture Series, Carnegie-Mellon University; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; April 5, 1971 "Transportation and Urban Development", KTRU radio; February
21, 1983 |
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If you have any comments or questions, please send them to papadem@admin.njit.edu. |