

I'm Tahiatul Islam, working as a Software Engineer at Samsung R&D Institute Bangladesh. My main job responsibility includes requirements analysis, development and maintaining software products.

  • Strong working experience on mobile platforms, iOS and Android.
  • Problem solving experience using C++.
  • Decent grasp on Data Structure and Algorithms.
  • Experience working with voice platform: Bixby and Alexa.
  • Research work completion experience on MATLAB.
  • Introductory Experience with Machine Learning frameworks (TensorFlow, Keras) through online courses.
  • Experience working with code repositories and versio control system.
Download my Resume

Education & Work


Bachelor of Science in Electronics & Communication Engineering

Feb 2012 - May 2016

CGPA: 3.50/4.00

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh

Download my Transcript

Higher Secondary School Certificate

2010 - 2011

Science, GPA: 5.00/5.00

Dhaka College, Dhaka

Secondary School Certificate

2000 - 2009

Science, GPA: 5.00/5.00

Tamirul Millat Kamil Madrasah, Dhaka


Software Engineer

Aug 2016 - Present

Samsung R&D Institute Bangladesh

  • Design and development of features as required by the product team
  • Testing and ownership of developed products
  • Collaboration with HQ and other R&D institute
  • Actively observe market trends and work with product team to develop new idea


C++ 80%
Swift 90%
Objective C 90%
Java 60%
C# 60%
Python 70%
Git 90%
LaTeX 80%


Image Fusion

2015 - 2016

Implementation: MATLAB

Publication: Journal paper titled "Simultaneous Image Fusion and Denoising based on Multi-Scale Transform and Sparse Representation"

Download thesis report


Deep Learning Specialization

Provider: DeepLearning.AI

Platform: Coursera

  • understanding how to build neural networks, and learn how to lead successful machine learning projects.
  • Convolutional networks, RNNs, LSTM, Adam, Dropout, BatchNorm, Xavier/He initialization

Machine Learning

Provider: Stanford University

Platform: Coursera

  • Supervised learning (parametric/non-parametric algorithms, support vector machines, kernels, neural networks).
  • Unsupervised learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction, recommender systems, deep learning).
  • Best practices in machine learning (bias/variance theory; innovation process in machine learning and AI).


Vice President

ECE Association (Apr 2015 - Mar 2016)

ECE Association of KUET is the official association for the students of Elcectronics and Communication Engineering Department of Khulna University of Engineering and Technology.

  • Acting as a bridge between Teachers and student body
  • Arrange and manage department programs, such as: Industrial tour, tech program etc.

Programming Instructor and Event Organizer

MEC (Apr 2015 - Feb 2016)

The vision of this club is to fulfill the interest of students in different electronics projects, creating an environment for enthusiasts, sum up their merits and develop professional ideas.

Class Representative

(Feb 2012 - Mar 2013)


  • Awarded Creator Gold for project proposal at Samsung R&D Institute Bangladesh.
  • Achieved Advance level in problem solving globally at Samsung Research.
  • Awarded Vocational Scholarship from Khulna University of Engineering & Technology for outstanding results, (2013 - 2016)


  • All
  • Software
  • Hardware

Accelerometer based hand gesture robot

This robot was capable of following hand gesture from remote place. This project was done by placing an accelerometer in a hand gloves that detect or sense the hand orientation and send signal to the robot to move accordingly.

Line follower robot using analog circuitry.

The robot was capable of detecting line and follow it. Normally this kind of project is done by using microcontroller but we made it using analog circuitry that is cost efficient.



12/9 Kajla Noyanogor, Dania, Jatrabari, Dhaka - 1236, Bangladesh


+880 1670849239