1. D. J. Lockwood and L. Tsybeskov, Self-organized growth of silicon nanocrystals in nanocrystalline Si/SiO2 superlattices, in Advances in Crystal Growth Research, editors K. Sato, Y. Furukawa and K. Nakajima, Elsevier, Tokyo, 2001, p. 252-265.
2. A. Efros, D. J. Lockwood, and L. Tsybeskov, Semiconductor Nanocrystals: From Basic Principles to Applications, Kluwer/Plenum,New York 2003, ISBN 0-306-47751-3.
3. V. I. Klimov, J. M. Buriak, D. D. M. Wayner, F. Priolo, B. White and Leonid Tsybeskov, Quantum Confined Semiconductor Nanostructures, 2003, MRS Symposium Proceedings 737,Warendale, PA, pp. 834.
4. David J. Lockwood and Leonid Tsybeskov, Nanocrystalline Silicon Superlattices, Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Edited by H. S. Nalwa, Volume 6, pp. 477-494, American Scientific Publishers, 2004, ISBN: 1-58883-062-4.
5. Leonid Tsybeskov, David J. Lockwood, Chrisptophe Delerue, Masakazu Ichikawa Group-IV Semiconductor Nanostructures, 2005, MRS Symposium Proceedings 832,Warendale, PA, pp. 408.
Optical Recording in Glasses, Uzchgorod, Ukraine, October 1983
Semiconductor Thin Films-84, Odessa, Ukraine, September 1984
Winter Seminar at Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Leningrad, USSR, December 1985
Silicon-Based Amorphous Semiconductors and Insulators, Odessa, Ukraine, April 1987 (Co-Chairman)
Semiconductor Thin Films-88, Novosibirsk, USSR, April 1988
Non-Crystalline Semiconductors-89, International Conference, Uzchgorod, Ukraine, October 1989
Fourteenth International Conference on Amorphous Semiconductor Science and Technology (ICAS-91), Germany, August, 1991
Insulating Thin Films, International Conference, Germany, October 1991
Materials Research Society Meetings:
•Boston, December 1992 •San Francisco, April 1993 •Boston, December 1994 •Boston, December 1996 •Boston, December 1997 (Invited Talk) •Boston, December 1998 (Session Chair) •Boston, December 1999 (Invited Talk) •Boston, December 2000 (Invited Talk) •Boston, December 2002 (Symposium Organizer) •Boston, December 2003 •Boston, December 2004 (Symposium Organizer)
Luminescence of Porous Silicon and Silicon Nanostructures, Les Houches, France, February, 1994
March Meeting of American Physical Society, Pittsburgh, PA, March 1994
Spring Meeting of Electrochemical Society, San-Francisco, CA, May 1994
188th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Chicago, IL, October, 1995 (Invited Talk)
54th Device Research Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, June 1996
38th Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, June 1996
9th International Conference on Super lattices, Microstructures and Micro devices (ICSMM-9), Liege, Belgium, July 14-19, 1996
Optical Society of America, Annual Meeting, Rochester, NY, October 1996
Physics and Chemistry of Small-Scale Structure, OSA Topical Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, February 1997
Quantum Optoelectronics 1997, Lake Tahoe, NV, March 1997
Fourth International Symposium on Quantum Confinement, the Electrochemical Society Meeting, Montreal, CANADA, May 1997
Second International Workshop "Light Emitting Low Dimensional Silicon Structure", GREECE, June 1997 (Program Committee Member, Invited Talk)
8th Annual Symposium “Materials For Electronics and Imaging”, Rochester, NY, July 1997 (Invited Talk)
Gordon Research Conference “Electronic Materials: Chemistry, Excitations, and Processing”, New England College, NH, July 1997
Optoelectronics’98, San Diego, CA, January 1998 (Invited Talk)
March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA, March 1998
1998 International Conference on Application of Photonic Technology, July 1998, Ottawa, Canada (Invited Talk)
194th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Boston, MA, November 1998 (Invited Talk)
E-MRS Meeting, Strasbourg, France, June 1999 (Invited Talk, Session Chair)
1999 Joint International Meeting - Honolulu, HI, Symposium U1 - Advanced Luminescent Materials and Quantum Confinement, October 17-22, (Session Chair)
American Physical Society March 2000 Meeting, Minneapolis, MN (Tutorial Instructor)
58th Device Research Conference, June 2000, Denver, CO
Techcon 2000, June 2000, Phoenix, AZ
American Physical Society March 2001 Meeting (Symposium Organizer/Focus Session Chair)
The Electrochemical Society Meeting, Fall 2001, San-Francisco, CA (Invited Talk)
2002 International Conference on Computational Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICCN 2002, San-Juan, Puerto-Rico, April 2002, Invited Talk
American Physical Society March 2003 Meeting (Symposium Organizer/Focus Session Chair)
The Electrochemical Society Meeting, Spring 2003, Paris, France (Invited Talk)
American Physical Society March 2004 Meeting (Tutorial Organizer and Instructor/Focus Session Chair)
The Electrochemical Society Meeting, Fall 2004, Honolulu, HI
American Physical Society March 2005 Meeting, Los Angeles, CA
• February 1997, UC Berkeley, CA • February 1997, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM • February 1997, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA • February 1997, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, CA • February 1997, Hewlett-Packard Research Laboratories, CA • April 1997, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY • May 1997, École Polytechnique, Montreal, CANADA • June 1997, Institute of Microelectronics, NCSR Demokritos, Athens, GREECE • January 1998, Institute for Microstructural Sciences, NRC, Ottawa, CANADA • February 1998, CUNY, NYC • November 1998, MRST, Motorola, Austin, TX • April 1999, Columbia University, NY, NY • January 2000, NRC, Ottawa, CANADA • September 2000, SPS, Motorola, Phoenix, AZ • February 2002, Columbia University, NY, NY • October 2002, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY • October 2002, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ • April 2003, Workshop on Rare Earth Ions in Wide Bandgap Semiconductors, Santa Fe, NM • February 2004, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA • April 2005, Intel Corp., Santa Clara, CA • April 2005, HP Labs, Palo Alto, CA
1. B. S. Vakarov, L. E. Stys, M. G. Foygel and L. Tsybeskov, Carrier injection and photo-darkening in As2Se3 films, Ukrainian Physics Journal, published by Ukrainian Academy of Science, Kiev, 1983, p. 925-928.
2. B. S. Vakarov, L. E. Stys, M. G. Foygel and L. Tsybeskov Hopping conductivity in As2Se3-films, Ukrainian Physical Journal, Published by Ukrainian Academy of Science, Kiev, 1985, p. 341-345.
3. B. S. Vakarov, L. E. Stys, M. G. Foygel and L. Tsybeskov, Investigation of localized states in As2Se3-films by the method of space-charge-limited current, Fiz. Tech. Polupr., published by American Institute of Physics as Soviet Physics Semiconductors, 1985, p. 1113-1115.
4. B. S. Vakarov, L. E. Stys, M. G. Foygel and L. Tsybeskov, On the photodarkening mechanism in As2Se3-films, Ukrainian Physics Journal, published by Ukrainian Academy of Science, Kiev, 1985, p. 1411-1414.
5. L. Tsybeskov, Optical and electrical properties of amorphous As2Se3-films, Thesis of the Ph.D. Dissertation, Research Institute of Physics, Mechnikov Odessa University, 1986, pp. 123.
6. L. Tsybeskov A. S. Sheveleva, Photoelectrical properties of GaAs-chalcogenide glass heterostructure, Photoelectronics, Science, Kiev, 1986, p.121-125.
7. A. Yu. Popov, L. E. Stys, and A. S. Sheveleva and L. Tsybeskov, Localized states spectroscopy and a weak photoresponse method, in Photoelectronics, published by Science, Kiev, 1987, p.345-348.
8. L. Tsybeskov, A. Yu. Popov, and L. E. Stys, Photoelectric spectroscopy of deep levels in a-As2Se3 films. Fiz. Tech. Polupr., published by American Institute of Physics as Soviet Physics Semiconductors, 1987, 21, p.1349-1350.
9. L. Tsybeskov, A. Yu. Popov, and L. E. Stys, On the mechanism of the optical memory in As2Se3-films: the photoelectric spectroscopy studies. Proc. of the International Conference "Non-crystalline Semiconductors-89", published by Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, Uzchgorod, USSR, v.2, p.207-213.
10. L. Tsybeskov, S. A. Endrikhovskii, V. N. Sviridov and Ya. O. Roizin, Electronic phenomena in amorphous silicon and amorphous silicon based heterostructures. Proc. of the International Conference "Non-Crystalline Semiconductors-89", published by Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, Uzchgorod, USSR, v. 3, p.117-121.
11. L. Tsybeskov and Y. O. Roizin, Dielectric losses in Si-based insulating thin films. Proc. of the Conference "Physical Phenomena in Semiconductors Thin Films-88", Novosibirsk, USSR, published by Siberian Branch of Soviet Academy of Science, v.3, p.176-187, invited paper.
12. L. Tsybeskov S. A. Endrikhovskii, V. N. Sviridov, and Ya. O. Roizin, Current induced degradation of amorphous silicon-crystalline silicon heterostructures. Fiz. Tech. Polupr., published by American Institute of Physics as Soviet Physics Semiconductors, 1989, v. 23, p.444-446.
13. L. Tsybeskov and Y. O. Roizin, Correlation effects in ac conductivity in amorphous solids. Proc. of 10th Condensed Matter Physics Conference, European Physical Society, Lisbon, Portugal, 1990, p. 96-97.
14. L. Tsybeskov, Ya. O. Roizin, and V. R. Shymeiko, Dynamic conductivity of amorphous silicon nitride thin films. Fiz. T. T., published by American Institute of Physics as Soviet Physics Solid State, 32, 1990, p.167-168.14.
15. Y. O. Roizin and L. Tsybeskov, Capacitance-conductance spectroscopy of interface states in amorphous hydrogenated silicon-crystalline silicon heterostructures. Proc. of the International Conference "Amorphous Semiconductors and Insulators based on Silicon", Odessa, 1989, p.139-142.
16. Y. O. Roizin and L. Tsybeskov, Investigation of degradation mechanisms in silicon nitride by a. c. conductivity measurements, Proc. of the International Conference "Amorphous Semiconductors and Insulators based on Silicon", Odessa, 1989, p.311-314.
17. L. Tsybeskov and Y. O. Roizin, Role of hydrogen in the formation and stability of the interfaces between crystalline silicon and hydrogenated amorphous silicon. Fiz. Tech. Polup., published by American Institute of Physics as Soviet Physics Semiconductors, 25, 1991, p.256-258.
18. L. Tsybeskov and Y. O. Roizin, AC conductivity and failure phenomena in silicon nitride thin films. Proc. of the International Conference INFOS-91, Glasgow, UK, p.231.
19. Y. O. Roizin and L. Tsybeskov, Three-center-bonds and photo-induced phenomena in amorphous hydrogenated silicon. Proc. of 11th Condensed Matter Physics Conference, Essex, UK, 1991, p.321.
20. L. Tsybeskov and Y. O. Roizin, Hopping conductivity and bipolarons in amorphous silicon nitride films. Presented on Fourteenth International Conference: Amorphous Semiconductors, Science and Technology, ICAS-14, Germany, August 1991, published in Proc., p. 262.
21. L. Tsybeskov and Y. O. Roizin, Hopping conductivity due to bipolarons in amorphous silicone nitride thin films. Journal of Non- Crystalline Solids, 137, 1991, pp. 515-518.
22. C. Peng, L. Tsybeskov and P. M. Fauchet, Luminescence properties of porous silicon, in Microcrystalline Semiconductors: Materials Science and Devices, edited by P. M. Fauchet, C. C. Tsai, L. T. Canham, I. Shimizu, and Y. Aoyagi, MRS Symposium Proceedings, 283, 1992, p. 121.
23. E. Ettedgui, C. Peng, L. Tsybeskov Y. Gao and P. M. Fauchet, G. E. Carver, H. A. Mizes, High-spatial resolution mapping of porous silicon, in Microcrystalline Semiconductors: Materials Science and Devices, edited by P. M. Fauchet, C. C. Tsai, L. T. Canham, I. Shimizu, and Y. Aoyagi, Materials Research Society Symposium Proc., 283, p. 173.
24. C. Peng, L. Tsybeskov, P. M. Fauchet, F. Seiferth, S. K. Kurinec, J. M. Rehm and G. L. McLendon Light-emitting porous silicon under standard microelectronics processing, in Materials Research Society Symposium Proc., 298, 1993. pp. 179-184.
25. L. Tsybeskov, C. Peng, S. P. Duttagupta, E. Ettedgui, Y. Gao, P. M. Fauchet and G. E. Carver, Comparative study of light-emitting porous silicon anodized with light assistance and in the dark, in Materials Research Society Symposium Proc., 298, 1993, pp. 307-311.
26. P. M. Fauchet, E. Ettedgui, A. Raisanen, L. J. Brillson, F. Seiferth, S. K. Kurinec, Y. Gao, C. Peng and L. Tsybeskov, Can oxidation and other treatments help us understand the nature of light-emitting porous silicon? In Materials Research Society Symposium Proc., 298, 1993, pp. 271-276.
27. P. M. Fauchet, C. Peng, Ju. Vandyshev, A. Dubois, L. McLoud, S. P. Duttagupta, J. M. Rehm, G. L. McLendon, E. Ettedgui, Y. Gao, F. Seiferth, S. K. Kurinec, A. Raisanen, T. E. Orlowski, L. J. Brillson, G. E. Carver and L. Tsybeskov, Prospects for light emitting diodes made of porous silicon from the blue beyond 1.5 µm.-Advanced Photonics Materials for Information Technology., International Conference, in SPIE Proceedings: Advanced Photonics Materials for Information and Technology, edited by S. Etemad, 2144, p. 34, 1994.
28. L. Tsybeskov, Ju. V. Vandyshev, A. Dubois, and P. M. Fauchet, The blue photoluminescence band in porous silicon, Presented at the American Optical Society Meeting, Toronto, Canada, December 1993.
29. L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet, Correlation between surface species and photoluminescence in light-emitting porous silicon: low temperature annealing. Appl. Phys. Lett., 64, 1983 (1994).
30. L. Tsybeskov, Ju. V. Vandyshev and P. M. Fauchet, Blue emission in porous silicon: oxygen related photoluminescence. Phys. Rev. B 49, 7821 (1994).
31. L. Tsybeskov, S. P. Duttagupta and P. M. Fauchet, Photoluminescence and electroluminescence in partially oxidized porous silicon, Solid State Communications, 95, 429 (1995).
32. J. von Behren, L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet, Preparation and characterization of ultra-thin porous silicon films. Appl. Phys.Lett., 66, 1662 (1995).
33. S. P. Duttagupta, L. Tsybeskov, P. M. Fauchet, E. Ettedqui and Y. Gao, Post-anodization implantation and CVD techniques for passivation of porous silicon, in Materials Research Society Symposium Proc., v. 358, 1995, p. 381.
34. P. M. Fauchet, Ju. V. Vandyshev, A. Dubois, L. Tsybeskov, and C. Peng, Optical characterization of light-emitting porous silicon, in SPIE proceedings: Spectroscopic Characterization Techniques for Semiconductor Technology V, edited by O. J. Glembocki, 2141, p. 155.
35. J. M. Rehm, G. L. McLendon, L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet, Investigation of chemical absorbate effects on blue and red emitting porous silicon samples, in Materials Research Society Symposium Proc. Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors, 1995, v. 358, p. 393.
36. J. von Behren, L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet, Preparation, properties and application of free-standing porous silicon films, in Materials Research Society Symposium Proc. Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors, v. 358, p. 333.
37. L. Tsybeskov, S. P. Duttagupta and P. M. Fauchet Photoluminescence and electroluminescence in partially oxidized porous silicon, Material Research Society Symposium Proc. Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors, Symposium F, Boston, Fall 1995, v. 358, p. 683.
38. L. Tsybeskov, S. P. Duttagupta, K. D. Hirschman and P. M. Fauchet, Stable and efficient electroluminescence from a porous silicon-based bipolar device, Appl. Phys. Lett., 68, 2058 (1996).
39. L. Tsybeskov, K. L. Moore, D. G. Hall and P. M. Fauchet,
Intrinsic bandedge photoluminescence from silicon clusters at room temperature,
Phys. Rev. B., Rapid Communications, 54, R8361 (1996). 40. P. M. Fauchet, C. Peng, S. P. Duttagupta, J. von Behren, Y. Kostoulas, J. Vandyshev, L. Tsybeskov, and K. D. Hirschman,Light-Emitting Porous Silicon: Material Science, Properties, and Device Applications, in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Volume 1, Number 4, p. 1126, invited paper.
41. L. Tsybeskov, K. D. Hirschman, S. P. Duttagupta, and P. M. Fauchet, Efficient electroluminescence in oxidized porous silicon, in Advanced Luminescent Materials, edited by D. J. Lockwood, P. M. Fauchet, N. Koshida and S. R. J. Brueck (Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ) 1996, 34-47, invited paper.
42. L. Tsybeskov, K. D. Hirschman, S. P. Duttagupta, P. M.
Fauchet, K. L. Moore, and D. G. Hall, A Si-based light-emitting diode with
room-temperature electroluminescence at 1.1 eV, Appl. Phys. Lett. 69,
3411 (1996).
43. L. Tsybeskov, K. L. Moore, D. G. Hall and P. M. Fauchet,
Room-temperature photoluminescence and electroluminescence from Er-doped
silicon-rich silicon oxide, Appl. Phys. Lett., 70 (1997), 1790. 44. K. D. Hirschman, L. Tsybeskov, S. P. Duttagupta, and P. M. Fauchet, Silicon-based light-emitting devices integrated into microelectronic circuits, Nature, 384, 338 (1996).
45. L. Tsybeskov, K. L. Moore, D. G. Hall and P. M. Fauchet, Room temperature bandedge luminescence from silicon grains prepared by recrystallization of mesoporous silicon, in Materials Research Society Symposium Proc. Advances in Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors-1996, Boston, Fall 1996, v. 452, p. 517.
46. L. Tsybeskov, K. L. Moore, D. G. Hall and P. M. Fauchet,
Light emission from intrinsic and doped silicon-rich silicon oxide: from the
visible to 1.6 µm, in Materials Research Society Symposium Proc. Advances in
Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors-1996, v. 452, p. 523
47. L. Tsybeskov, K. D. Hirschman, S. P. Duttagupta, and P. M. Fauchet, Electroluminescence and carrier transport in LED based on silicon-rich silicon oxide, in Materials Research Society Symposium Proc. Advances in Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors-1996, v. 452, p. 681.
48. L. F. Moore, L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet, Preparation
and characterization of the active layer for an LED based on oxidized porous
silicon, in Materials Research Society Symposium Proc. Advances in
Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors-1996, v. 452, p. 687.
49. P. Rao, E. A. Shiff, L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet,
Electron time-of-flight measurements in porous silicon, in Materials Research
Society Symposium Proc. Advances in Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline
Semiconductors-1996, v. 452, p. 613.
50. K. D. Hirschman, L. Tsybeskov, S. P. Duttagupta and P. M.
Fauchet, Integrating bipolar junction transistors with silicon-based
light-emitting devices, in Materials Research Society Symposium Proc. Advances
in Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors-1996, v. 452, p.
705 51. P. M. Fauchet, K. D. Hirschman, L. Tsybeskov, and S. P. Duttagupta, Stable photoluminescence and electroluminescence from porous silicon, Thin Solid Films 297: (1-2) 254-260 APR 1, 1997, invited paper.
52. Prasanna Rao, E. A. Schiff, L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet, Electron Time-of-Flight Measurements in Porous Silicon, in Advances in Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors -- 1996, edited by R. W. Collins, P. M. Fauchet, I. Shimizu, J.-C. Vial, T. Shimada, and A. P. Alivisatos (Materials Research Society, Symposium Proceedings Vol. 452, Pittsburgh, 1997), 613—618
53. L. Tsybeskov, C. Peng, P. M. Fauchet, Q. Gu, and E. A. Schiff , Drift Mobility Measurements in Porous Silicon, in Amorphous Silicon Technology-1996, edited by M. Hack, E. A. Schiff, S. Wagner, R. Schropp, and A. Matsuda (Materials Research Society, Symposium Proceedings Vol. 420, Pittsburgh, 1996), pp. 825-820.
54. L. Tsybeskov, K. L. Moore, K. D. Hirshman, S. P. Duttagupta, D. G. Hall and P. M. Fauchet, Fabrication and luminescence of large Si nanocrystals, presented at 1997 Chemistry and Physics of Small-Scale Structure Topical Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, published in 1997 OSA Technical Digest Series, v. 2, p. 110.
55. K. D. Hirshman, S. P. Duttagupta, L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet, An all-silicon integrated light emitter technology, Proceedings of Quantum Optoelectronics 1997.
56. L. Tsybeskov, K. D. Hirschman, S. P. Duttagupta, D. G. Hall, and P. M. Fauchet, Fabrication and characterization of Si clusters prepared by self-organized recrystallization, Proceedings of Quantum Optoelectronics 1997.
57. L. Tsybeskov, K. D. Hirschman, S. P. Duttagupta, P. M. Fauchet, M. Zacharias, P. Kohlert, J. P. McCaffrey and D. J. Lockwood, Fabrication and characterization of nanocrystalline Si superlattice produced by controlled recrystallization, in Quantum Confinement IV: Nanoscale Materials, Devices, and Systems, edited by M. Cahay, J.-P. Leburton, D.J. Lockwood, and S. Bandyopadhyay (The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ), 1997, pp 134-145.
58. L. Tsybeskov, K. D. Hirschman, S. P. Duttagupta, M.
Zacharias, P. M. Fauchet, J. P. McCoffrey and D. J. Lockwood, Nanocrystalline
silicon superlattice produced by controlled recrystallization, Appl. Phys. Lett.
72, 43 (1998). 59. L. Tsybeskov, K. D. Hirschman, S. P. Duttagupta, M. Zacharias, P. M. Fauchet, J. P. McCoffrey and D. J. Lockwood, Fabrication of nanocrystalline silicon superlattices by controlled recrystallization, Physica Status Solidi 165, 69 (1998), invited paper.
60. K. D. Hirschman, S. P. Duttagupta, J. von Behren, L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet, Porous silicon physics and device applications: A status report, Physica Status Solidi (a) 165, 3 (1998), invited paper.
61. L. Tsybeskov, Nanocrystalline silicon for optoelectronic applications, MRS Bulletin 23 (4), 1998, invited paper.
62. L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet, Nanocrystalline silicon/amorphous silicon dioxide superlattices, MRS 1997 Fall Meeting Proceedings, invited paper.
63. L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet, Nanoscale silicon for LEDs, SPIE 1998 Proceedings, v. 3283, 793 (1998), invited paper.
64. S. Coffa and L. Tsybeskov, Silicon-based optoelectronics, MRS Bull., 23 (4) 16 (1998), invited paper.
65. G. F. Grom, P. M. Fauchet, L. Tsybeskov, J. P. McCoffrey, J.-M. Baribeau, H. J. Labbe, G. I. Sproule, and D. J. Lockwood, Structural and electrical characterization of nanocrystalline silicon superlattices, in Quantum Confinement : Nanostructures, edited by M. Cahay, J.-P. Leburton, D.J. Lockwood, and S. Bandyopadhyay (The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ, 1999, p. 76-94 , invited paper.
66. K. D. Hirschman, C. C. Striemer, S. Chan L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet, Integration of electrically isolated porous silicon LED for applications in CMOS technology, in Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors-1998, edited by L. T. Canham, M. J. Sailor, K. Tanaka, and C. C. Tsai, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, v. 536, p. 21.
67. V. Bondarenko, N. Vorozov, L. Dolgyi, V. Yakovtseva, V. Petrovich, S. Volchek, N. Kazuchits, G. Grom, H. A. Lopez, L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet, Formation and luminescent propoerties of oxidized porous silicon doped by erbium by electrochemical procedure, in Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors-1998, edited by L. T. Canham, M. J. Sailor, K. Tanaka, and C. C. Tsai, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, v. 536, p. 69.
68. S. Chan, L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet, Porous silicon multilayers mirrors and microcavity resonators for optoelectronic applications, in Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors-1998, edited by L. T. Canham, M. J. Sailor, K. Tanaka, and C. C. Tsai, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, v. 536, p. 117.
69. H. A. Lopez, S. Chan, H. Koyama, L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet, Integration of multilayers in Er-doped porous silicon structures and advances in 1.5 µm optoelectronic devices, in Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors-1998, edited by L. T. Canham, M. J. Sailor, K. Tanaka, and C. C. Tsai, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, v. 536, p. 135.
70. G. F. Grom, K. D. Hirschman, P. M. Fauchet, L. Tsybeskov, J. P. McCoffrey, H. J. Labbe and D. J. Lockwood, Structural characterization of nc-Si/a-SiO2 superlattices subjected to thermal treatment, in Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors-1998, edited by L. T. Canham, M. J. Sailor, K. Tanaka, and C. C. Tsai, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, v. 536, p. 141.
71. L. Montes, L. Tsybeskov, P. M. Fauchet, K. Pangal, J. C. Sturm, S. Wagner, Optical analysis of plasma enhanced crystallization of amorphous silicon films in Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors-1998, edited by L. T. Canham, M. J. Sailor, K. Tanaka, and C. C. Tsai, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, v. 536, p. 505.
72. C. C. Striemer, S. Chan, H. A. Lopez, K. D. Hirschman, H. Koyama, Q.Zhu, L. Tsybeskov, P. M. Fauchet, N. M. Kalkhoran and L. Depaulis, LEDs based on oxidized porous silicon on a transparent substrate, in Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors-1998, edited by L. T. Canham, M. J. Sailor, K. Tanaka, and C. C. Tsai, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, v. 536, p. 511.
73. V. P. Bondarenko, V. A. Yakovtseva, L. Tsybeskov, Erbium-doped oxidized porous silicon for integrated optical waveguides, Tech. Phys. Lett. 25, (9) 705 (1999).
74. M. Zacharias, J. Blasinget, L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet, Nanocrystalline silicon superlattices: fabrication and characterization, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 230, part B, 1132 (1998).
75. L. Tsybeskov, G. F. Grom, P. M. Fauchet, J. P. McCoffrey, J.-M. Baribeau, G. I. Sproule and D. J. Lockwood Phonon-assisted tunneling and the interface quality in nc-Si superlattice, , Appl. Phys. Lett., 75, 2265 (1999).
76. M. Zacharias, J. Bläsing, P. Veit, K. Hirschman, L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet, Thermal crystallization of the nc-Si/SiO2 superlatticesAppl. Phys. Lett., 74, 2614 (1999).
77. H. Koyma, L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet, Strongly nonlinear luminescence in oxidized porous silicon films, Journ. Luminescence 80, 99-102 (1999).
78. G. F. Grom, K. D. Hirshman, L. Tsybeskov, P. M. Fauchet, J. P. McCoffrey, J.-M. Baribeau, H. J. Labbe, G. I. Sproule, and D. J. Lockwood Optical and structural characterization of nc-Si/a-SiO2 superlattices, , in SPIE Vol. 3491, p. 671-676 (1998).
79. L. Tsybeskov, G. F. Grom, M. Jungo, L. Montes, and P. M. Fauchet, J. P. McCaffrey, J.-M. Baribeau, G. I. Sproule and D. J. Lockwood, Nanocrystalline silicon superlattices: building blocks for quantum devices, Materials Science and Engineering B 69-70, 303-308 (2000), invited paper.
80. V. Petrovich, S. Volchek, L. Dolgyi, L. Tsybeskov, and P. M. Fauchet, Deposition of erbium containing film in porous silicon from ethanol solution of erbium salt, J. Porous Mat. 7, 1-3, 37-40 (2000).
81. G. F. Grom, L. Tsybeskov, P. M. Fauchet, J. P. McCaffrey, J.-M. Baribeau, G. I. Sproule and D. J. Lockwood, V. Timoshenko, J. Diener, H. Heckler, D. Kovalev, F. Koch, and T. N. Blanton, Optical and structural characterization of nanocrystalline silicon superlattices, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, v. 588 (2000), p. 173-184, invited paper.
82. L. Tsybeskov, and D. J. Lockwood, Quantum confinement in silicon nanocrystals, Asian Journal of Physics, 9 (2000) 745, invited paper.
S. Zolner, A. Konkar, R. Lui, H. Yapa, P. Dryer, V. A. Neeley, Q. Xie, G.
F. Grom, Q. Zhu, R. Krishnan, L. Tsybeskov, P. M. Fauchet, Optical and
structural characterization of nanocrystalline Silicon Superlattices: Toward
nanoscale silicon metrology, MRS Symposia Proceedings-638, F6.6.21, An Arbor,
MI, 2001. 84.
G. F. Grom, D. J. Lockwood, J. P. McCaffrey, H. J. Labbe, P. M. Fauchet,
B. White, J. Diener, H. Heckler, D. Kovalev, and F. Koch, and L. Tsybeskov,
Ordering and self-organization in nanocrystalline silicon , Nature 407,
358 (2000). 85.
L. Tsybeskov, G. F. Grom, R. Krishnan, L. Montes, P. M. Fauchet, D.
Kovalev, J. Diener, V. Timoshenko, F. Koch, J. P. McCaffrey, H. J. Labbe, G. I.
Sproule, D. J. Lockwood, Y. M. Niquet, C. Delerue and G. Allan, Resonant
tunneling in partially disordered silicon nanostructures, Europhysics Letters
55, (4), 2001, p.552-558. 86.
D. J. Lockwood and L. Tsybeskov, Self-organized growth of silicon
nanocrystals in nanocrystalline Si/SiO2 superlattices, with, in
Advances in Crystal Growth Research, edited by K. Sato, Y. Furukawa and K.
Nakajima, Elsevier, Tokyo (2001), p. 252-265. 87.
C. C. Striemer, R. Krishnan, P. M. Fauchet, Q. Xie and L. Tsybeskov,
Controlled nucleation of Si nanocrystals on a periodic template, Nano Letters,
1, 643 (2001). 88.
T. Dittrich, V. Y. Timoshenko, J. Rappich and L. Tsybeskov, Room
temperature electroluminescence from a c-Si p-i-n structure, , J. Appl. Phys.
90, 2310 (2001). 89.
G. F. Grom, P. M. Fauchet and L. Tsybeskov, Raman spectroscopy of Si
nanocrystals in nc-Si superlattices: Size, shape and crystallographic
orientation, MRS Symposia Proceedings-638, F6.1.1, An Arbor, MI, 2001. 90.
H. B. Kim, L. Montes, P. M. Fauchet and L. Tsybeskov, Lateral carrier
transport in ultra-thin layers of Si nanocrystals, MRS Symposia Proceedings-638,
F5.12.1, An Arbor, MI, 2001. 91.
L. Montes, G. F. Grom, R. Krishnan, P. M. Fauchet and L. Tsybeskov, A
memory device utilizing resonant tunneling in nc-Si superlattices, MRS Symposia
Proceedings-638, F2.3.1, An Arbor, MI, 2001. 92.
S. Zolner, A. Konkar, G. F. Grom and L. Tsybeskov, Optical and structural
characterization of nanocrystalline Si superlattices, MRS Symposia
Proceedings-638, F5.1, An Arbor, MI, 2001. 93.
R. Krishnan, G. F. Grom, P. M. Fauchet and L. Tsybeskov, Atomic force
microscopy and Raman spectroscopy of nc-Si/a-SiO2 superlattices, MRS
Symposia Proceedings-638, F5.4.1, An Arbor, MI, 2001. 94.
C. C. Streimer, P. M. Fauchet and L. Tsybeskov, Lateral superlattices
fabricated with interferrometric lithography for nanoscale device applications,
MRS Symposia Proceedings-638, F5.13.1, An Arbor, MI, 2001. 95.
D. J. Lockwood, G. F. Grom, P. M. Fauchet and L. Tsybeskov, Ordering and
self-organized growth of Si in the Si/SiO2 superlattice system,
Journal of Crystal Growth 237-239, Part 3, April 2002, Pages 1898-1903. 96. D. J. Lockwood, G. F. Grom, L. Tsybeskov, P. M. Fauchet, H. J. Labbé, J. P. McCaffrey and B. White, Jr., Self-organization and ordering in nanocrystalline Si/SiO2 superlattices, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 11, Issues 2-3, October 2001, Pages 99-103.
L. Tsybeskov, Nanocrystalline Silicon Structures for Nanoelectronic
Applications, Proc. 2002 International Conference on Computational Nanoscience
and Nanotechnology, ICCN 2002, San-Juan, Puerto-Rico, April 2002, 213-218,
invited paper. 98.
L. Tsybeskov, B. V. Kamenev and D. J. Lockwood, Structural and Electronic
Properties of Nanocrystalline Silicon Superlattices, Proceedings of ECS 2003
Meeting, Paris, France, April 2003. 99.
S. Papernov, A. W. Schmid, R. Krishnan and L. Tsybeskov, Using colloidal
gold nanoparticles for studies of laser interaction with defects in thin film,
in Laser-Induced damage in Optical Materials, G. Exarhos, A. Guenther, M.
Kozlowski, K. Lewis, and M. Soileau, eds., Proc. SPIE 4347, 146 (2001) 100.
P. N. Rao, E. A. Schiff, L. Tsybeskov, and P. Fauchet, Photocarrier Drift
Mobility Measurements and Electron Localization in Nanoporous Silicon," Chemical
Physics 284, 129-138 (2002) 101.
C. C. Streimer, R. Krishnan, Q. Xie, L. Tsybeskov and P. M. Fauchet,
Periodic two-dimensional arrays of Si quantum dots for nanoscale device
applications, MRS Symposia Proceedings-737, F3.27, An Arbor, MI, 2003. 102.
V. Duzhko and L. Tsybeskov, Time-resolved carrier tunneling in
nanocrystalline silicon/amorphous silicon dioxide superlattices, Appl. Phys.
Lett. 83, 5229 (2003) 103.
B. V. Kamenev, H. Grebel, L. Tsybeskov, T. I. Kamins, R. Stanley
Williams, J. M. Baribeau, and D. J. Lockwood, Polarized Raman scattering and
localized embedded strain self-organized silicon-germanium nanostructures, Appl.
Phys. Lett. 83, 5035 (2003) 104.
B.V. Kamenev, G. F. Grom, D. J. Lockwood, J. P. McCafrey, B. Likhtman,
and L. Tsybeskov, Carrier tunneling, current instabilities and negative
differential conductivity in nanocrystalline silicon superlattices, MRS
Symposia Proceedings-737, F11.6, An Arbor, MI, 2003. 105.
B. V. Kamenev, L. Tsybeskov, J.-M. Baribeau and D. J. Lockwood,
Photoluminescence and Raman scattering in three-dimensional Si/Si1–xGex
nanostructures, Applied Physics Letters 84,1293 (2004). 106.
B. V. Kamenev, G. F. Grom, D. J. Lockwood, J. P. McCafrey, B. Laikhtman,
and L. Tsybeskov, Carrier tunneling in nanocrystalline silicon--silicon dioxide
superlattices: A weak coupling model, Phys. Rev. B 69, 235306 (2004). 107.
B. V. Kamenev, J.-M. Baribeau, D. J. Lockwood, and L. Tsybeskov, Optical
properties of Stranski-Krastanov grown three-dimensional Si/Si1–xGex
nanostructures, Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 26 (1-4) ,
174-179. 108.
B. V. Kamenev, H. Grebel and L. Tsybeskov, Photo-induced structural
modifications of nc-Si/a-SiO2 superlattices, MRS Symposia
Proceedings-832, F7.26, Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA 2005. 109.
V. Sharma, B. V. Kamenev, and L. Tsybeskov, Optical properties of Ge
nanowires grown on silicon (100) and (111) substrates, MRS Symposia Proceedings-832,
F7.20, Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA 2005. 110.
E. K. Lee, B. V. Kamenev, and L. Tsybeskov, Carrier transport in
one-dimensional Ge nanowires/Si substrate heterojunctions, MRS Symposia
Proceedings-832, F7.21, Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA 2005. 111. Y. Diamant, J. Chen, H. Han, B. Kamenev, L. Tsybeskov and H. Grebel, Electrochemical polarization and electrical characterizations of polycarbozale on single wall carbon nanotubes, Synthetic Materials, in press.