Journal & Magazine Articles
Journal Articles (updated on October 12, 2014)
M. C., and F. DiCesare, "Adaptive design of Petri net controllers for
error recovery in automated manufacturing systems," IEEE Trans. on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 19(5), pp. 963-973, 1989.
M. C. and F. DiCesare, "Parallel and sequential mutual exclusions for Petri
net modeling for manufacturing systems with shared resources," IEEE
Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 7(4), pp. 515-527, August 1991.
M. C. and M. C. Leu, "Modeling and Performance Analysis of a Flexible
PCB Assembly Station Using Petri Nets", Transactions of the ASME,
Journal. of Electronic Packaging, Vol. 113,
No. 4, pp. 410-416, 1991.
M. C., F. DiCesare, and A. A. Desrochers, "A Hybrid Methodology for
Synthesis of Petri Nets for Manufacturing Systems," IEEE
Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 8(3), pp. 350-361, 1992.
M. C., F. DiCesare, and D. Rudolph, "Design and Implementation of a
Petri Net Based Supervisor for a Flexible Manufacturing System," Automatica,
28(6), pp. 1199-1208, 1992.
D. L., F. DiCesare, and M. C. Zhou, "A Moment Generating Function
Based Approach for Evaluating Extended Stochastic Petri Nets," IEEE
Trans. Automatic Control, 38(2), pp. 321-327, 1993.
M. C., D. L. Guo, and F. DiCesare, "Integration of Petri Nets and
Moment Generating Function Approaches for System Performance
Evaluation," J. of Systems Integration, 3(1), pp. 43-62, 1993.
M. C., K. McDermott, and P. A. Patel, "Petri Net Synthesis and
Analysis of a Flexible Manufacturing System Cell," IEEE Trans. on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 23(2), pp. 523-531, March/April 1993.
D. Y., M. C. Zhou and D. T. Wang, "Extending knitting technique to
Petri net synthesis of automated manufacturing systems," The
Computer Journal, Oxford University Press, 37(1), pp. 67-76, 1994.
K., M. Kaighobadi, M. C. Zhou and R. Caudill, "Augmented Timed Petri
Nets for Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis of Robotic Systems with
Breakdowns," J. of Manufacturing Systems, 13(4), pp. 289-301,
K., M. C. Zhou, and R. Caudill, "Comparing Ladder Logic Diagrams and
Petri Nets for Sequence Controller Design through a Discrete Manufacturing
System," IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, 41(6), pp.
611-619, Dec. 1994.
Zurawski, R. and M. C. Zhou, "Petri Nets and Industrial
Applications: A Tutorial," IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics,
41(6), pp. 567-583, Dec. 1994.
M. C., "Deadlock Avoidance Methods for a Distributed Robotic System:
Petri Net Modeling and Analysis," Journal of Robotic Systems,
12(3), pp. 177-187, 1995.
C. N., M. C. Zhou and S. S. Nerukar, "Design and Implementation of
Fuzzy Logic Controllers for a Heat Exchanger in a Water for Injection
Systems," J. of Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, 3(1), pp. 43-57,
M. C., C. -H. Wang, and X. Zhao, "Automating Mason's rule and its
application in performance analysis of stochastic Petri nets," IEEE
Trans. on Control Systems Technology, 3(2), pp. 238-244, 1995.
Zhou, M. C. and F. DiCesare, "Petri Net Modeling of
Buffers in Automated Manufacturing Systems," IEEE Trans. on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics, 26(1), 157-164, 1996.
K., M. C. Zhou, M. Kaighobadi, and R. Caudill, "A Petri net approach
to modeling and analysis of flexible factory automated systems under push
and pull paradigms," Int. J. of Production Research, 34(3), pp.
595-620, 1996.
Venkatesh, K., M. C. Zhou, and R. Caudill, "Design of
artificial neural network for tool wear monitoring," J. of
Intelligent Manufacturing, Special Issue on Applications of Neural
Networks in Manufacturing, 8(3), pp. 215-226, 1997.
M. C. and E. Twiss, "Design of Industrial Automated Systems via Relay
Ladder Logic Programming and Petri Nets," IEEE Trans. on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics, 28(1), 137-150, 1998.
K. and M. C. Zhou, "Object-oriented design of FMS Control Software
based on Object Modeling Technique Diagrams and Petri nets," J. of
Manufacturing Systems, 17(2), pp. 118-136, 1998.
M. C. and M. D. Jeng, “Modeling, Analysis, Simulation, Scheduling, and
Control of Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems: A Petri Net Approach,” IEEE
Trans. on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 11(3), 333-357, Aug. 1998.
H. H. and M. C. Zhou, “Scheduling of Semiconductor Test Facility via Petri
Nets and Hybrid Heuristic Search,” IEEE Trans. on Semiconductor
Manufacturing, 11(3), 384-393, August 1998.
M. C., D. T. Wang, and I. Mayk, "Combining Petri nets and
object-oriented design technology for command and control systems," International
Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems, 2(2), 287-300, 1998.
P., M. C. Zhou, and D. Sebastian, “A generic framework for integrated
product and process development,” Int. J. of Environmentally Conscious
Design and Manufacturing, 7(3), 47-57, 1998.
Q., M. C. Zhou, and Z. Luo, "On-line robust identification of
tool-wear via multi-sensor neural network fusion,” IFAC Journal on
Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence, 11, 717-722, 1998.
E. and M. C. Zhou, “A Methodology for Modeling and Adaptive Planning of
Disassembly Processes,” IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation,
15(1), 190-194, February 1999.
P., M. C. Zhou, and D. Sebastian, “A Methodology for Integrated Product and
Process Development: Concept Formulation,” Robotics and
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 15, 201-210, 1999.
T., W. Sui, and M. C. Zhou, “Extending PML Absorbing Boundary Condition to
Truncate Microstrip Line in Nonuniform 3D FDTD Grid,” IEEE Trans. on
Microwave Theory and Techniques, 47(9), 1771-1776, 1999.
J., M. C. Zhou and Y. Deng, “Analysis of Maximum Throughput of Automated
Manufacturing Systems via Stochastic Petri Net Models,” International
Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems, 3(3), 343-358, September
H. H. and M. C. Zhou, “A Petri net method for deadlock-free scheduling of
flexible manufacturing systems,” International Journal of Intelligent
Control and Systems, 3(3), 277-295, September 1999.
M. C, R. J. Caudill, D. Sebastian, and B. Zhang, “Multi-lifecycle Product Recovery
for Electronic Products,” Journal of Electronics Manufacturing,
9(1), 1-15, March 1999.
P., M. C. Zhou, B. S. Hu and Z. R. Feng, "Modeling and Control of the
FMS Workstation Level Information Flow by a Modified Petri Net," J.
of Intelligent Manufacturing, 10(6), 557-568, December 1999.
E. and M. C. Zhou, “Design and Implementation of an Adaptive Planner for
Disassembly Processes,” IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, Vol.
16, No. 2, pp. 171-179, April 2000.
Wang, J., Y. Deng, and M. C. Zhou, “Compositional time Petri
nets and reduction rules,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,
Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 562-572, August 2000.
Wu and M. C. Zhou, “Avoiding Deadlock and Reducing Starvation and Blocking
in Automated Manufacturing Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Robotics and
Automation, 17(5), pp. 658-669, October 2001.
Y., M. C. Zhou, and R. J. Caudill, “An Integrated Approach to Disassembly
Planning and Demanufacturing Operation,” IEEE Trans. on Robotics and
Automation, 17(6), 773-784, December 2001.
Luo, M. C. Zhou, and R. J. Caudill, “An integrated e-supply chain model for
agile and environmentally conscious manufacturing,” IEEE/ASME Trans. on
Mechatronics, Vol. 6, No. 4, 377-386, Dec. 2001.
P., M. C. Zhou, D. Sebastian, and R. J. Caudill, “Integrating Eco-Compass
Concepts into Integrated Product and Process Development,” Int. J. of
Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp.
6-16, 2001.
J., Wang, H., and Zhou, M. C., “Development of an automatic filament
disappearance detection system,” Solar Physics, 205(1), pp. 93-1031,
January 2002.
Tang, Y., M. C. Zhou, E. Zussman, and R. J. Caudill,
“Disassembly Modeling, Planning and Applications,” J. of Manufacturing
Systems, 21(2), 200-217, 2002.
M., M. C. Zhou and R. J. Caudill, “Integration of Disassembly Leveling and
Bin Assignment for Demanufacturing Automation,” IEEE Trans. on Robotics
and Automation, 18(6), 867-874, December 2002.
C. and M. C. Zhou, “A Stochastic Petri Net Approach to Modeling and
Analysis of Ad Hoc Networks,” International Journal of Intelligent
Control and Systems, 8(1), 8-19, January 2003.
S. S., and Zhou, M. C., “Sensor-Based Stage Petri Net Modeling of PLC Logic
Programs for Discrete-Event Control Design,” International Journal of
Production Research, 41(3), 629-644, Feb. 2003.
J. Li, Y. S. Fan, and M. C. Zhou, “Timing Constraint Workflow
Nets for Workflow Analysis,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Part A, 33(2), pp. 179-193, March 2003.
Gao, M., M. C. Zhou, X. Huang and Z. Wu “Fuzzy Reasoning Petri
Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part A, 33(3),
pp. 314-324, May 2003.
P. and M. C. Zhou, “A Life-cycle Engineering Approach to Development of
Flexible Manufacturing Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation,
19(3), pp. 465-473, June 2003.
Y., M. C. Zhou, and R. Qiu, “Virtual production line design for back-end
semiconductor manufacturing systems,” IEEE Trans. on Semiconductor
Manufacturing, 16(3), pp. 543-550, August 2003.
Zhou, M. C., J. He, and R. J. Caudill, “A CAD-MLCA interface
for next-generation DFE tools,” Int. J. of Environmentally Conscious
Design and Manufacturing, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 10-28, 2003.
Fanti, M. P. and M. C. Zhou, “Deadlock control methods in
automated manufacturing systems,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Part A, 34(1), pp. 5-22,
Jan. 2004.
Z. and M. C. Zhou, “Elementary Siphons of Petri Nets and Their Applications
to Deadlock Prevention in Flexible Manufacturing Systems,” IEEE Trans.
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 34(1), pp. 38-51, Jan. 2004.
F.-Y., Y. Gao, and M. C. Zhou, “A Modified
Reachability Tree Approach to Analysis of Unbounded Petri Nets,” IEEE
Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B, Vol. 34, No. 1,
303-308, Feb. 2004.
Deng, Y., J. Wang, and M. C. Zhou, “Consistency Verification
in Modeling of Real Time Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Robotics and
Automation, 20(1), 136-142, Feb. 2004.
J. Li, Y. S. Fan, and M. C. Zhou, “Performance Modeling and
Analysis of Workflow,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics:
Part A, 34(2), pp. 229-242, March 2004.
Z. and M. C. Zhou, “Correction to ‘Elementary Siphons of Petri Nets and
Their Applications to Deadlock Prevention in Flexible Manufacturing
Systems’,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 34(2), pp.
289, March 2004.
Qiu, R. and M. C. Zhou, “Mighty MESs: State-of-the-Art and
Future Manufacturing Execution Systems,” IEEE Robotics and Automation
Magazine, pp. 19-25 and 40, March 2004.
N. Wu and M. C. Zhou, “Deadlock Modeling and Control of
Automated Guided Vehicle Systems,” IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics,
9(1), 50-57, 2004.
M., M. C. Zhou, and Y. Tang, “Intelligent Decision Making in Disassembly
Process Based on Fuzzy Reasoning Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics: Part B, 34(5), 2029-2034, Oct. 2004.
S.-S. and M. C. Zhou, “Ladder Diagram and Petri
Net Based Discrete-Event Control Design Methods,” IEEE Trans. on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetic-Part C, 34(4) , 523-531, Nov. 2004.
Z., M. Uzam, and M. C. Zhou, “Comments on ‘Deadlock Prevention Policy Based
on Petri Nets and Siphons’,” International Journal of Production
Research, Vol. 42, No. 24, 5253 – 5254, December 2004.
J. S., M. C. Zhou, and P. L. Hsu, “Statechart modeling and Web-based
simulation of hybrid dynamic systems for e-Automation,” Journal of
Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 19-27,
January 2005.
Z., L. Liu and M. C. Zhou, “An Epidemic Routing Strategy for Vehicular Ad
Hoc Wireless Networks in Intelligent Transportation Systems,” International
Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, 86-93,
March 2005.
N., M. C. Zhou, and F. Chu, “Short-Term Scheduling for Refinery Process:
Bridging the Gap between Theory and Applications,” International Journal
of Intelligent Control and Systems, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 162-174, June
Pan, J. and M. C. Zhou, “Modeling and Analysis of Meridian
Systems Using Petri Nets,” International Journal of Intelligent Control
and Systems, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 226-234, Sept. 2005.
Z., M. C. Zhou and L. Zakrevski, “Optimal Tracking Interval for Predictive
Tracking in Wireless Sensor Network,” IEEE Communications Letters,
Vol. 9, No. 9, pp. 805- 807, Sep.2005.
Z. W. and M. C. Zhou. Comparison of Two Deadlock Prevention Methods for
Different-size Flexible Manufacturing Systems. International Journal of
Intelligent Control and Systems, vol.10, no.3, pp. 235-243, September
S. Lee, M. C. Zhou, and P. L. Hsu, “An application of Petri nets to
supervisory control for human-computer interactive systems,” IEEE Trans.
on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 52, No. 5, pp. 1220-1226, Oct 2005.
M., M. P. Fanti, C. Meloni, and M. C. Zhou, “A multi-level approach for
network design of integrated supply chains,” International Journal of
Production Research, Special Issue on Enterprise Management and
Production Information Systems: New Challenges and Emerging Technologies,
Vol. 43, No. 20, pp. 4267-4287, Oct 15, 2005.
Z., L. Liu and M. C. Zhou, “Protocols and Applications of Ad-hoc Robot
Wireless Communication Networks: An Overview,” International Journal of
Intelligent Control and Systems, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 296-303, Dec.
Wu and M. C. Zhou, “Modeling and Deadlock Avoidance of Automated
Manufacturing Systems with Multiple Automated Guided Vehicles,” IEEE
Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B, 35(6), 1193-1202, Dec.
M., M. P. Fanti, C. Meloni, and M. C. Zhou, “Design and Optimization of
Integrated E-Supply Chain for Agile and Environmentally Conscious
Manufacturing,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part A,
Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 62-75, Jan. 2006.
M. and M. C. Zhou, “Improving the Sustainability of Products Based on Sustainability
Target Method,” International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems,
Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 51-61, March 2006.
Yu, and M. C. Zhou, “A Model Reduction Method for Traffic Described by MMPP
with Unknown Rate Limit,” IEEE Communications Letters, 10(4),
303-305, April 2006.
M. and M. C. Zhou, “An Improved Iterative Synthesis Method for Liveness
Enforcing Supervisors of Flexible Manufacturing Systems,” Int. J. of
Production Research, Vol. 44, No. 10, 1987–2030, May 2006.
Y. and Zhou, M. C., "A Queuing Network-based Method for
Reconfiguration of Back-end Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems with
Unreliable Equipment," Int. J. of Intelligent Control and Systems,
Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 105-112, June 2006.
Zhu, H. and M. C. Zhou, “Role-Based Collaboration and Its
Kernel Mechanisms,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C,
Vol. 36, No. 4, 578-589, July 2006.
Tang, Y. and M. C. Zhou, “A Systematic Approach to Design and
Operation of Disassembly Lines,” IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and
Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 324- 329, July 2006.
Y., M. C. Zhou, and M. Gao “Fuzzy-Petri-Net Based Disassembly Planning
Considering Human Factors,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Part A, Volume 36, No. 4, pp. 718 – 726, July 2006.
A. U., M. C. Zhou, R. J. Caudill, and S. U. Asar, “Modeling risks in supply
chains using Petri net approach,” Int. J. Services Operations and
Informatics, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 273-285, 2006.
Zhu, H., M. C. Zhou and P. Seguin, “Supporting Software
Development with Role,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
Part A, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 1110-1123, Nov. 2006.
Li, Z. and M. C. Zhou, “Two-stage method to design
liveness-enforcing Petri net supervisor for FMS,” IEEE Trans. on
Industrial Informatics, Vol. 2, No. 4, 313-325, Nov. 2006.
Li, Z. and M. C. Zhou, “Clarifications on the Definitions of
Elementary Siphons in Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Part A, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 1227-1229, Nov. 2006.
Uzam, Z. Li, and M. C. Zhou, “Identification and Elimination of Redundant
Control Places in Petri Net Based Liveness Enforcing Supervisors of FMS,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 35, numbers 1-2, pp. 150-168, 2007.
Wu and M. C. Zhou, “Deadlock and Blocking-free Shortest Routing of
Bi-directional Automated Guided Vehicles,” IEEE Trans. on Mechatronics,
Vol. 12, No. 1, 63-72, Feb. 2007.
Wang, Z., L. Liu and M. C. Zhou, “Cross-layer design and
analysis of ad hoc wireless network,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless
Communication, Vol. 6, No. 2, 478-485, Feb. 2007.
Z., and M. C. Zhou, “Performance Analysis of Prioritized Parallel
Transmission MAC Protocol in All-IP Wireless WAN,” International Journal
of Communication Systems, Vol. 20, Issue 4, pp. 477-490, April, 2007.
M. and M. C. Zhou, “An Iterative Synthesis Approach to Petri Net-Based
Deadlock Prevention Policy for Flexible Manufacturing Systems,” IEEE
Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, vol. 37, no. 3, pp.
362-371, May 2007.
Wu and M. C. Zhou, “Deadlock-free scheduling for semiconductor track
systems based on resource oriented Petri nets,” OR Spectrum, Vol.
29, No. 3, pp. 421–443, July 2007.
D.-Y. Liao, M. D. Jeng and M. C. Zhou, “Petri Net Modeling and
Lagrangian Relaxation Approach to Vehicle Scheduling in 300mm Semiconductor
Manufacturing,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part C,
Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 504-516, July 2007.
N. Wu and M. C. Zhou, “Deadlock Resolution in Automated Manufacturing
Systems with Robots,” IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering,
Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 474-480, July 2007.
Wu and M. C. Zhou, “Deadlock modeling and control of semiconductor track
systems using resource oriented Petri nets,” Int. J. of Production
Research, Vol. 45, No. 15, pp. 3439–3456, August 2007.
Zhang, C., M. C. Zhou, and M. Yu, “Ad hoc Network
Routing and Security: A Review,” International Journal of Communication
Systems, Vol. 20, pp. 909-925, Aug. 2007.
Du, C. Jiang and M. C. Zhou, “Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time
Cooperative Systems Using Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics--Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 643-654, Sept. 2007.
Z. and M. C. Zhou, “Spread Spectrum MAC Protocol with Dynamic Rate and
Collision Avoidance for Mobile Ad Hoc Network,” IEEE Trans. on Vehicular
Technology, Vol. 52, No. 5, pp. 3149-3158, Sept. 2007.
M. C., W. Su, Z. Jiang and W. W. Guo, “An Improved Wireless Sensor Location
Selection Algorithm for First Responders” Int. J. of Intelligent Control
and Systems, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 274-283, Sept. 2007.
J. S., M. C. Zhou, and P. L. Hsu, “A Petri-net Approach to modular
supervision with conflict resolution for semiconductor manufacturing
systems,” IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 4,
No. 4, pp. 584-588, Oct. 2007.
Z., M. C. Zhou, and M. Uzam, “Deadlock Control Policy for a Class of Petri
Nets without Complete Siphon Enumeration,” IET Control Theory &
Applications, pp. 1594 –
1605, Nov 2007.
Guo, M. C. Zhou and G. Jiang, “Adaptive Optimal Sensor Placement and
Boundary Estimation for Monitoring Mass Objects,” IEEE Trans. on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 222-232, Jan. 2008.
Y., C. Jiang and M. C. Zhou, “A Petri Net Based Correctness Analysis of
Internet Stock Trading Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Part C, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 93-99, Jan. 2008.
Z. and M. C. Zhou, “Control of Elementary and Dependent Siphons in Petri
Nets and their Application,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Part A, 38(1), pp. 133-148, Jan. 2008.
Z., M. C. Zhou, and M. D. Jeng, “A Maximally Permissive Deadlock Prevention
Policy for FMS Based on Petri Net Siphon Control and the Theory of
Regions,” IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering, 5(1), pp. 182-188, Jan. 2008.
N., M. C. Zhou, and Z. Li, “Resource-Oriented Petri Net for Deadlock
Avoidance in Flexible Assembly Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man,
and Cybernetics: Part A, 38(1), pp. 56-69, Jan. 2008.
J. S., M. C. Zhou, and P. L. Hsu, “Multi-Paradigm Modeling for Hybrid
Dynamic Systems Using Petri Net Framework," IEEE Trans. on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics: Part A,
vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 493–498, Mar. 2008.
Z. W., M. C. Zhou, and N. Q. Wu, “A Survey and Comparison of Petri
Net-based Deadlock Prevention Policies for Flexible Manufacturing Systems,”
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part C, Vol. 38, No. 2,
pp. 173-188, Mar. 2008.
Z., L. Liu, M. C. Zhou, and N. Ansari, "A Position-Based Clustering
Technique for Ad Hoc Intervehicle Communication," IEEE Trans. on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part C, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 201-208,
March 2008.
Zhu, H. and M. C. Zhou, “Roles in
Information Systems: A Survey,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Part C, 38(3), pp. 377-396, May 2008.
Li, Z. W. and M. C. Zhou, “On Siphon
Computation for Deadlock Control in a Class of Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Part A, vol. 38, no.
3, pp. 667-679, May 2008.
N., C. Chu, F. Chu and M. C. Zhou, “A Petri Net Method for
Schedulability and Scheduling Problems in Single-Arm Cluster Tools with
Wafer Residency Time Constraints,” IEEE Trans. on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 224-237, May 2008.
Ding, Z., C. Jiang and M. C. Zhou, “Deadlock Checking for One-Place Unbounded Petri
Nets Based on Modified Reachability Trees,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Part B,
Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 881-883, June 2008.
H. and M. C. Zhou, “New Java
Mechanism for Role-Based Information System Development.” Int. J. of Intelligent Control and
Systems, Vol. 13, No.
2, pp. 97- 108, June 2008.
Z. J., C. J. Jiang, M. C. Zhou, and Y. Y. Zhang, “Preserving Languages and
Properties in Stepwise Refinement-based Synthesis of Petri Nets,” IEEE
Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part A, Vol. 38, No. 4,
pp. 791-801, July 2008.
Xiong, P. C., Y. S. Fan, and M. C. Zhou, "QoS-aware Web
Service Configuration," IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Part A, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 888-895, July 2008.
Cao, L., C. Zhang, and M. C. Zhou, “Engineering Open Complex Agent Systems: A Case
Study,” IEEE Trans. on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part C, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 483-496, July 2008.
N., M. C. Zhou, and F. Chu, “A Petri net based heuristic algorithm for
realizability of target refining schedules in oil refinery,” IEEE Trans.
on Automation Science and Engineering, pp. 661-676, Vol. 5, No. 4, Oct. 2008.
W., J. L. Xu and M. C. Zhou, “Real-time Modulation Classification Based on
Maximum Likelihood,” IEEE
Communications Letters, Vol. 12, No. 11, pp. 801-803,
Nov. 2008.
Wu, N., F.
Chu, C. Chu, and M. C. Zhou, “Short-Term Schedulability Analysis of Crude Oil Operations in
Refinery with Residency Time Constraint Using Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part C, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 765-778, Nov. 2008.
H. and M. C. Zhou, “Role Transfer Problems and Algorithms,” IEEE Trans.
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part A, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp.
1442-1450, Nov. 2008.
Liu, S., Pan,
J. and M. C. Zhou, “A Semi-quantitative Method to Study Electrical
Properties of Acupuncture Points,” International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 237- 241, Dec. 2008.
Y. Du, Jiang, C. J., M. C. Zhou and Y. Fu, “Modeling and monitoring of E-commerce workflows,” Information Sciences, 179,
995–1006, Jan. 2009.
W., Y. Fan, and M. C. Zhou, “A Petri Net-based Method for Compatibility
Analysis and Composition of Web Services in Business Process Execution
Language,” IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering, 6(1),
94-106, Jan. 2009.
Wu, N., F.
Chu, C. Chu, and M. C. Zhou, “Short-Term Schedulability Analysis of
Multiple Distiller Crude Oil Operations in Refinery with Oil Residency Time
Constraint,” IEEE
Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C, 39(1), pp. 1-16, Jan. 2009.
Xing, M. C. Zhou, X. Yang, and F. Tian, “Optimal Petri Net-Based Polynomial-Complexity
Deadlock Avoidance Policies for Automated Manufacturing Systems,” IEEE
Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, 39(1), pp. 188-199,
Jan. 2009.
M. Yu, M. C.
Zhou, W. Su, “A Secure Routing Protocol against Byzantine Attacks for MANETs
in Adversarial Environment,” IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, 58(1), 449-460, Jan. 2009.
W., Y. Fan, and M. C. Zhou, “Errata
to ‘A Petri Net-Based Method for Compatibility Analysis and Composition of
Web Services in Business Process Execution Language’,” IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and
Engineering, 6(2), 392, Mar. 2009.
Z., S. Zhu and M. C. Zhou, “Application
of a Divide and Conquer Strategy to Deadlock Prevention in Flexible
Manufacturing Systems Based on Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, 39(2), pp. 156-169, Mar. 2009.
Y., C. Jiang and M. C. Zhou, “A Petri Net-based Model for Verification of
Obligations and Accountability in Cooperative Systems,” IEEE Trans. on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part A, Vol. 39, No., 2, pp. 299-308, March 2009.
H. and M. C. Zhou, “M–M Role-Transfer Problems and Their Solutions,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Part A, Vol. 39, No., 2, pp. 448-459, March 2009.
P. C., Y. Fan and M. C. Zhou, “Web Service Configuration Under Multiple
Quality-of-Service Attributes,” IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and
Engineering, 6(2), 311-321, April 2009.
Wang, A. R.,
Z. W. Li, J. Y. Jia, and M. C. Zhou, “An Effective Algorithm to Find Elementary
Siphons in a Class of Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, 39(4), pp. 912 – 923, July 2009.
L., R. Dai, and M. C. Zhou, “Metasynthesis:
M-Space, M-Interaction and M-Computing for Open Complex Giant Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics, Part A, 39(5),
pp. 1007-1021, Sept. 2009.
H., M. C. Zhou and Z. Li, “Liveness Enforcing Supervision of Video
Streaming Systems Using Non-sequential Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, 11(8), pp. 1446-1456, Dec. 2009.
N. and M. C. Zhou, “Analysis of Wafer
Sojourn Time in Dual-Arm Cluster Tools With Residency Time Constraint and
Activity Time Variation,”
IEEE Trans. on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 53-64, Feb. 2010.
R. Robidoux, H.
Xu, L. Xing, and M. C.
Zhou, “Automated Verification of Dynamic Reliability Block Diagrams Using
Colored Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part
A, 40(2), pp. 337 – 351,
March 2010.
P. C., Y. Fan and M. C. Zhou, “A
Petri Net Approach to Analysis and Composition of Web Services,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics, Part A, 40(2), pp. 376 – 387, March 2010.
N., F. Chu, C. Chu, and M. C. Zhou, “Hybrid Petri Net Modeling and
Schedulability Analysis of High Fusion Point Oil Transportation under Tank
Grouping Strategy for Crude Oil Operations in Refinery, ” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C, 40(2),
pp. 159 – 175,
March 2010.
N. and M. C. Zhou, “A Closed-Form Solution for Schedulability and Optimal
Scheduling of Dual-Arm Cluster Tools With Wafer Residency Time Constraint
Based on Steady Schedule Analysis,” IEEE Trans. on Automation Science
and Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 303 – 315,
April 2010.
Wu, N., F.
Chu, C. Chu, and M. C. Zhou, “Tank Cycling and Scheduling Analysis of High Fusion Point Oil
Transportation for Crude Oil Operations in Refinery,” Computers & Chemical Engineering, 34(4), 529–543, April 2010.
Li, Z., M.
Yan, and M. C. Zhou, “Synthesis of Structurally Simple Supervisors Enforcing
Generalized Mutual Exclusion Constraints in Petri Nets,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics, Part C, vol.
40, no. 3. pp. 330 – 340, May 2010.
J. L., Su, W., and M. C. Zhou, “Software
Defined Radio Equipped with Rapid Modulation Recognition" IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology,
Vol. 59, No. 4, 1659 – 1667, May 2010.
Wu, N. and M.
C. Zhou, “Colored Timed
Petri Nets for Modeling and Analysis of Cluster Tools,” Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp.
253-266, May 2010.
Wu, N. and M.
C. Zhou, “Process vs
Resource-Oriented Petri Net Modeling of Automated Manufacturing Systems,” Asian Journal on Control, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp.
267-280, May 2010.
Song, M., Z.
Liu, D. Tao, X. Li, and M. C. Zhou, “Image Ratio Features for Facial
Expression Recognition,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, Vol. 40,
No. 3, 779
– 788, June 2010.
Liu, D., Z.
W. Li, and M. C. Zhou, “Liveness of an Extended S3PR,” Automatica,
vol.46, no.6, pp.1008-1018, June 2010.
H., M. C. Zhou and Z. Li, “Algebraic
Synthesis of Timed Supervisor for Automated Manufacturing Systems Using
Petri Nets,” IEEE
Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 549 – 557, July
W. Tan, Y.
Fan, M. C. Zhou, and Z. Tian, “Data-driven Service Composition in Building
SOA Solutions: A Petri Net Approach,” IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 686 – 694, July
M. Yu, and M.
C. Zhou, “A Performance Modeling Scheme for Multistage
Switch Networks with Phase-type and Bursty Traffic,” IEEE/ACM Trans. on
Networking, Vol. 18, No. 4, 1091-1104, Aug. 2010.
Hu, H., M. C.
Zhou and Z. Li, “Low-Cost High-Performance Supervision in Ratio-Enforced
Automated Manufacturing Systems Using Timed Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on
Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 933-944, Oct.
Liu, G., C.
Jiang, and M. C. Zhou, “Two Simple Deadlock Prevention Policies for S3PR
Based on Key resource/operation-place Pairs,” IEEE Trans. on Automation
Science and Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 945-957, Oct. 2010.
J. L., W. Su, and M. C. Zhou, "Distributed Automatic Modulation
Classification With Multiple Sensors," IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 1779 - 1785, Nov.
Y.-S. Weng, Y.-S. and Zhou, M., "Critical
Scenarios and Their Identification in Parallel Railroad Level Crossing
Traffic Control Systems," IEEE
Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp.
968-977, Dec. 2010.
Xiong, P., C.
Pu, and M. C. Zhou, “Protocol-Level Service Composition Mismatches: A Petri
Net Siphon Based Solution,” International
Journal of Web Services Research, 7(4), 1-20, October-December 2010.
Choi, J. S., and M. C. Zhou, “Recent Advances in Wireless Sensor
Networks for Health Monitoring,” International Journal of Intelligent Control and
Systems, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 49- 58, Dec. 2010.
Xing, K., M. C. Zhou, F.
Wang, H. Liu, and F. Tian “Resource Transition Circuits and Siphons for
Deadlock Control of Automated Manufacturing Systems,” IEEE
Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part A: Systems and Humans,
41(1), 74-84, Jan. 2011.
N. Wu, F.
Chu, C. Chu, and M. C. Zhou, “Petri Net-Based Scheduling of Single-Arm
Cluster Tools with Reentrant Atomic Layer Deposition Processes,” IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and
Engineering, 8(1),
pp. 42-55, Jan. 2011.
Wu, N., F.
Chu, C. Chu, and M. C. Zhou, “Schedulability Analysis of Short-Term
Scheduling for Crude Oil Operations in Refinery With Oil Residency Time and
Charging-Tank-Switch-Overlap Constraints,” IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and
Engineering, 8(1),
pp. 190-204, Jan. 2011.
N. Q. Wu and
M. C. Zhou, "Intelligent token Petri nets for modelling and control of
reconfigurable automated manufacturing systems with dynamical
changes," Transactions of the
Institute of Measurement and Control, 33(1), pp. 9-29, February 2011.
P. Sun, C. J.
Jiang, and M. C. Zhou, "Interactive Web service composition based on
Petri net," Transactions of the
Institute of Measurement and Control, 33(1), pp.116-132, February 2011.
M. Hou, H.
Zhu, M. C. Zhou, and G. R. Arrabito, “Optimizing Operator-Agent Interaction
in Intelligent Adaptive Interface Design: A Conceptual Framework,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Part C,
41(2), pp. 161-178, Mar. 2011.
H., M. C. Zhou and Z. Li, “Supervisor
Design to Enforce Production Ratio and Liveness Using Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
A, 41(2), pp. 201-212, March 2011.
Q. Shen, H.
Chen, F. Chu, and M. C. Zhou, "Multi-mode transportation planning of crude
oil via Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search and Path Relinking," Transactions of the Institute of
Measurement and Control, 33, pp. 456-475, May/June 2011.
Ming and M. C. Zhou, "Impact of Zero-Voltage Notches on Outputs of
Soft-switching Pulse Width Modulation Converters" IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, 54(6), pp. 2345-2354,
June 2011.
J. L., Su, W., and M. C. Zhou, “Likelihood
Ratio Approaches to Automatic Modulation Classification,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Part C,
41(4), pp. 455–469, July 2011.
Wang, Z. W.,
M. C. Zhou, G. Slabaugh, J. Zhai, and T. Fang, "Automatic Detection of
Bridge Deck Condition from Ground Penetrating Radar Images," IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and
Engineering, 8(3),
pp. 633–640, July 2011.
Liu, G. J.,
C. J. Jiang, and M. C. Zhou, “Improved sufficient condition for the
controllability of dependent siphons in system of simple sequential
processes with resources,”
Control Theory & Applications, Vol.
5, No. 9, pp. 1059–1068, Sept. 2011.
X. Tang, C.
Jiang, and M. Zhou, “Automatic Web service composition based on Horn
clauses and Petri nets,” Expert
Systems With Applications, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 13024–13031,
Sept. 2011.
Hu, M. C. Zhou and Z. Li, “Supervisor
Optimization for Deadlock Resolution in Automated Manufacturing Systems
With Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on
Automation Science and Engineering, 8(4), 794-804, Oct. 2011.
L., Y. Du, and M. C. Zhou, “A vector matching method for analyzing logic
Petri nets,” Enterprise Information
Systems, 5(4), pp. 449-468, November 2011.
Wu, N., F.
Chu, S. Mammar, and M. C. Zhou, “Petri Net Modeling of Cooperation Behavior
of Driver and Co-Pilot in Advanced Driving Assistance Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation
Systems, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 977
– 989, Dec. 2011.
Z., G. Liu, H.-M. Hanisch, and M. C. Zhou
“Deadlock prevention based on structure reuse of Petri net supervisors for
flexible manufacturing systems,” IEEE
Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part A: Systems and Humans,
42(1), pp. 164-177, Jan. 2012.
Y. Yin, M.
Liu, J. Hao, and M. C. Zhou, “Single machine scheduling with job
position-dependent learning and time-dependent deterioration,” IEEE
Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part A: Systems and Humans,
42(1), pp. 192-200, Jan. 2012.
Liu, G., C.
Jiang, and M. C. Zhou, “Process Nets with Channels,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part A: Systems and Humans, 42(1), pp. 213-225, Jan. 2012.
S. Wang, C.
Wang, M. C. Zhou, and Z. W. Li “A Method to Compute Strict Minimal Siphons
in S3PR Based on Loop Resource Subsets,” IEEE Trans. on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics--Part A: Systems and Humans, 42(1), pp. 226-237, Jan. 2012.
C., F. Chu, M. Zhou, H. Chen, and Q. Shen, "A
Polynomial Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Crude Oil Transportation
Planning," IEEE Trans. on
Automation Science and Engineering, 9(1), pp. 42-55, Jan. 2012.
Wu, N. and M.
C. Zhou, "Schedulability Analysis and Optimal Scheduling of Dual-Arm
Cluster Tools with Residency Time Constraint and Activity Time
Variation," IEEE Trans. on
Automation Science and Engineering, 9(1), pp. 203-209, Jan. 2012.
H., M. C. Zhou and Z. Li, “Liveness and Ratio-enforcing Supervision of
Automated Manufacturing Systems Using Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part A: Systems and
Humans, 42(2), pp. 392 –
403, March 2012.
Y.-S., Y.-L. Pan, and M. C. Zhou, “Computationally
Improved Optimal Deadlock Control Policy for Flexible Manufacturing
Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics--Part A: Systems and Humans, 42(2), pp. 404-415, March 2012.
H. Zhu and M.
C. Zhou, “Efficient Role Transfer Based on Kuhn-Munkres Algorithm,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part A: Systems
and Humans, 42(2),
pp. 491 - 496, March 2012.
G. Tian, M.
C. Zhou, J. Chu, and Y. Liu, “Probability Evaluation Models of Product
Disassembly Cost Subject to Random Removal Time and Different Removal Labor
Cost,” IEEE Trans. on Automation
Science and Engineering, 9(2), pp. 288-295, April 2012
Wu, N. and M.
C. Zhou, “Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dual-Arm Cluster Tools with
Residency Time Constraint and Activity Time Variation based on Petri Nets,”
IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and
Engineering, 9(2), pp. 446-454, April 2012.
Chen, Z. Li and M. C. Zhou, “Behaviorally
Optimal and Structurally Simple Liveness-enforcing Supervisors of Flexible
Manufacturing Systems,” IEEE
Trans. on Systems,
Man and Cybernetics Part A: Systems
and Humans, 42(3),
pp. 615-629, May 2012.
Qin, Z. Li, M. C. Zhou, and M. Khalgui, and O. Mosbahi, “Deadlock Prevention for a Class of Petri Nets with Uncontrollable
and Unobservable Transitions,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part A: Systems and Humans, 42(3), pp. 727-738, May 2012.
Zhu, M. C. Zhou, and R. Alkins, “Group
Role Assignment via a Kuhn-Munkres Algorithm-based Solution,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part
A: Systems and Humans, 42(3), pp. 739-750, May 2012.
Liu, D., Z.
W. Li, and M. C. Zhou, “Erratum to ‘Liveness of an Extended S3PR’,” Automatica,
48, pp. 1003-1004, May 2012.
Y. Fang, F.
Chu, S. Mammar and M. C. Zhou, “Optimal Lane Reservation in Transportation
Network,” IEEE Trans. on Intelligent
Transportation Systems, VOL. 13, NO. 2, pp. 482-491, June 2012.
Shi, W. and
M. C. Zhou, “Pacemakers
and their Related Sensors: A Survey,” IEEE
Sensors Journal, 12(6), pp. 1817-1827, June 2012.
Xing, L. Han, and M. C. Zhou, “Deadlock-Free
Genetic Scheduling Algorithm for Automated Manufacturing Systems Based on Deadlock
Control Policy,” IEEE Trans. on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B, 42(3), pp. 603 – 615,
June 2012.
Z. W. Li, N.
Q. Wu, and M. C. Zhou, “Deadlock control of automated manufacturing systems
based on Petri nets—A literature review,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Part C, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 437–462, July 2012.
Qiao, Y., N.
Wu, and M. C. Zhou, “Real-Time Scheduling of Single-Arm Cluster Tools
Subject to Residency Time Constraints and Bounded Activity Time Variation,”
IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and
Engineering, 9(3), pp. 564-577, July 2012.
Qiao, Y., N.
Wu, and M. C. Zhou, “Petri Net
Modeling and Wafer Sojourn Time Analysis of Single-Arm Cluster Tools with
Residency Time Constraint and Activity Time Variation,” IEEE
Trans. on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 432-436,
August 2012.
J., M. C. Zhou and X. Dai, “Algebraic Reduction and Refinement of Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems
and Humans, 42(5),
pp. 1244 – 1255, Sept. 2012.
Wang, S. G.,
C. Y. Wang, and M. C. Zhou, “Controllability Conditions of Resultant Siphons in a Class of
Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part
A: Systems and Humans,
42(5), pp. 1206 - 1215, Sept. 2012.
Guo, W. M. Healy, and M. C. Zhou, “Impacts of 2.4GHz ISM Band Interference
on IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Network Reliability in Buildings,” IEEE
Trans. on Instruments and Measurement, 61(9), pp. 2533 – 2544, Sept. 2012.
Zhu, M. Hou, C. Wang, and M. C. Zhou, “An Efficient Outpatient Scheduling
Approach,” IEEE Trans. on Automation
Science and Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 701 – 709, Oct. 2012.
Chen, Z. Li and M. C. Zhou, “Most
Permissive Liveness-enforcing Petri Net Supervisors for Flexible
Manufacturing Systems,” International
Journal of Production Research, 50(22), pp. 6357-6371, Nov. 2012.
Wu, N., L.
Bai, M. C. Zhou, F. Chu, and S. Mammar, “A Novel Approach to the
Optimization of Refining Schedules for Crude Oil Operations in Refinery,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part C, 42(6), 1042 – 1053, December
Wang, Z. Li, M. C. Zhou and A. M. Al-Ahmari, “Iterative Deadlock Control by
Using Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part C, 42(6), 1204 - 1218, December 2012.
Shi, W. and
M. C. Zhou, “Optimal Single-Pulse for Pacemakers Based on a Sinoatrial
Model,” IEEE Trans. on Mechatronics,
18(1), pp. 348 - 354, Jan. 2013.
D. Liu, Z. W.
Li, and M. C. Zhou, “Hybrid
Liveness-Enforcing Policy for Generalized Petri Net Models of Flexible
Manufacturing Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics:
Systems, 43(1), pp. 85-97, Jan. 2013.
Wu, N., F.
Chu, C. Chu, and M. C. Zhou, “Petri Net Modeling and Cycle-Time Analysis of Dual-Arm Cluster
Tools With Wafer Revisiting,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics:
Systems, 43(1), pp. 196-207, Jan. 2013.
C. Chen, D.
Neal, and M. Zhou, “Understanding the Evolution of a Disaster—A
Framework for Assessing Crisis in a System Environment (FACSE),” Natural Hazards, 65(1), pp. 407-422,
January 2013.
Wu, N., M. C. Zhou, and G. Hu, “Petri Net
Modeling and One-step Look-ahead Maximally Permissive Deadlock Control of Automated Manufacturing Systems,” ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Volume 12 Issue 1, pp. 10:1-10:23, January 2013.
Ding, Z., C.
Jiang and M. C. Zhou, "Design, Analysis and Verification of Real-time
Systems based on Time Petri Net Refinement," ACM Transactions in Embedded
Computing Systems, Volume 12 Issue 1, pp. 4:1-18,
January 2013.
H., M. C. Zhou, Z. Li and Y. Tang, “Deadlock-free Control of AMS with
Flexible Routes and Assembly Operations Using Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics,
Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 109-121, Feb. 2013.
Qiao, Y., N.
Wu, and M. C. Zhou, “A
Petri Net-Based Novel Scheduling Approach and Its Cycle Time Analysis for
Dual-Arm Cluster Tools With Wafer Revisiting,” IEEE Trans. on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 26(1), pp. 100
– 110, Feb. 2013.
Liu, C. Jiang, M. Zhou, and P. Xiong, "Interactive Petri Nets," IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 43(2), pp. 291 - 302, March 2013.
Wu, L. Chen, Y. Feng, Z. Zheng, M. C.
Zhou, and Z. Wu, “Predicting Quality of Service for Selection by
Neighborhood-Based Collaborative Filtering,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Systems,
43(2), pp. 428 - 439, March 2013.
W. Li, G. Y. Liu, H. M. Michael, and M. C. Zhou, “Erratum to Deadlock
Prevention Based on Structure Reuse of Petri Net Supervisors for Flexible
Manufacturing Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics:
Systems, 43(2), pp.
474, March 2013.
Yang, J.,
Hou, E., and Zhou, M. C., “Front Sensor and GPS-based Lateral Control of
Automated Vehicles," IEEE Trans.
on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 14(1), pp. 146-154, March 2013.
Berecibar and M. C. Zhou, “Energy Storage Technologies and Requirements for
Wind Power Plants,” International Journal of Intelligent Control and
Systems, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 17- 27, March 2013.
Q. Kang, M.
C. Zhou, J. An, and Q. Wu, "Swarm Intelligence Approaches to Optimal
Power Flow Problem With Distributed Generator Failures in Power
Networks," IEEE Trans. on
Automation Science and Engineering, 10(2), pp. 343-353, April 2013.
L. Li, Z.
Sun, M. C. Zhou, and F. Qiao, "Adaptive Dispatching Rule for
Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Facility," IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering, 10(2), pp.
354-364, April 2013.
Z. Zhou, F.
Chu, A. Che and M. C. Zhou, “ε-constraint and Fuzzy Logic-based Optimization
of Hazardous Material Transportation via Lane Reservation,” IEEE Trans. on Intelligent
Transportation Systems, 14(2), pp. 847-857, June 2013.
P. Wang, Z.
Ding, C. Jiang and M. C. Zhou, “A Web Service based Public-oriented
Personalized Health Care Platform,” IEEE Trans. on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 43(4), pp.941-957,
July 2013.
S. Wang, M.
C. Zhou, Z. Li, and C. Wang, "A New Modified Reachability Tree
Approach and Its Applications to Unbounded Petri Nets," IEEE
Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 43(4), pp.932-940, July 2013.
Liu, C. Jiang, M. Zhou, and A. Ohta, “The Liveness of WS3PR: Complexity and
Decision,” IEICE Transactions on
Fundamentals, Vol. E96-A, No. 8, pp. 1783-1793, Aug. 2013.
Y. Wu, C.
Yan, Z. Ding, G. Liu, P. Wang, C. Jiang, and M. C. Zhou, “A Novel Method
for Calculating Service Reputation,” IEEE
Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 634-642, July
H. Hu, M. C.
Zhou, Z. Li, and Y. Tang “An Optimization Approach to Improved Petri Net
Controller Design for Automated Manufacturing Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 772-782, July
Wu, M. C. Zhou, F. Chu, and C. Chu, “A Petri-Net-Based Scheduling Strategy for
Dual-Arm Cluster Tools With Wafer Revisiting,” IEEE
Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Vol. 43, No 5, pp. 1182-1194, Sept. 2013.
Wang, S. G.,
C. Y. Wang, and M. C. Zhou, “Design of Optimal Monitor-based Supervisors
for a Class of Petri Nets with Uncontrollable Transitions," IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Systems, Vol. 43, No 5, pp. 1248-1255, Sept. 2013.
Liu, H. Cao, L. Li, and M. C. Zhou, “Predicting Stay Time of Mobile Users
With Contextual Information,” IEEE Trans. on Automation Science
and Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1026-1036, Oct. 2013.
G. Tian, M.
C. Zhou and J. Chu, “A chance constrained programming approach to determine
the optimal disassembly sequence," IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1004-1013, Oct.
H. Sarker, M. C. Zhou, P. Rameshwar, and J. A. Hanover, “Functions and
Roles of Proteins: Diabetes as a Paradigm,” Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Vol. 114, pp.
2-7, Nov. 2013.
D. Liu, Z. W.
Li, and M. C. Zhou, “Parameterized
Liveness and Ratio-Enforcing Supervisor for a Class of Generalized Petri
Nets,” Automatica, 49(11), pp. 3167–3179, Nov. 2013.
B. Chretien,
M. Korte, F. Holzmann, S. Glaser, S. Mammar and M. Zhou, “A Vehicle Simulator for an Efficient Electronic and
Electrical Architecture Design,” IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 1967 – 1982, Dec.
Q. Zhu, N. Wu, Y. Qiao, and M. C. Zhou, “Petri Net-Based Optimal
One-Wafer Scheduling of Single-Arm Multi-Cluster Tools in Semiconductor
Manufacturing,” IEEE Trans. on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 26(4), pp. 578 – 591, Dec. 2013.
P. Wang, Z.
Ding, C. Jiang and M. C. Zhou, “Automated Web Service Composition
Supporting Conditional Branch Structures,” Enterprise Information Systems, 8(1), pp. 121-146, Jan. 2014.
J. Li, M. C. Zhou, X. Dai, and Y. Gan,
“Robust Control Reconfiguration of Resource Allocation Systems with Petri
Nets and Integer Programming,” Automatica,
50(1), 915-923, Jan. 2014.
Liu, K. Xing, M. C. Zhou, L. Han, and F. Wang, “Transition Cover-Based
Design of Petri Net Controllers for Automated Manufacturing Systems,” IEEE
Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 44(2), pp. 196 – 208, Feb. 2014.
Y. Qiao, N. Wu and M. C. Zhou, "Scheduling of Dual-Arm Cluster
tools with Wafer Revisiting and Residency Time Constraints" IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics,
10(1), pp. 286 – 300, Feb. 2014.
229) W. Y. Yu, C. G. Yan, Z. J. Ding, C.
J. Jiang, and
M. C. Zhou, “Modeling and Validating E-commerce Business Process Based on
Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 44(3), pp. 327 – 341, March 2014.
C. Shang, M. C. Zhou, and C. Chen,
“Cellphone Data and Applications,” International Journal of Intelligent Control and
Systems, Vol. 19, No.
1, pp. 35-45, March 2014.
231) Y. Du, Q. Liang and M. C. Zhou,
"Analysis and Application of Logical Petri Nets to E-commerce
Systems" IEEE Trans. on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 44(4), 468 – 481, April 2014.
232) L. Pan, Z. Ding and M.
C. Zhou, “A Configurable State Class Method for Temporal Analysis of Time
Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 44(4), 482 -
493, April 2014.
233) Y. Du, W. Tan, and M. C. Zhou
“Timed Compatibility Analysis of Web Service Composition: A Modular
Approach based on Petri nets,”
IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and
Engineering, 11(2), pp. 594-606, April 2014.
Chen, Z. Li and M. C. Zhou, “Optimal
Supervisory Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems by Petri Nets: a Set
Classification Approach,” IEEE Trans.
on Automation Science and Engineering, 11(2), pp. 549
- 563, April 2014.
Y.-S. Huang, Y.-S.
Weng, and M. C. Zhou, “Modular Design of Urban Traffic-Light Control
Systems Based on Synchronized Timed Petri Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 5(2), pp.
530 – 539, April 2014.
X. Luo, M. Zhou, Y. Xia, and Q. Zhu, “An Efficient Non-Negative
Matrix-Factorization-Based Approach to Collaborative Filtering for
Recommender Systems,” IEEE Trans. on
Industrial Informatics, 10(2), pp. 1273-1284, May 2014.
W. Dong and M. C. Zhou,
“Gaussian Classifier-based Evolutionary Strategy for Multimodal
Optimization,” IEEE Trans. on IEEE
Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 25(6), pp. 1200 – 1216, June 2014.
P. Wang, Z.
Ding, C. Jiang, and M. C. Zhou,
“Constraint-Aware Approach to Web Service Composition,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Systems, 44(6), pp. 770-784, June 2014.
F. Yang, N.
Wu, Y. Qiao, and M. C. Zhou, “Petri Net-Based Optimal One-Wafer Cyclic
Scheduling of Hybrid Multi-Cluster Tools in Wafer Fabrication,” IEEE Trans. on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 27(2), pp. 192-203, May 2014.
J.-H. Kim, M. C. Zhou, and T.-E. Lee, “Schedule Restoration for
Single-Armed Cluster Tools,” IEEE
Trans. on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 27(3), pp. 388-399, Aug. 2014.
A. Ratnakar and M. C. Zhou " An Ultrasound System for Tumor Detection in Soft
Tissues Using Low Transient Pulse," IEEE Systems
Journal, 8(3),
pp. 939-948, Sept. 2014.
Z. H. Ding,
M. C. Zhou, and S. G. Wang, “Ordinary Differential Equation Based Deadlock
Detection,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics:
Systems, 44(10), pp. 1435-1454, Oct. 2014.
Liu, Y. Du, M. C. Zhou, and C. Yan, “Transformation
of Logical Workflow Nets,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Systems, 44(10), pp. 1401-1412,
Oct. 2014.
Peer-reviewed journal papers in print
or accepted or online-published
244)Y. Xia, M. Zhou, X. Luo, and Q. Zhu, “Stochastic
Modeling and Quality Evaluation of Infrastructure-as-a-Service Clouds,” to
appear in IEEE Trans. on Automation
Science and Engineering,
DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2013.2276477, 2014.
245)M. H.
Sarker, M. C. Zhou, and P. Rameshwar, “Functions and Roles of a Protein
Associated Factor," Accepted by Cell
Biochemistry and Biophysics, Sept. 2013.
246)Z. H. Ding, Y. Zhou, and M. C. Zhou, “A Polynomial
Algorithm to Performance Analysis of Concurrent Systems via Petri Nets and
Ordinary Differential Equations,” IEEE
Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering, to appear in 2014, available on-line
at, DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2013.2285574.
247)S. Wang and M. C. Zhou, "Design of a
Maximally Permissive Liveness-enforcing Supervisor with Reduced Complexity
for Automated Manufacturing," accepted by Asian Journal of Control, Sept. 2013.
248)J. Cheng, C. Liu, M. C. Zhou, Q.
Zeng, and A. Ylä-Jääski, “Automatic
Composition of Semantic Web Services Based on Fuzzy Predicate Petri Nets,”
accepted by IEEE Trans. on Automation
Science and Engineering,
Nov. 2013.
249)J. Guo, M. Zhou, Z. Li, and H. Xie, “Green Design
Assessment of Electromechanical Products based on Group Weighted-AHP,” Enterprise
Information Systems, DOI: 10.1080/17517575.2013.879214, 2014.
250)Z. H. Ding, Y. Zhou and M. C. Zhou, “Stability
Analysis of Switched Fuzzy Systems by Model Checking,” accepted by IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, Dec. 2013.
251)J. Zhang, C. Wang and M. C. Zhou,
"Last-position Elimination-based Learning Automata,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, DOI:
10.1109/TCYB.2014.2309478, 2014.
252)C. Jiang, H. Sun, Z. Ding, P. Wang, and M. C.
Zhou, “An Indexing Network: Model and Applications,” accepted
by IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics:
Systems, March 2014.
253)M. Yu, X. Ma, and M. C Zhou, “Radio Channel Allocations with Global
Optimality and Bounded Computational Scale,” accepted by
IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology,
March 2014.
254)Y. Qiao, C. R. Pan, N. Q. Wu, and M. C. Zhou, “Response Policies to
Process Module Failure in Single-Arm Cluster Tools Subject to Wafer
Residency Time Constraints,” to appear in IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering, 2014.
255)X. Liang, W. Li, Y. Zhang, and M. Zhou, “An adaptive
particle swarm optimization method based on clustering,” Soft Computing, DOI 10.1007/s00500-014-1262-4,
available on-line, April
256)F. Yang, N. Wu, Y. Qiao, and M. C. Zhou, “Petri
Net-Based Polynomially Complex Approach to Optimal One-Wafer Cyclic
Scheduling of Hybrid Multi-Cluster Tools in Semiconductor Manufacturing,” accepted by IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, March 2014.
257)F. Yang, N. Wu, Y. Qiao, and M. C. Zhou, “Optimal One-Wafer Cyclic
Scheduling of Single-Arm Multi-Cluster Tools with Two-Space Buffering
Modules,” accepted by IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, March 2014.
258)N. Wu, L. Bai, and M. C.
Zhou, “An Efficient Scheduling Method for Crude Oil Operations in Refinery
with Crude Oil Type Mixing Requirements,” accepted by IEEE Trans.
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, April 2014.
259)J. Luo, H. Ni and M. C. Zhou “Control Program Design for Automated
Guided Vehicle Systems via Petri Nets,” accepted by
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Systems, May 2014.
260)C. Liu, Q. Zeng, H. Duan, M. C. Zhou, F. Lu and J.
Cheng, “E-Net Modeling and Analysis of Emergency Response Processes
Constrained by Resources and Uncertain Durations,” accepted by
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Systems, May 2014.
261)H. Hu and M. C. Zhou, “A Petri Net-based Discrete Event
Control of Automated Manufacturing Systems with Assembly Operations,”
accepted by IEEE Trans. on Control Systems
June 2014.
262)J. Luo, H. Ni, W. Wu, S. Wang, and M. C. Zhou,
“Simultaneous Reduction of Petri Nets and Linear Constraints for Efficient
Supervisor Synthesis,” accepted by IEEE Trans.
on Automatic Control, June 2014.
263)H. Liu, K. Xing, W. Wu, M. C. Zhou, and Z. Gao, "Deadlock
Prevention for Flexible Manufacturing Systems via Controllable Siphon Basis
of Petri Nets,"
accepted by IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Systems, July 2014.
264)Y. Qiao, N. Wu, C. Pan, and M. C. Zhou, “How to
Respond to Process Module Failure in Residency Time-constrained Single-arm
Cluster Tools,” accepted
by IEEE Trans. on Semiconductor Manufacturing,
July 2014.
265)Y. Qiao, N. Wu, and M. C. Zhou, “Schedulability and
Scheduling Analysis of Dual-Arm Cluster Tools with Wafer Revisiting and
Residency Time Constraints Based on a Novel Schedule,” Accepted by IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics:
Systems, July 2014.
266)J. C. Luo, K.Y. Xing, M. C. Zhou, X. L. Li, and X. N. Wang,
“Deadlock-free Scheduling of Automated Manufacturing Systems via Petri Nets
and Hybrid Heuristic Search,” Accepted by
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, July 2014.
267)N. Wu,
M. C. Zhou, and L. Bai, “Short-Term Scheduling of Crude Oil Operations in
Refinery with High Fusion Point Oil and Two Transportation Pipelines,"
Accepted by Enterprise Information Systems, July 2014.
268)C. Wang
and M. C. Zhou, “A Novel Approach to Inter-satellite Distance Measurement
with High Accuracy,” Journal of
Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, August 2014.
269)X. Luo, M. Zhou, Y. Xia, and Q. Zhu,
“An Incremental-and-static-combined Scheme for Matrix-factorization-based
Collaborative Filtering,” Accepted
IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering, Aug. 2014.
270)Y.-S. Huang, Y.-S. Weng, and
M. C. Zhou, “Design of Traffic Safety Control Systems for Emergency Vehicle
Preemption Using Timed Petri Nets,” accepted by IEEE Trans. on
Intelligent Transportation Systems, August 2014.
271)X. Zuo, C. Chen, W. Tan and M. C.
Zhou, "Vehicle Scheduling of Urban Bus Line via an Improved Multi-objective
Genetic Algorithm,” accepted by IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, August 2014.
272)C. Pan,
Y. Qiao, N. Wu and M. C. Zhou, "A Recursive Algorithm for Wafer
Sojourn Time Analysis of Single-Arm Cluster Tools with Wafer Residency Time
Constraints and Activity Time Variation," Accepted by IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, September 2014.
Published Non-Refereed Journal/Magazine Papers
273)Zurawski, R. and M. C. Zhou, “Guest Editorial: Special
Section on Petri Nets in Manufacturing,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 41(6), 565-566,
274)Jeng, M. D. and M. C. Zhou, “Introduction to the
Special Section on Petri Nets in Semiconductor Manufacturing,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor
Manufacturing, 330-332, 11(3), 1998.
275)Zhou, M. C. and Y. Fan, “Editorial: Special Issue
on Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Systems: Recent Development and
Applications,” Journal of Intelligent
Manufacturing, 467-469, 10(6), December 1999.
276)Zhou, M. C., “Guest Editorial: Modeling and
Control of Automated Manufacturing Systems Based on Petri Nets,” International Journal of Intelligent
Control and Systems, 1999.
277)Jafari, M. and M. C. Zhou, “Guest Editorial:
Special Issue on Discrete Systems and Control,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part B,
30(5), October 2000.
278)Luo, Y., M. C. Zhou, and R. J. Caudill, “Lifecycle assessment of electronics
products under e-commerce,” Trade
Winds: A Chinese Professional Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 1, 11-13, 2000.
279)Jeng, M. D, M. C. Zhou and T. W. Chen, “Recent advances in semiconductor factory
automation: Part 1. System-level automation,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine,
Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 3, March 2004.
280)M. C. Zhou, M. Jeng and M. P. Fanti, “Guest Editorial:
Special Issue on Deadlock Resolution in Computer Integrated Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics, 34(1), pp. 1-4, 2004.
281)Jeng, M. D, M. C. Zhou and T. W. Chen, “Recent advances in semiconductor factory
automation, Part 2: equipment-level automation,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine,
Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 4, September 2004.
282)Qiu, R. G. and M. C. Zhou, “Emerging
approaches to integrating distributed, heterogeneous, and complex systems,”
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part A, 36(1),
pp. 2-4, 2006.
283)Marik, V. and M. C. Zhou, “Editorial,”
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part C, 37(1),
pp. 1-2, Jan. 2007.
284)Jeng, M.-D., Zhou, M.-C.,
“Guest Editorial Special Issue on
Engineering Applications of Petri Nets,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Part C,
37(4), pp. 442-443, July 2007.
285)M. C. Zhou and Z. W. Li, “Special
Issue on “Petri Nets for System Control and Automation,” Asian Journal of Control, Vo. 12,
No. 3, pp. 237-239, May 2010.
286)M. C. Zhou and Z. W. Li, "Guest editorial:
Petri nets and agile manufacturing,"
Transactions of the Institute of
Measurement and Control, 33(1), pp. 3-8, February 2011.
287)S. Bogdan and M. C. Zhou, "Editorial:
Planning and scheduling in complex systems," Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Vol.
33, Nos. 3-4, pp. 315-316, May/June 2011.
288)Fanti, M. P., W. Ukovich, X. Xie, and M. Zhou, "Editorial on Health-Care Management and
Optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part A, 42(6), pp. 1310-1313, Nov. 2012.
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