Date |
Speaker and Title |
Host |
September 8 |
Organizational Meeting
| H. G. Rotstein |
September 15 |
Hamid Reza Noori,
Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Princeton University
To be rescheduled
| V. Matveev |
September 22 |
Farzan Nadim,
Department of Mathematical Sciences, NJIT
A novel bifurcation diagram arising from the dynamics of an
oscillator-follower inhibitory network with A-current
| H. G. Rotstein |
September 29 |
Avi Maayan,
Department of Pharmacology & Systems Therapeutics, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Data mining and network analysis in systems biology
| H. G. Rotstein |
October 6 |
Hani Girgis,
John Hopkings University
Two machine learning algorithms for selecting and ranking the best predicted protein structures
| A. Abdi |
October 13 |
Huaxiong Huang,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Spreading Depression: A Simplified Neuron Model
| R. Miura |
October 20 |
No Seminar - SFN Meeting
| . |
October 27 |
Hamid Reza Noori,
Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Princeton University
Neurochemical oscillations in the basal ganglia
| V. Matveev |
November 3 |
Alex Roxin,
Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, Columbia University
To be rescheduled
| H. G. Rotstein |
November 10 |
Dongwook Kim,
Department of Mathematical Sciences, NJIT
Dynamics of medial entorhinal cortex layer II stellate cells receiving periodic and non-periodic inputs
| H. G. Rotstein |
November 17 |
Michael Graupner,
Center for Neural Sciences, New York University
A bistable synaptic model with transitions between states induced by
calcium dynamics: theory vs experiment
| H. G. Rotstein |
November 24 |
No Seminar,
Classes follow a Thursday schedule
December 1 |
Xinxian Huang,
Department of Mathematical Sciences, NJIT
Using feed-forward networks to infer activity of feedback neuronal networks
| H. G. Rotstein |