CIS 668 : Software for Programming Assignment

Software Information

  • Software for Programming Assignments The programming assignments require the use of BSPlib also available from You can download Version 1.4 in gzipped tar format (1192265 bytes) or tar format (5191680bytes) . A document that describes the functional interface of BSPlib, as proposed by the BSP Worldwide Organization can be retrieved in gzipped Postscript or plain Postscript or Adobe Acrobat PDF . The official site for BSPlib is . Other interesting links can be found in .
  • Secure Shell In order to connect to the host to be used for the Programming Assignments you need to use SSH (secure shell version 1). One can obtain secure shell either through a commercial vendor or obtain PuTTY by Simon Tatham which is a SSH1 and SSH2 client. PuTTY can be obtained from the following site. Note that PuTTY is a command-line program. It consists of two executables putty.exe which is the client for connecting to a host and pscp.exe that allow transfers of files to/from the host. When you use putty for the first line from the command line, follow the instructions below to configure it as a SSH1 client. Otherwise you won't be allowed to be connected (immediately dissconnected) to the host. ptrdm.txt Other Windows or Linux-based secure shell clients can be found in For those of you who are accustomed to the TeraTerm terminal emulation program there is a ssh extension program by Robert O'Callahan that uses the TeraTerm client. Go to the link Get the two programs through the link above or ttermp23.exe and follow supplied instructions.