CS 101 (Fall 2012) dual Page for sections 001 and 003

In Fall 2012, I am teaching two sections of CS 101, Section 001 and Section 003. Generic course contact information immediately follows. Click on the appropriate link in section A (Announcements) to go to the corresponding web-page as needed.

Course E-mail: alg101@cs.njit.edu [OTHER VARIATIONS DO NOT WORK!] Instructor: A. Gerbessiotis
Office Hours: Fall 2012 (and Exam Period).
Course Assistant: Hillol Debnath E-mail: hd43@njit.edu Assistant's Room: Send email for directions
Assistant's Off. Hours: Thu 1:30-3:30 Tel:(973) 596-2869

A. Announcements

B. Course Syllabus, Homeworks, Programming Assignments and other Handouts

C. Solutions/Exams and Practice Problem Sets with Solutions

Last modified Dec 20, 2012, 22:10