CS610 Web-page (by A. V. Gerbessiotis)

Course Information (Course: CS610, Section 101)
Course E-mail: alexg+cs610@njit.edu (subject line per Handout 0) Instructor: A. Gerbessiotis
Office Hours: Office hours Fall 2018.
Course Hours: Tue 6-9:05pm Classroom: CULM LectHall 3.
Course Assistant:Niloofar AGHAIEABIANE Assistant's E-mail: na396+cs610@njit.edu Assistant's Room:TBA
Assistant's Off. Hours:TBA Tel:(973) 596-NotAvailable

A. Announcements

B. Course Syllabus, Homeworks and Programming Assignments and other Handouts

C. Supplementary Notes, Exams, Solutions, and other Information

Last modified Dec 22, 2018 at 13:23