CS610 Web-page (by A. V. Gerbessiotis) for Fall 2024

Course Information (Fall 2024)
Course Email: alexg+cs610@njit.edu (subject line per FAQ Doc1/page 11) Instructor: A. Gerbessiotis
Contact/Office Hours: Current cemester hours.
Course Meeting: See Registrar's Schedule .
Course Assistant: TBA Assistant's E-mail: TBA
Assistant's Hours: TBA Assistant's Info:(Webex) TBA

SECTION A. Announcements

SECTION B. Public Information and external links

SECTION C. Other Information

Last modified Aug 26, 2024 at 10:50

Disclaimer The material of this web-page is purely optional. It is not required to study it. It is provided as is. Classroom attendance is strongly recommended, and so is studying the designated textbook.