CS 667
Copyright by A. Gerbessiotis (1999-2006).
All rights reserved.
B1. Homeworks, Exams, and other Assignments
- Bonus Points Do you want to collect 20 bonus points? Fill in and submit
no later than the end of day (23:59 EDT) of September 18, 2006.
- Homework Hints Occasionally, clarifications to homework problems, or/and
homework hints may become available. Click
here for details on Homework
- Homework Solutions Go to the protected area.
Homeworks will become available peridically during the semester. Consult the
syllabus (Handout 1) for the specific date a homework will become available.
- Homework 1 in
Adobe Postscript and
Adobe Acrobat PDF. (*** Sep 18, 2006 ***).
- Homework 2 in
Adobe Postscript and
Adobe Acrobat PDF. (*** Oct 2, 2006 ***).
- Homework 3 in
Adobe Postscript and
Adobe Acrobat PDF. (*** Oct 16, 2006 ***).
- Homework 4 in
Adobe Postscript and
Adobe Acrobat PDF. (*** Oct 30, 2006 ***).
- Homework 5 in
Adobe Postscript and
Adobe Acrobat PDF.
- Homework Extra (as promised on Oct 9, 2006) in
Adobe Postscript and
Adobe Acrobat PDF. (*** Oct 16, 2006 ***).
B2. Handouts
B2a. Syllabus and Course FAQ
- Tentative Syllabus in
Postscript and
Adobe Acrobat PDF.
- Handout 0 (Frequently asked questions) in
Adobe Postscript and
Adobe Acrobat PDF.
Note that the password of the protected page is missing (available only in the hard
copy to be handed out on the first day of classes).
(**** Sep 11, 2006 ****)
- Handout 1 (Syllabus Information)
Adobe Postscript and
Adobe Acrobat PDF.
(**** Sep 11, 2006 ****)
B2b. Other Course Handouts
- Formulae Collection in
Adobe Postscript and
Adobe Acrobat PDF.
(** Already Uploaded **)
B3. Other Reference Material
You may find the following material useful for topics such as sorting, searching,
selection and seminumerical algorithms.
- The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-3
by D.E. Knuth, Addison-Wesley.
B4. Source code
Nothing yet.
B5. Postscript and PDF viewers
You can download viewers for Postscript and PDF files
through this link.
You can download a LaTeX system for typesetting (the notes were prepared using it)
through this link.