Newark College of Engineering

Department of Engineering Technology

William Barnes, P.E.

Associate Professor and Coordinator

Electrical & Computer Engineering Technology  (ECET) 




Contact Information

office:    GITC 2101

phone:   973-596-8190

fax:         973-642-4184



Notes for potential, new, and continuing ECET students:


·        If you have applied to transfer into our ECET program and, after a couple weeks, are wondering about the status of your application then call Mr. Anthony Jackson in the Admissions Office at 973-596-5786 or email him at

·        When new transfer students are accepted into our program, a copy of their acceptance letters and transcripts are forwarded to our offices. At that time the student should call and arrange to come in for formal credit evaluation, advisement and registration. We recommend that this be done at the earliest possible date to assure maximum flexibility in scheduling- registration is going on now.

·        Students nearing graduation should request a graduation check via email to  Be sure to include your student id # or social security number and your Concentration.

·        Problems with registration:

1.      Getting in closed courses is difficult and is handled by the department offering the course. For example we cannot register you for a math course that is full, you must go to the math department.

2.      If the computer tells you that you need a pre-requisite for an English, humanity, or math course and you have all the necessary transfer credits then you should email Edna Randolph at  with your name, ss#, course, and section number (such as 001, 003, 101,etc.)NOT the call number. Be sure the class you want is not filled and that you have no holds. Ms. Randolph will place a limited-time Permit (P) on the NJIT computer system allowing you to then register for that course yourself.

3.      General questions regarding registration can be directed to Ms. Randolph,, Mrs. Eddings,, or me,


         ECET Objectives and Outcomes

  NJIT Snow Phone: (973) 596-3000 (Day closing decision by 6 AM and Evening closing decision by 2 PM.)


Prof. Barnes's Spring 2009 Semester Schedule:


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
    10:00  - 12:10

ECET 215-002


1:00 - 3:10

ECET 215-002


    1:30 - 2:30

Office Hour

4:30 - 5:30

Office Hour

6:00 -  9:05

ECET 365-102



ECET 215 SYLLABUS    (spring semester)


ECET 310  SYLLABUS and  MATERIALS      (fall semester)


ECET 365  SYLLABUS and MATERIALS      (fall semester)


ECET 401  SYLLABUS    (spring semester)


ECET 402 SYLLABUS and MATERIALS   (fall semester)


NJIT Honor Code will be strictly followed in all courses.

Any revisions to syllabi during the semester will be made in consultation with students.





For numerous and excellent links go to Dr. Rockland's LINKS page: rockland links