Communications Systems I (ECE 642)

Fall 2022, Tuesday 6:00 pm-8:50 pm, FMH 207

Dr. Joerg Kliewer
213 ECEC
Phone: (973) 596-3519
E-mail: jkliewer ATT njit DOTT edu
Office hours:   by appointment

Textbook (mandatory):

 M. Fitz:  Fundamentals of Communication Systems,  McGraw Hill, 2007, ISBN-10: 0071482806


  • Homework 20%
  • Midterm 40%
  • Final 40%

Grading policy: There is no grace period for homework, late submissions cannot be accepted (absolutely no exceptions)

Important dates:

  • Midterm: October 18
  • Final exam: TBD (comprehensive)

Useful links: