Anthony Rosato
Department of Mechanical Engineering
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, NJ 07102
Phone: 973-596-5829
Email: rosato@njit.edu
Ph.D. | Mechanical Engineering, 1985, Carnegie Mellon University |
M.S. | Applied Mathematics, 1981, Carnegie Mellon University |
M.S. | Civil Engineering - Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, 1979, Northwestern University |
B.E. | Mechanical Engineering, 1975, Pratt Institute (Brooklyn, NY) |
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ | |
7/02 – Present | Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department |
7/01 – 6/03 | Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, Mechanical Engineering Department |
9/99 – Present | Director, Granular Science Laboratory, Mechanical Engineering Department |
6/93 – 6/02 | Associate Professor (tenured), Mechanical Engineering Department |
9/95 – 1999 | Founder and Director, NJIT Particle Technology Center |
1/87 - 6/93 | Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department |
Carlow College, Pittsburgh , PA | |
1/86 - 5/86 | Adjunct Faculty, Exact Sciences Department |
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh , PA | |
1/86 - 5/86 | Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Mechanical Engineering Department |
9/81 - 10/84 | Graduate Research Assistant, Mechanical Engineering Department |
9/79 - 5/82 | Graduate Teaching Assistant - Mechanical Engineering & Mathematics |
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL | |
9/77 - 8/79 | Murphy Fellowship, Civil Engineering Department Green Fan Co, Beacon, NY |
10/75 - 8/77 | Test & Development Engineer |
Fall 2003 | Stanford University – Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering |
11/95 - 8/96 | The Lovelace Institutes (Alburquerque, NM) & Sandia National Laboratory |
Fall 1995 | Worcester Polytechnic Institute - Visiting Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering |
9/94 - 10/94 | Joliot Professorship, Ecole Superieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles, Paris, France |
1989, 1990 | Summer Visiting Faculty Fellowship, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Earth Sciences Department, Livermore, CA | |
August 1988 | Faculty - Governor's School in the Sciences, Drew University, Madison, NJ |
“Why the Brazil Nuts Are On Top,” Science News, March 28, 1987, Vol. 131(13)
“Nuts and Jolts,” Scientific American, May, 1987, p 58D
“Sometimes Heavier Objects Go to the Top: Here's Why,” Science Times, The New York Times, March 24, 1987, p C1
“Great Muesli Shake-Down,” London Sunday Times, April 26, 1987
CJOR Radio, Vancouver, Canada, Live interview, April 2, 1987
All Things Considered, National Public Radio, April, 1987
The Exploratorium, a Museum of Science and Technology, San Francisco, CA, exhibit on segregation effect
“A Barrier Falls: Corn Flake Theorem Shows How Rocks Keep Rising in Field,” The Denver Post, April 19, 1987
“Believe It or Nut,” 3-2-1 Contact, March 1988
“New Discovery: Why Heavy Objects Rise to the Top,” Design News, May 4, 1987
“Schutteln am Computer,” Wissenschaft, Die Zeit, Nr. 43-1 Oktober 1987
“Cache-Noix,” La Recherche, mensuel no189 juin 1987
Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Elected: October 2000)
Nominated for Fellow of the American Academy of Mechanics (Sept 2003)
American Academy of Mechanics
NJIT Center for Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma
Scientific Committee Member, 5th World Congress on Particle Technology, April 23-27, 2006, Orlando, FL
Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,January 2002
Co-Editor-In-Chief, Mechanics Research Communications, Elsevier, Jan. 2005 - present
Associate Editor, Mechanics Research Communications, Elsevier, 2000 – 2004
Assistant Editor, Mechanics Research Communications, Elsevier, 1997 – 2000
Consultant, Union Carbide Corporation (Bound Brook, NJ), 2000 - 2001
Chair of the Scientific Committee, International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Symposium, Segregation in Granular Flows, Cape May, NJ, June 5-9, 1999
Co-Chair, Particle Technology at NJIT: Research, Education and Technology Transfer, March 20-21, 1997. This symposium was held at NJIT and was sponsored by the Particle Technology Center (PTC) and the Particle Processing Research Center (PPRC). It provided an overview of various particle technology activities at NJIT to participants from New Jersey companies primarily to develop strong partnerships with industry and academia, and to further the mission of the PTC and PPRC.
Co-Chairman, Session on Bulk Solids Characterization, AIChE 5th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, July 14-18, 1996.
Panel Member, National Materials Advisory Board (National Research Council) AFOSR Panel, 1995
American Society of Engineering Education, 1995 Program Chair Elect, Graduate Studies Division
Co-Chairman of the "Granular Flows Symposium", Meet'N'93 ASME/ASCE/SES, June 6-9, 1993, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
Engineering Search Committee, Pratt Institute ME Department Fall 1991
Session Co-Chairman for the 21st Annual Meeting of the Fine Particle Society, Aug. 21-25,1990, San Diego, CA: "Micromechanical and Continuum Models for Granular Media"
Reviewer for Journal of Computational Physics, Applied Mechanics Reviews, EuroPhysics Letters, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review E, Powder Technology, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physics of Fluids, Mechanics Research Communications, National Science Foundation.
Institute Committees
Graduate Council, 2001 - 2003
Institute Research Committee, 1994-96; 97- 98
Director, Particle Technology Center, 1995 – 1999
NJIT Parking Committee 1991 – 94
Newark College of Engineering Promotion & Tenure Advisory Committee, 1995
Mechanical Engineering Department Committees
Promotion & Tenure Committee, 2002 - present
Graduate Recruitment Committee, 2002 – 03
Director, Granular Science Laboratory, 1999-present
Director, Particle Technology Laboratory, 1990 - 1995
Department Chair Search Committee, 1996 – 1998
ME Dept. Faculty Search Committee, 1998 – 2000
Chair, ME Faculty Search Committee: 2004 - present
ASME Faculty Advisor 1989 – 1992
Graduate Association of ME Students (GAMES) Faculty Advisor, 2002 - present
Coordinator of Undergraduate Research Projects: 2000 - 2001v Graduate Committee 1988 - 91; 92 - 2003
Computer Utilization Committee 1997 - 1999
Doctoral Qualifying Examination Committee 1988 - present
Department Merit Committee 1988-89; 2002 - present
ME web page Coordinator, 2001 - 2005
ME Colloquium Series Coordinator 1990-91; 2000 – 2001; 2004-05
Publicity Coordinator 1988-90
Community Activities
North Hunderton High School Science Fair, April 14, 2005.
Morristown High School, “Particle Technology and Science”, Seminar given to 3 honors physics classes, January 23, 2004.
Tutor: Mathematics and Physics, Mendham High School (NJ)
Twins & Triplets Club of Morris County: Fabrication of sets for 2001 Convention
St Matthew the Apostle Church (Randolph, NJ) – Music Ministry (Spring 1998, Fall 2001, Fall 2004)
John Jay High School (Cross River, NY): Research advisor of a sophomore student who will participate in the 2006 Intel Science Competition (2003 – 2004).
Randolph Middle School 6th Grade Science Fair, April 1999
Volunteer for St. Peter’s Village (Denville, NJ), Fall of 1997: I served as a tutor and mentor for a middle-school student residing at the Village
Volunteer for parish outreach ministry to assist the needy with home repairs and maintenance.