Regina Collins


In addition to papers, an important way for researchers to communicate their work is through posters and presentations.

The following links provide some highlights of my research posters. Presentations can be viewed on SlideShare.

More Than The Sum of Its Parts: Advancing Women at NJIT Through Collaborative Research Networks - Having been nominated to present my research at the Dana Knox Student Research Showcase, I designed this poster to highlight research we were doing to understand the position of women faculty in their departmental social networks, seeking to understand if isolation or other factors caused women faculty to be underrepresented in the university.

Using Social Network Analysis and Research Collaboration Data to Identify Patterns of Faculty Influence - this poster was presented at the 2012 Social Media and Social Influence Symposium at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Knowing Together, Learning Apart - A Proposed Framework for Supporting Individual Learning Through Collaborative Knowledge Building Tools - This poster summarizes an early version of my doctoral dissertation research and was presented at the International Conference on Information Systems 2012 (ICIS) in Orlando, Florida.