My technical writing experience was an excellent preparation for a career as a researcher. In my writing, I focus on presenting information in a clear and concise manner and supporting my results and conclusions with well established theoretical underpinnings.
Share and Share Alike: Integrating Internet Resource Sharing Into Learning - This paper is being presented at the 2015 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) as a completed research paper. The research reported in this paper pulls from my doctoral dissertation and a complementary study conducted with other NJIT doctoral candidates.
Do I Know What You Can See? Social Networking Sites and Privacy management - This paper was presented at the 2012 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) and was nominated for Best Practitioner Oriented Paper.
Facebook Newsfeed - Relevance or Noise - This paper was presented at the 2012 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS).
Knowing Together, Learning Apart: A Proposed Framework for Supporting Individual Learning Through Collaborative Knowledge Building Tools - This paper was presented at the 2012 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) as a Research In Progress paper with an accompanying poster.
Web-Based Portfolio Assessment: Validation of an Open Source Platform - This paper was published in the Journal of Interactive Learning Research and documents the use of a web-based portfolio assessment platform for Humanities courses that I developed as part of my Master of Professional and Technical Communication thesis. The platform has been used by the Humanities department at New Jersey Institute of Technology for e-Portfolio assessments since 2010.