Pre- and Co-requisite Courses:
Physics 121 (Physics II), Physics
234 (Physics III), and Physics 432 (Electromagnetism I).
Students are encouraged to take
Physics 442 (Introduction to Quantum Mechanics) concurrently,
though it is not a prerequisite
A Short Introduction:
• This is a junior or senior
undergraduate 3 credits course.
• This is a course with only lectures and
no Labs.
• The emphasis of this course is on the
elementary concepts of electromagnetic fields. Upon completion of the course,
students are expected to be capable of using the Maxwell equations to calculate
simple electromagnetic problems, ranging from radiation to wave propagation.
5/9/2013 2:30 pm FMH409
476 Tiernan
tel: (973) 596-5342
Office hours: Thursday
and Friday: 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Class Schedule:
1:00pm - 3:55 pm | FMH407
Webpage: http://web.njit.edu/~sirenko/
lecture notes, and homework assignments will be posted on the Website.
Course Textbooks: Introduction to Electrodynamics (4th Edition) by D.
J. Griffiths
Homeworks: 20 % Two in-class exams: 15% +15% Final exam: 50%
D 50%
C 60% C+
65% B 70% B+ 75% A
Assignments will be due bi-weekly, usually on Thursdays. Assignments are due at the beginning of class.
Homework problems, lectures, and text readings will form the basis
of the exam problems.
will be two in-class exams and a final exam. The exams will be based on the
assigned homework problems, the assigned readings in the text, lecture notes,
and the lectures. Students are allowed to use lecture notes and formula sheets.
Not allowed to discuss the problems with other students.
Academic honesty
Students are encouraged to discuss the lectures and textbook material, work together on homework problems, and study together for exams. However, students are not allowed to present other people’s work as their own (including copying another student's homework as well as using of problem solutions found on the Internet or elsewhere).
week |
Topic |
Reading Materials |
HW Assignment from the Textbook |
1 |
Jan 24 |
Ch. 1 – 4 repeated Ch. 5 |
2 |
Jan 31 |
Magnetostatics (cont.) |
Ch. 5 |
HW1: 5.1
5.5 5.11 5.26 5.36 |
3 |
Feb 7 |
Ch. 6 |
4 |
Feb 14 |
Ch. 6 |
HW2: 6.3
6.7 6.13 6.23
6.26 |
5 |
Feb 21 |
Fields (problems) |
Ch. 6 |
6 |
Feb 28 |
Ch. 7 |
HW3: 7.8
7.17 7.27 7.45
7.51 |
7 |
March 7 |
(problems) |
Ch. 7 |
8 |
March 14 |
CQZ1 on Ch 5 - 7 Conservation
Laws |
Ch. 8 |
HW4: 8.2
8.5 9.2 9.9
9.16 |
9 |
March 28 |
Ch. 9 |
10 |
April 4 |
Ch. 9 |
11 |
April 11 |
EMW (problems)
+ EMW in Magnetoelectics |
Ch. 9 |
12 |
April 18 |
Ch. 10 |
HW5: 9.23
9.24 9.30 9.31
9.37 Submission deadline May 2nd |
13 |
April 25 |
CQZ2 submission
deadline |
Ch. 11 |
14 |
May 2 |
Ch. 1 - 11 |