Recent Significant Research Contributions

Sotirios G. Ziavras

Some of my most significant contributions are centered on new advanced (unconventional) uniprocessor designs, architectures for parallel computers, and mapping (process assignment and scheduling) techniques for the efficient implementation of algorithms on parallel computers. My designs of high performance, low cost architectures emphasize system scalability and low VLSI complexity, two very desirable properties in parallel processing. My process assignment and scheduling techniques for the mapping problem take into account the computation and communication requirements of application algorithms for their efficient implementation on parallel computers; the emphasis is on image processing algorithms. Major contributions are identified below.

Unconventional Processor Designs
Reduced hypercube interconnection networks for massively parallel computers
A Point Design Towards PetaFLOPS Computing
Scalable architectures for low cost, high performance parallel computing
Feasible mesh architectures with broadcast buses for high performance parallel computing
High performance multiresolution image processing on parallel computers
Hybrid message-passing/shared-memory architectures for versatile parallel computers
Alleviating the incremental growth problem of the hypercube interconnection network for massively parallel computers

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Last updated 11/02/98, SGZ