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Information Systems Department
College of Computing Sciences
New Jersey Institute of Technology

CIS677-102/4: Information Systems Principles, Spring 2005
Professor Bieber

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A Public Research University

Quick Links: [677 Home] [Schedule] [Syllabus] [Team-based Learning] [WebBoard access/info] [Links] [Summaries] [Article review guidelines/assignment] [Extra credit participation]

Reading Summaries

(Version 2 - 1/20/05 - changed location to post your summaries)

Due Date

The summaries will be due by class time on the Tuesday that a reading is assigned.


For many students, this is the first course where you are reading a lot of complex articles. The purpose of this assignment is to help you think through the articles you are reading.


For every long article (not textbook chapter) you read for the class, write an entry within your team's conference on WebBoard. Post it as a reply to the appropriate article category. The articles to summarize are noted on the course schedule.

What to write

Do NOT summarize the article. Instead your entry should be two paragraphs with the following categories from the article review guidelines.

  1. The first paragraph should describe the article's results.
  2. The second paragraph should describe the article's contributions.

Individual assignment

This assignment is part of the "Readiness Assessment Process". It is meant to be a tool to help you understand the articles well. Understanding the articles well, in turn, should help you do better on the individual RATs, and better prepare you to help your team in the team RATs and activities.

Therefore, this is an individual assignment. Please write these entries yourself. If I find that entries are too similar, I will start asking you to post them on turnitin.com...

This page: http://web.njit.edu/~bieber/CIS677S05/summaries.html
To comment on this Web site, please email

last updated: 1/20/2005 - Version 2