Copyright by A. Gerbessiotis (2002,2003,2005). All rights reserved.

C1. Homeworks

Occasionally, clarifications to homework problems, or/and homework hints may become available. Click here for details on Homework Hints

  1. Homework 1. In Postscript and PDF . Form A required for Homework 1 can be accessed through this link. (***** Uploaded *****).
  2. Homework 2. In Postscript and PDF . (***** Uploaded *****).
  3. Homework 3. In Postscript and PDF . (***** Uploaded *****).
  4. Homework 4. In Postscript and PDF . (***** Uploaded *****).
  5. Homework 5. In Postscript and PDF . (***** Uploaded *****).

For the optional programming component of Homework 2, you can obtain information on how to time C/C++ functions by browsing the code in Sample RadixSort code (C code), Sample BubbleSort code (C code), Sample BubbleSort code (C++ code).

For solutions go to the password protected area.

C2. Handouts

In the first week of classes, you might have to review your discrete math background. Here are some interesting review notes that you might use. These complement the discussion of the textbook in the first few chapters.

C3. Programming

If you plan to do any of the optional/beneficial programming assignments you may find the following handout helpful. They are for another course but they might be of help. However, disregard the Java comment in that handout; you are allowed to use Java if you feel like using it. Handout 4 (Programming Guidelines) in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF.

C4. Postscript and PDF viewers

You can download viewers for Postscript and PDF files through this link.

You can download a LaTeX system for typesetting (the notes were prepared using it) from through this link.