Department of Mathematical Sciences
Undergraduate Biology and Math Training Program (UBMTP)
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation

Main Page

Aspects and Requirements

Description of the program

Application form

NSF link

Read about key aspects and requirements for UBMTP students.

Read a summary description of the program and see its NSF link.

Applications will be accepted until October 29, 2008Application form

See the Projects of the 2005 UBMTP Students

See the Projects of the 2006 UBMTP Students (check out our first UBM journal publication co-authored by Gareth Russell and Abraham Rosales)

See the Projects of the 2007 UBMTP Students

See the Projects of the 2008 UBMTP Students

Meet the 2009 UBMTP Students


The UBMTP will :

  • Train students to understand biological phenomena using quantitative tools.
  • Teach students how to pose and answer questions that arise at the interface of math and biology.
  • Allow students to work in a biology lab on specific research problems.
  • Introduce students to the concepts of mathematical modeling of biological phenomena.
  • Provide students with ample opportunities to travel to national and regional conferences to present their work.
  • Best of all, provide a generous stipend during both the summer and academic year to carry out cutting edge research.

You must be a Biology or Mathematics major (or a double major in one of these two fields) to participate in the UBMTP. 

Principal investigator: Dr. Amit Bose (Math) (; Phone: 973-596-3370)
Co-Principal investigators: Drs. Farzan Nadim & Jorge Golowasch (Math and Biology)

Other investigators involved:

Nihal Alton-Bonnet  (Rutgers-Newark, Biology)
Ed Bonder (Rutgers-Newark, Biology)
Wilma Friedman (Rutgers-Newark, Biology)
Claus Holzapfel (Rutgers-Newark, Biology)
Andrew Hill (NJIT andRutgers-Newark, Biology)
Haesun Kim
(Rutgers-Newark, Biology)
Cyrill Muratov (NJIT, Math)
Robert Miura(NJIT, Math)
Victor Matveev (NJIT, Math)
Eliza Michalopoulou (NJIT, Math) 
Alexis Rodriguez (Rutgers, Biology)
Horacio Rotstein (NJIT, Math)
Gareth Russell (NJIT and Rutgers-Newark, Biology)


Contact for further information and application process: Karen Roach (Bio-Math Administrator, Phone: 973-596-5612)
Web design by Jonathan Lansey