Department of Mathematical Sciences
Undergraduate Biology and Math Training Program (UBMTP)
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation

Main Page
Aspects and Requirements

Description of the program
Application form
NSF link

UBMTP 2007 Students:
Ikemefuna Agbanusi (Math)
Anirudh Chintalapani (Biology)
Matthew Hanna (Biology)
Catherine Morrison (Math)
Nathasha Pandya (Biology)
Alborz Yarahmadi (Math)

Quick overview of Summer 2007 projects:

Phase response curves of bursting neurons - Alborz and Ike 
Dynamics of the Coxsackie virus - Ani and Matt

Final Papers

Matthew, Ani, Alborz, Ike


Contact for further information and application process: Karen Roach (Bio-Math Administrator, Phone: 973-596-5612)
Web design by Jonathan Lansey