Department of Mathematical Sciences
Undergraduate Biology and Math Training Program (UBMTP)
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation

2005, Activities:

Main Page
Aspects and Requirements

Description of the program
Application form
NSF link




The structure will be to:

  1. Meet 2 or 3 times per month on Wednesdays to discuss research techniques, to exchange ideas and to relate experiences that the students are having.
  2. Initially, the PIs/mentors will present techniques and some concepts in a lecture format to introduce the students to field of Mathematical Biology. Students will be given review or research papers to read and then to present to the group. They will be taught techniques used in mathematical and in biological research (modeling, phase-plane analysis, numerical simulations methods, electrophysiology, immunohistochemistry, microscopy, ecological field techniques).
  3. At the same time as 1 and 2 are taking place, the students, in pairs, will spend approximately 5 hours per week in the laboratories they have been assigned following a designated graduate student who will be their mentor. The students will rotate for one month in each of three laboratories between February and April (see below). The purpose is to have the students learn about the ideas, motivations and to some extent the techniques used in these labs.

Kunj discusses plant population models with Dr. Holzapfel


  1. Our first project is to learnt how to use XPP, a computer program for numerical integration differential equations.
  2. Modeling the Caspases in p75-mediated Neuronal Death.  Some of us learnt those terms on the job so don't get scared away.  Your may to want to see Diana's Presentation first, it explains the biology.


Contact for further information and application process: Karen Roach (Bio-Math Administrator, Phone: 973-596-5612)
Web design by Jonathan Lansey