Casey Diekman
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Students & Collaborators
Michael Luo
Ph.D. student, Applied Math
Project: Data consistent model inversion
Soheil Saghafi
Ph.D. student, Applied Math
Dissertation: Deep hybrid modeling of neuronal dynamics using generative adversarial networks
graduated May 2023
Matthew Moye
Ph.D. student, Applied Math
Dissertation: Data assimilation for conductance-based neuronal models
graduated May 2020
Emel Khan
Ph.D. student, Applied Math
Dissertation: Mechanisms of oscillations and entrainment in neuronal and circadian models
graduated May 2021
Elizabeth Epstein
Master's student, Applied Statistics
Project: Methods for virtual patient cohort genearation
Charles Mainwaring
Master's student, Applied Math
Thesis: Bright light therapy and depression: assessing suitability using entrainment maps
graduated May 2023 (co-advised by Amitabha Bose)
Antonio Jurko
Master's student, Applied Math
Project: Locomotion in
C. elegans
graduated Spring 2016
Binah Ezra
Undergrad, Mathematical Biology
Project: Modeling of GT1-7 cells
graduated Spring 2016
Kartik Patel
Bergen Community College Student
Project: Numerial simulation of cardiac cells
enrolled at NJIT following BCC
Joe Zaleski
Undergrad, Applied Math
Project: Cardiac excitability (supported by NJIT Provost Fellowship)
graduated NJIT Spring 2015, obtained Ph.D. from RPI
Rebecca Deek
Undergrad, Biology
Project: Electrophysiology of SCN2.2 cells (supported by NSF REU supplement)
graduated NJIT Spring 2015, now an Assistant Profesor at University of Pittsburgh
Joseph Ballardo
Undergrad, Mathematical Biology
Project: Data-driven biophysical modeling of neuronal dynamics (supported by NSF EXTREEMS-QED)
Nilanjan Haldar
Undergrad, Biology
Project: Data-driven biophysical modeling of neuronal dynamics (supported by NSF EXTREEMS-QED)
Jonathan Dougherty
Undergrad, Electrical & Computer Eng
Project: Data-driven biophysical modeling of neuronal dynamics (supported by NSF EXTREEMS-QED)
Peter Eskander
Undergrad, Mathematical Biology
Project: Electrophysiology of GT1-7 cells (supported by NJIT Faculty Seed Grant)
Joel Tabak
, University of Exeter
Kyle Wedgwood
, University of Exeter
Mino Belle
, University of Manchester
Hugh Piggins
, University of Bristol
Matthieu Flourakis
Ravi Allada
, Department of Neurobiology, Northwestern University
Christopher Wilson
, Department of Basic Sciences, Loma Linda University School of Medicine
Peter Thomas
, Department of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics & Statistics, Case Western Reserve University
Jonathan Rubin
, Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh
David Terman
, Department of Mathematics, Ohio State University
Martin Golubitsky
, Department of Mathematics, Ohio State University
Amit Bose
, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NJIT
Jorge Golowasch
, Department of Biological Sciences, NJIT
Gal Haspel
, Department of Biological Sciences, NJIT
Horacio Rotstein
, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NJIT
Yong-Ick Kim
, Department of Chemistry & Environmental Science, NJIT