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ECE495 Computer Engineering Design Laboratory
Experiment 5
Microcoded CPU Design
The objective of this experiment is to design and implement a microcoded CPU using the ALTERA EPF10K20 devices. A VHDL program with a structural description will be developed to model the CPU. This experiment will also familiarize the student with the lpm library components.
Review Chapter 7 of Computer Systems Organization & Architecture by John Carpinelli.
John D. Carpinelli, Computer Organization & architecture, Addison Wesley, 2001.
Signal generator for clock
In this experiment, the student will design a microcoded CPU based on the ALTERA EPF10K20 devices. A VHDL program based on a structural description will be develop to model CPU. You must use the lpm library components to design the CPU and the RAM. Two components, the ALU and a simple microsequencer based on Experiment 2 will be provided.
The CPU must meet the following specifications.
The CPU can access 256 8-bit words of RAM. This implies that an 8-bit Memory Address Register (MAR) and an 8-bit Program Counter (PC) are needed.
The CPU accesses the 8-bit memory via a 8-bit Memory Data Register (MDR).
The CPU has two internal 8-bit registers: the accumulator (AC) and a general-purpose register (R).
The CPU has a 1-bit condition flip-flop (Z), which derives its input as described below.
The CPU is capable of executing the instructions shown in Table 5.1 (The instructions shown in italic are for extra credit.) Note that V is defined as the logical OR of the bits of A, this is similar in function to a zero flag. Also note that LOAD, LOADSP, STORE, JUMPZ and JUMP use 8-bit address (G) as part of the instruction code. In addition to the CPU design, your VHDL code must include a 256 words 8-bit RAM for programs and data.
Extra credit: Implement the LOADSP, PUSH and POP instructions, along with the 8-bit stack pointer (SP) used by these instructions.
Table 5.1: CPU instruction set. | ||
Instruction code |
Instruction |
Function |
00000000 |
No operation |
00100000G |
A ¬ M[G] |
00110000G |
M[G] ¬ A |
01000000 |
R ¬ A |
01010000 |
A ¬ A + R |
01100000 |
A ¬ A and R |
01110000 |
Z ¬ not V |
01110001 |
Z ¬ V |
10000000G |
PC ¬ G |
10010000G |
if (Z=1) then PC ¬ G |
11000000G |
SP ¬ G |
11010000 |
M[--SP] ¬ A |
11100000 |
A ¬ M[SP++] |
11110000 |
PC ¬ 0, stop microsequencer |
Two components are provided to reduce the complexity of this experiment. A 2-function (add and logical-and) 8-bit ALU is provided and is shown in Figure 5.1. The component declaration for the ALU is as follows:
component exp5_alu is
port (a, b: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
op: in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
result: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end component;
where a and b are the 8-bit inputs, result is the 8-bit output and op is a 1-bit function selection:
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Figure 5.1. 8-bit ALU with add and logical-and functions. |
The VHDL code for the ALU is included in Appendix 5.1. A simple microsequencer based on part I of Experiment 2 is also provided (Figure 5.2). The component declaration for the microsequencer is as follows:
component exp5_useq is
generic (uROM_width: integer;
uROM_file: string);
port (opcode: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
uop: out std_logic_vector(1 to (uROM_width-9));
enable, clear: in std_logic;
clock: in std_logic);
end component;
Figure 5.2. Simple microsequencer.
The microsequencer contains a 256-word micro-ROM. The width of each micro-ROM word is declared through the parameter uROM_width. The parameter uROM_file is the name of the mif (memory initialization file) for the contents of the micro-ROM. The organization of the content of the micro-ROM is shown in Figure 5.3.
Figure 5.3. Organization of micro-ROM content.
The lower order 8-bit (bits 7 through 0) is the address of next microinstruction when bit 8 is 0. If bit 8 is 1, then the next microinstruction address is obtained through a mapping function. The mapping function generates an 8-bit value by concatenating the 4-bit opcode input with “0000”. The length of the micro-operation field equals to (uROM_width – 9). For example, if uROM_width is 20, then uop goes from 1 to 11 that corresponds to bits 19 through 9 of the micro-ROM content. The other 3 inputs to the microsequencer are:
1. clock – the system clock.
2. enable – enables the microsequencer so that transitions can occur.
3. clear – resets the address register in the microsequencer to 0.
The VHDL code for the microsequencer is included in Appendix 5.2. The 256x8 RAM should be implemented with the lpm library component, lpm_ram_dq.
1. Prepare a preliminary hardware block diagram design for your CPU. Explain the purpose of the blocks and components.
2. Prepare a preliminarily commented version of the microcode for your system.
Develop VHDL code using a structural approach for the CPU described above. Program, debug and test your design. For final demonstration, your CPU should be able to run all the test cases and display the result of A using the two 7-segment displays on the UP1 board.
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