Currently Teaching:

Spring 2025:Math 331-004 Introduction to PDEs

Past courses:

Fall 2013:Math 756-001 Functions of Complex Variable II
Fall 2014:Math 676-001 Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations
Fall 2011:Math 676-001 Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations
Spring 2016:Math 656-002 Functions of Complex Variable I
Spring 2015:Math 656-002 Functions of Complex Variable I
Spring 2014:Math 656-002 Functions of Complex Variable I
Spring 2011:Math 656-002 Functions of Complex Variable I
Spring 2015:Math 635-001 Analytical and Computational Neuroscience
Spring 2007:Math 630-102 Linear Algebra and Applications
Spring 2024:Math 614-002 Numerical Methods I
Fall 2024:Math 613-001 Applied Mathematics I : Modeling
Fall 2020:Math 613-001 Advanced Applied Mathematics I: Modeling
Fall 2019:Math 613-001 Advanced Applied Mathematics I: Modeling
Fall 2018:Math 613-001 Advanced Applied Mathematics I: Modeling
Spring 2015:Math 430-001 Analytical and Computational Neuroscience
Fall 2004:Math 372-001 Mathematical Models in Population Biology
Fall 2023:Math 371-001 Math Modeling in Physiology & Medicine
Fall 2021:Math 371-001 Math Modeling in Physiology & Medicine
Fall 2014:Math 340-001 Applied Numerical Methods
Spring 2012:Math 340-004 Applied Numerical Methods
Spring 2015:Math 335-002 Vector Analysis
Spring 2008:Math 335-002 Vector Analysis
Spring 2007:Math 335-002 Vector Analysis
Spring 2006:Math 335-002 Vector Analysis
Fall 2005:Math 335-001 Vector Analysis
Spring 2016:Math 332-002 Complex Variables
Spring 2010:Math 332-H02 Complex Variables - Honors
Fall 2009:Math 332-001 Complex Variables
Spring 2009:Math 332-H02 Complex Variables - Honors
Fall 2024:Math 331-001 Introduction to PDEs
Spring 2024:Math 331-002 Introduction to PDEs
Spring 2022:Math 331-002 Introduction to PDEs
Fall 2020:Math 331-001 Introduction to PDEs
Fall 2019:Math 331-001 Introduction to PDEs
Spring 2019:Math 331-002 Introduction to PDEs
Fall 2018:Math 331-003 Introduction to PDEs
Fall 2017:Math 331-001/003 Introduction to PDEs
Spring 2017:Math 331-002/004 Introduction to PDEs
Fall 2016:Math 331-001 Introduction to PDEs
Fall 2010:Math 331-001 Introduction to PDEs
Fall 2008:Math 331-001 Introduction to PDEs
Fall 2007:Math 331-001 Introduction to PDEs
Spring 2005:Math 240-002 Numerical Methods Laboratory
Fall 2010:Math 227-003 Introduction to Math Modeling
Spring 2014:Math 213-002 Calculus IIIB
Fall 2011:Math 213-H01 Calculus IIIB - Honors
Spring 2022:Math 211 (Coordinator) Calculus IIIA
Fall 2021:Math 211-005 Calculus IIIA
Spring 2021:Math 211-014 Calculus IIIA
Spring 2020:Math 211-018 Calculus IIIA
Spring 2009:Math 211-006 Calculus IIIA
Fall 2008:Math 211-013 Calculus IIIA
Spring 2008:Math 211-102 Calculus IIIA
Fall 2007:Math 211-013 Calculus IIIA
Spring 2004:Math 112-005 Calculus II
Fall 2013:Math 111-H03 Calculus I - Honors
Fall 2006:Math 111-009 Calculus I
Fall 2003:Math 111-005 Calculus I
Spring 2006:Math 114-102 Finite Mathematics and Calculus II

[ NJIT Undergrad Math Exam Materials ]

NJIT Math Dept links:

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Misc Math links:

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Last modified: Aug 25, 2014