The scripts following below reproduce the simulation results presented in the manuscript:

Victor Matveev (2016)
Padé Approximation of a Stationary Single-Channel Ca2+ Nanodomain.
Biophysical Journal, 111(9): 2062-2074   Full Text     PDF  

It is best to download and place all scripts in the same directory:


MATLAB function [Buff, Cal] = PadeApproximation(N, lambda, mu) computes Pade approximation of order N for nondimensionalized Buffer and Ca2+ concentrations for given parameter values (lambda, mu), and returns symbolic functions of distance r=rho from the channel, Buff(r) and Cal(r). Note that double-precision round-off errors are possible in coefficients.


MATLAB script PadeApproximationPlots produces data in Figure 3 of the manuscript, using Pade Approximations generated by the MATLAB function PadeApproximation(N, lambda, mu)

Finally, below is a simpler (and more stable with respect to future MATLAB version changes) code computing the 2nd-order Pade approximant, given by a closed-form solution of a quartic polynomial equation system in Eqs. (27) of the manuscript:


MATLAB function [Buff, Cal] = PadeApproximationQuadraticExplicit(lambda, mu, rr, plotFlag) computes 2nd-order Pade approximation for nondimensionalized Buffer and Ca2+ concentrations for given parameter values (lambda, mu), and returns symbolic functions of distance from the channel, Buff(r) and Cal(r). The array of distances rr will be populated automatically if an empty array is passed. Set plotFlag to a non-zero value to see a plot of buffer concentration.

Supported in part by the National Science Foundation grant DMS 1517085 to Victor Matveev

Victor Matveev
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Last modified: Apr 2, 2019