Welcome to UBMTP homepage

The Group Undergraduate Biology and Mathematics Training Program at NJIT (G-UBMTP) is a National Science Foundation funded program that aims to better prepare undergraduate biology or mathematics students to pursue graduate study and careers in fields that integrate mathematics and biology, fulfilling the growing need for young researchers skilled in the combined application of experimental and quantitative techniques to tackle challenging new problems in the Life Sciences. The core of this Program is a year-long research experiences for teams of Mathematics and Biology majors. Research projects will cover a diverse set of Mathematical Biology areas, focusing on different topics in Neuroscience, Ecology or Cell Biology.

UBM 2012 Projects and Participants

From top left: Dr Russell, Dr Bunker, Andrew Izquierdo, Diane Avecillas, Dr Golowasch, Rambert Yan, Dr Matveev.

From bottom left: Keith Spengler (GA), Corrado Mancini, Dalia Salloum (GA), Thomas Anderson, Caroline Devan (GA)

Lab: Dr Camelia Prodan
Students: Sundas Fatima & Andrew Izquierdo
Effect of osmotic pressure and its duration on cell size and viability
Lab: Dr Jorge Golowasch
Students: Diane Avecillas and Corrado Mancini
Proctolin sensitivity of the pyloric network activity recovery upon decentralization
Lab: Dr Daniel Bunker
Students: Thomas Anderson
Dynamical robustness and stability of ecological systems with different types of trophic interactions
Lab: Dr Daniel Bunker
Students: Rambert Yan
Ontological model of an ecological system with four populations and multiple trophic interactions

•   MATLAB code (modeling training projects and assignments)

This Program is supported by the NSF grant award DMS-0926232
Please contact Victor Matveev for further information.