Ph.D., Applied Physics, Odessa University, Odessa, Ukraine, April 1986 M.S., Physics, Odessa University, Odessa, Ukraine, May 1978
Associate Professor, ECE Department, New Jersey Institute of Technology University Heights, Newark, NJ, 2001 - current Adjunct Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, 2001 - 2003 Director of Nanoscale Silicon Research Initiative, Scientist and Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, 1997 - 2001 Visiting Professor, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany, 1999 Research Associate, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, 1995 - 1997 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, 1993 - 1995 Senior Scientist and Adjunct Professor, Department of Physics, Odessa University, Odessa, Ukraine, 1990 - 1992 Scientist, Laboratory for Non-Crystalline Semiconductors, Odessa University, Odessa, Ukraine, 1986 - 1990
Research Associate,
Institute of Physics, Odessa
University, Odessa, Ukraine, 1981-1986 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES
Professor Tsybeskov’s research is focused on materials science of nanostructures, nanoelectronics and quantum devices. Results of his recent research were published and discussed in Nature (1996, 384, p. 6607 and 200, 407, p. 358), Laser Tech Briefs, Chemical Engineering Progress, Opto-Laser Europe, High-Performance Computing (HPC), and Business Week. The image of his nc- Si light-emitting device was chosen for the cover page of the January 1997 issue of Physics Today and April 1998 issue of MRS Bulletin. He is the author and co-author of ~ 100 technical papers including dozens of invited papers, one US patent and many book chapters. He has served as a Guest Editor for numerous journals and as a co-organizer of many technical symposia at APS and MRS Meetings. His graduate students have received numerous awards for their research conducted under Prof. Tsybeskov’s supervision.
AWARDS and HONORS 2004 - Chair's Recognition Award, NJIT 2002 – Fellow of the American Physical Society 1999 – DAAD Fellowship, Germany 1985 – Best Junior Scientist Research Project, Odessa University 1984 – Directorial Award for Junior Scientists, Odessa University
Synergistic Activities Tutorials Focus sessions and symposia organizer APS 2000 March Meeting, APS 2004 March Meeting APS 2001 March Meeting APS 2002 March Meeting MRS 2002 Fall Meeting, MRS 2004 Fall Meeting APS 2003 March Meeting
List of collaborators in the last two years: J.-M. Baribeau (NRC), T. N. Blanton (Kodak), J. P. McCaffrey (NRC), J. Diener (TUM),, P. M. Fauchet (Rochester), D. G. Hall (UR), D. Kovalev (TUM), F. Koch (TUM), D. J. Lockwood (NRC), L. Rothberg (UR), G. I. Sproule (NRC), M. Zacharias (Marburg), B. White (Motorola).
List of Ph.D. students: G. F. Grom (2000 MRS Graduate Student Medal), R. Krishnan (UofR), J. Ruan (UofR), V. Kuznetzov (UofR), L. Koneru (NJIT), E. K. Lee (NJIT), V. Sharma (NJIT), L. Verdoni (NJIT), H. Y. Chang (NJIT). List of Post-Doctoral Research Associates: Dr. L. Montes, Dr. H. B. Kim, Dr. B. V. Kamenev, Dr. V. Duzhko
Ph. D. Thesis Advisor: Dr. L. E. Stys |