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Micro and Nano Mechanics Laboratory
Newark College of Engineering

4 September, 2018
Professor Nadimpalli got promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.

27 August, 2018
Igor Bezsonov (PhD student) joined our group. Welcome to our group Igor!

July 24-27, 2018

Dr. Nadimpalli has delivered an invited lecture on mechanics of battery materials at IIT Madras and  an invited talk on "fracture behavior of 3D printed thermoplastics" at the second Structural Integrity Conference and Exhibition at Hyderabad, India 

July, 2018
Pat's paper on solder fracture has been published in Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Raj's paper on Li transport has been published in the Journal of Electrochemical Society,  Congratulations to Pat, Rich, Raj and Subhajit!

June 11, 2018
Dr. Nadimpalli has delivered a keynote lecture on "the mesurement of diffusion coefficients in high energy density electrodes" at the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics jointly hosted by University of Glasgow, University of Edinburgh, and the UK Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering in June 2018 at Glasgow, Scotland.

April 12, 2018
Dr. Nadimpali has delivered and invited talk on " The role of mechanics in the deisgn of durable high energy density batteries" at Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI. 

January 11, 2018
Subhajit's paper was accepted for publication in the journal of Experimental Mechanics, Congratulations Subhajit!!

November 27, 2017

Raj joined Harvard Medical School as postdoctoral associate, Congratulations Raj!!

November 10, 2017
Raj has defended his PhD thesis successfuly, Congratulations Raj!!

(From left to right) Kyle, Shawn, Raj, Siva, Akshay, and Subhajit

July 25, 2017
Prof. Nadimpalli organized a symposium in 54th SES annual meeting held at Northeastern University, Boston. Rich, Raj, and Subhajit presented their research.

June 5, 2017
Rich presented at the ONR review meeting.

April 27, 2017
ONR logo Our group has received funding from the Office of Naval Research to investigate degradation mechanisms of composite battery electrodes. Congratuations to the team for this achievement!!

March 1, 2017
NSF Logo Prof. Nadimpalli received the prestigious NSF CAREER award from Mechanics of Materials and Structures Program. This award funds his research on the degradation of rechargeable battery materials for the next five years. The details can be found here. Congratulations to the whole team for this recognition!!

Oct 2-5, 2016
Prof. Nadimpalli organized a symposium in 53rd SES annual meeting held at University of Maryland. Pat, Rich, Raj, and Subhajit presented their research.
Group photo at SES conference at Univ. of Maryland

(From left to right) Richard, Patrick, Siva, Subhajit, and Rajasekhar

Sep 18, 2016
Arnuparp and Raj's paper has been accepted by Journal of Power Sources, congratulations to both of you for a job well done!

Sep 16-17, 2016
Prof. Siva Nadimpalli attended symposium at Brown University (honoring Prof. Rosakis of Caltech). The following is a picture taken during the symposium.

Prof. R Narasimhan of Indian Institute of Science on the left and and Prof. Pradeep Guduru of Brown University on the right are Master's and Postdoctoral advisors of Siva Nadimpalli.

May 17, 2016
Patrick Thompson defended his masters thesis, congratulations Pat!

Aug 21, 2016

Our group has presented a paper on the real-time mechanical characterization of Li-ion battery electrodes at the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics conference in Montreal, Canada

Jul 28, 2016
Samprit Basu, visiting student, presented his summer research in a symposium organized at NJIT

Aug 6, 2015
Rajasekhar received Haythornthwaite travel grant to present a paper in IMECE 2015 conference, Congratulations!

Jul 30, 2015
Sanjana, visiting student, presents her summer research in a symposium organized at NJIT

May 1, 2015
Arnuparp, undergrad student, has been admitted to Graduate program at Columbia University, Congratulations!

Oct 8, 2014
Dr. Nadimpalli gives a seminar talk at Drexel University

Sep 8, 2014
Finally the lab space has been allocated for our group, and the Mbraun glovebox was installed.

Aug 29, 2014

Rajasekhar joins our group.

Feb 21, 2014
Dr. Nadimpalli delivers a special pennergy seminar at University of Pennsylvania.

Oct 2, 2013

Dr. Nadimpalli joins the MIE department at NJIT.

MNM Lab, Prof. Siva Nadimpalli, Office: 973 596 3678, Lab: 973 596 5667, Email: nadimpal@njit.edu
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Updated on 28 August 2018.