Amitabha Bose

    Contact Information                                                            


    Spring 2025 Courses and Office Hours

·         Math 745 Analysis: TF 10:00-11:20, CKB 314   Syllabus

·         Office Hours: Tuesday 1:30-2:30, Friday 1:30-2:30


    Research Interests


The PSA/AAUP, or simply the PSA, represents all Tenured and Tenure-track Faculty, University and Senior University Lecturers, Professors of Practice, Research Professors, Professional Staff, Full-time instructors in their adjunct capacity and Academic Administrators, up to Associate Dean with academic rank. Please visit the PSA's website for more information, including how to become a PSA member. The PSA has three elected officers serving two-year terms (2024-2026). I am honored to serve in the role of President, alongside Faculty Vice President Burt Kimmelman, and Professional Staff Vice President Mike Kehoe.


     Sample Publications

·         Zemlianova, K, Bose, A and Rinzel, J (2024) Dynamical mechanisms of how an RNN keeps a beat, uncovered with a low-dimensional reduced model, Scientific Reports 24 , 26388

·         Large, E, Roman, I Kim, J, Cannon, J, Pazdera, J, Trainor, L, Rinzel, J and Bose, A (2023) Dynamic models for musical rhythm perception and coordination, Front. Comput. Neurosci.17, 1151895.

·         Liao, G, and Bose, A, (2022) Entrainment within hierarchical circadian networks, Math Bio Sci 351, 108883.

·         Diekman, C and Bose, A , (2022) Beyond the limits of circadian entrainment: Non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder, shift work, and social jet lag, J. Theoretical Biology, 545 , 111148

·         Marcano, M, Bose, A and Bayman, P (2021) A one-dimensional map to study multi-seasonal coffee infestation by the coffee berry borer, Math Bio Sci 333, 108530

·         Bose, A, Byrne, A and Rinzel, J (2019), A neuromechanistic model for rhythmic beat generation, PLoS Computational Biology, 15(5): e1006450,  Press Release from PLOS, Coverage by Science Daily, A short summary article in SIAM News online



     Submitted Papers


     Graduate Students

     South Asian Organizations of Interest